Free workshop for employers, hosted by Greater Brighton Metropolitan College

28 November 2018 3:07 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Free workshop for employers, hosted by Greater Brighton Metropolitan College

Date: Wednesday 5th December 
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm 
Venue: Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, The Centre for Leadership, Broadwater Campus, Broadwater Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 8HJ

Why you should attend:

Due to popular demand, the college will be holding a further workshop in Decembe rto support our employer clients on ways to engage and support apprentices.

Topics covered will include recruitment strategies, fine tuning the interviewing and selection process and post appointment support startegies such as introducing a buddying and mentoring programme.

Our expert facilitator will demonstarte how to introduce an impactful apprenticeship programme and how first time line managers can be supported.

Feedback from previous workshop participants has been extremely positive: "It was certainly very useful and evoked many more questions about how we induct new staff to our organisation, so thank you!" - John Parker, Avtrade, April 2018 

Book now!
This is a free event, so we expect deamnd to be high. To secure your place, please contact: