Year 11 Aspire to Achieve Day

23 November 2018 10:32 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Year 11 Aspire to Achieve Day 

Friday 7th December, 11:30am - 2:00pm 

There's still time to sign up to join us. We are running an event for year 11 students on 7th December. We have an INSET day at the school and invite year 11 only who get their mock exam results and have a day of motivational speakers, mindfulness, and revision tips.

We are keen to involve the local business community to talk about different sectors, careers, employability skills, and more. 

There are 3 careers sessions between 11.45am and 2pm in which you can speak to small groups of students about your career journey, and what employers look for in new recruits.

If you are interested and available on Friday 7th December, click Sign Up to respond.

And you will be glad to hear, we have twisted our catering manager's arm, so there will be light refreshments and sandwiches.