Unveiled: bright new adventure park vision for Brooklands

17 October 2018 11:59 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Unveiled: bright new adventure park vision for Brooklands

A £2 million masterplan for the complete revival of Worthing’s Brooklands Park has been revealed.

Working with leading environment-shaping company Chris Blandford Associates, Worthing Borough Council’s proposal is to create a new Science Adventure Park with the emphasis on learning through fun, play and exploration.

With the lake freshly revived after nine months hard work, the next stage is to move towards a coherent feel for the entire area.

The vision has been developed after input from more than 800 residents. The Friends of Brooklands Park have also been actively engaged in the process.

Key features and benefits of the regeneration will include a new cafe and lakeside picnicking area at the heart of the park along with improved walks and fitness trails, areas for outdoor events and community activities, community gardens and an adventure play area.

An indoor leisure activity centre in the south west corner of the park is also outlined to ensure it remains an attractive destination all year round.

Cllr Edward Crouch, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Digital and Environmental Services, said: “These plans have yet to be put before the Council for detailed discussion but we wanted the public to see what was in mind.

“I think the masterplan is really very exciting. It makes Brooklands a fantastic green space for families to enjoy.

“The lake is sparkling after our restoration so this is the next exciting step. It proves our commitment to preserving and indeed enhancing our green spaces as well as encouraging inward investment and new visitors to our town.”

The council, working closely with Chris Blandford Associates, has used the public consultation held earlier this year as a basis for the masterplan. It has worked hard to incorporate as many of views as possible into the proposal.

Plans also include an adventure playground, community gardens, outdoor education and den building area, enhanced planting of shrubs and flowers and pond life exploration. An iconic vertical feature, such as a sculpture or wind turbine, has also been suggested.

Work is still to be done to fund the entire list of features. Sponsorship is to be sought from private businesses for some aspects, particularly technology companies given the science-based nature of the proposal.

Increased car parking spaces and coach drop off areas are envisaged as the Council seeks to make Brooklands a destination attraction once again as well as a green space local residents can be proud of.

Better links from the park to the seafront so that people can easily travel between the two are also proposed.

In a statement Chris Blandford Associates says the park aims to provide ‘stimulation of the senses for people of all ages and abilities through hands-on play and exploration including sensory play equipment, acoustic play and temporary installations which can link to the wider health and well-being agenda’.

The development of the park will take place in stages. Work could start next year with the timescale for possible completion depending on the success of attracting funds for some of the individual elements.

Anyone who wants to comment on the masterplan or the general future of the park is asked to contact Brooklands@adur-worthing.gov.uk.