Adur and Worthing set to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

21 January 2019 2:44 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Adur and Worthing set to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

Services to recognise Holocaust Memorial Day will take place in Adur and Worthing next Sunday (27 January) to bring communities together in remembrance of atrocities.

Civic leaders will join with residents to remember those who suffered in The Holocaust, under Nazi persecution, and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.

In memory of all those individuals, families and communities who lost their lives or faced persecution, Adur residents are invited to join Councillor Joss Loader, Chairman of Adur District Council, for a memorial service in Shoreham’s Buckingham Park from 12 noon.

In Worthing, residents are invited to join Councillor Paul Baker, Worthing Mayor, who will lead a memorial service in Beach House Park, Worthing, from 11am.

Both services will take place next to a ‘Tree of Life’, on which a wreath will be laid. The trees were planted to help remember those who died during the Holocaust and other genocides.

The national commemoration day takes place each year on 27 January. This year, a particular focus will be given to the trauma inflicted by persecution and genocide in driving people from their homes, as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s theme ‘Torn from Home’.

Cllr Loader said:

“Regardless of our background, age, faith or race, Holocaust Memorial Day gives us all an opportunity to pause and remember those who have lost their lives in the most heart-rending circumstances.

“This year, we will join in the nationwide focus on how those who have faced persecution have lost a safe space to call ‘home’. I hope that this service will provide a means to reflect and learn from the lessons of the past which must never be repeated.”

Cllr Baker said:

“‘Home’ is a place of sanctuary, yet the millions of people affected by the atrocities of genocide were forcibly removed from their place of safety. On this important day, we will join together in remembrance of the suffering of those whose lives were lost in World War Two and in subsequent genocides.”