Whytemead Primary School: Growing Minds

05 April 2019 2:38 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Whytemead Primary School: Growing Minds 

Whytemead Primary School currently has a vacancy for a co-opted governor and would welcome any interest from people in the community who are interested in joining our vibrant and inclusive governing body - even if this is just to find out a bit more information initially.

Our current governing body has a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but we all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education and experience for the children in our school.   We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:-

·         Is interested in children’s education and the performance of the school

·         Is community spirited and would like to represent the community

·         Has time and energy to give to the role

·         Is able to work well as part of a team

·         Has an enquiring mind and the confidence to ask questions and debate issues that affect the school

·         Can consider matters objectively and make informed judgements

We recognise that being a school governor is a voluntary position but it is also very rewarding, particularly given the challenges facing schools at this time.  Skills acquired as a school governor can provide a great experience and be transferable to  the ‘day job’.  Support, guidance and training  will be provided along the way.  

If you are interested or would like to find out more information, please contact Pollyhearn@aol.co.uk or visit our website to find out more about the school  www.whytemead.w-sussex.sch.uk/website