Businesses urged to sign up to the gigabit revolution

23 November 2018 10:25 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Businesses urged to sign up to the gigabit revolution

Businesses across Adur and Worthing are being urged to sign up for financial help to connect their companies to the fastest, most reliable form of internet on the market.

As part of its aim to bring ultrafast broadband to our communities and boost growth, Adur & Worthing Councils is promoting the government-backed gigabit voucher scheme.

These provide small and medium sized companies, including sole traders, up to £3,000 off the cost of connecting their workplaces to internet speeds of up to 1,000 mbps.

With the new technology having the ability to transform the way some firms do business, firms are being urged to sign up before November 26, when the maximum amount which can be claimed will drop to £2,500.

Gigabit-capable services are now becoming available across West Sussex and the hope is that businesses across Worthing and Adur use the vouchers so that suppliers are encouraged to build more full fibre network. This will help to ensure our communities become super-connected.

Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Small businesses are the lifeblood of Adur with there being an 18 per cent increase in the number of firms founded since 2010.

“One of the major obstacles to these companies growing is access to good, reliable and fast broadband, which is why I am delighted that we can offer companies access to this government funding.”

Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Gigabit technology has the potential to transform the way that our companies do business, helping firms become more resilient and efficient while creating the conditions for them to grow and create jobs for local residents.

“With the clock ticking on this scheme, it’s important that firms apply now and take advantage of this funding.”

According to a recent government report faster broadband has led to a £9 billion surge in turnover for businesses, delivering £12.28 benefit for firms for every £1 invested by central and local authorities.

The ultrafast technology can provide many benefits to companies, including:

·         use multiple video conferencing systems at any one time;

·         make the best use of Cloud-based Business Applications such as file back-ups, real time collaboration, instant messaging and security features;

·         upload and download massive data files in a matter of seconds;

·         stream live web content instantly

Accessing the voucher system, which is part of a £67 million national scheme, is simple.

Those interested in a gigabit-capable broadband service should contact a registered provider approved by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

If the provider can offer the service requested, they will confirm this with DCMS, who in turn will confirm it with the applicant business.

Contractors will then connect the company to the network before DCMS make a payment on the firm’s behalf to the supplier which reflects discounted connection costs up to £3,000.

Residents can also benefit from the scheme with a voucher worth £500 as part of a group project to bring better broadband to their communities.

For more details visit this link.