Upgrade to Southwick sports facilities approved

05 July 2019 10:22 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Upgrade to Southwick sports facilities approved

Sports enthusiasts will soon be celebrating after plans to create new football and tennis facilities at Southwick Leisure Centre were approved.

Adur District Council’s Planning Committee have approved a £287,500 proposal to transform the run-down disused courts at the back of the site in Old Barn Way.

A recreational size 3G football pitch with floodlights will be created on half of the site and be available to community groups and individuals for hire. The eastern section will also receive a major upgrade, with new surface, lines, nets and fencing giving the courts a much-needed facelift.

Councillors backed the proposal for the Council-owned facility at a meeting this week (July 1, 2019) with work on the outdoor space potentially starting this summer.

Councillor Dave Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “I’m delighted to see this proposal to transform a run-down disused space into new community facilities get the go ahead.

“This is a considerable investment in sporting facilities in the heart of our communities and I’m certain that when the new football pitches and tennis courts are complete, they will be well used by people of all ages.”

A report to councillors outlined how the current courts have been disused for a number of years with weeds and broken fencing detracting from the rest of the Southwick Recreation Ground site.

Plans for the new football pitch include 4.2 metre high rebound fences and an overhead net, along with eight metre high posts for floodlights.

Acoustic fencing will reduce the impact of noise to neighbours while the facilities will only operate from 9am to 9pm on Mondays to Fridays and 9am to 8pm on weekends and public holidays.

Councillor Carol Albury, Chairman of Adur District Council’s Planning Committee, said: “Good-quality recreation facilities are vital to support our communities which is why the committee were pleased to give their support to the proposal.

“We understand the representations raised by neighbours which is why we have ensured conditions have been added to reduce the impact of noise while clearly outlining the operating times of the facility.”