Shoreham Beach boardwalk to be extended

21 January 2020 9:23 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Shoreham Beach boardwalk to be extended

The popular boardwalk at Shoreham Beach is about to get an extension. Work will commence on the new section in February when weather permits, and continue for about three weeks. 

The new extension will stretch along an existing pathway from the existing boardwalk at Ferry Road to the concrete footpath at Beach Road to the west.

Letters informing residents of nearby properties of the proposed route were issued at the end of last year and, as the work will take place under permitted development rights, planning permission is not needed.

The existing boardwalk, which extends for a mile from Ferry Road to Shoreham Fort, has proved highly popular with walkers and has also allowed those with limited mobility and pushchairs to explore the town’s environmentally-protected shoreline. It passes through a rare habitat hosting such plants as Yellow Horned Poppy, Sea Kale and Curled Dock.

The new phase four of the boardwalk will continue to use highly durable recycled plastic and cost £95,000 to install. 

Councillor David Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing, said: “Since its inception, the boardwalk has really opened up this unique and protected stretch of beach to local residents and those with more limited mobility. I’m delighted we are about to start phase four of the scheme, which will open up even more opportunities to enjoy this public facility.”

Councillor Joss Loader, who is also chairman of the Shoreham Beach Residents’ Association, said: “Shoreham Beach is an extremely special place with a unique habitat and wonderful views. The existing boardwalk is hugely popular with residents and visitors to the beach and Adur District Council is to be applauded for the further investment.

“A lot of work has gone into making sure we use materials sympathetic to the area’s Local Nature Reserve status, ensuring the boardwalk also protects the rare plants.”

The boardwalk scheme has had the support of a range of partners including West Sussex County Council, the Environment Agency, Shoreham Port, Shoreham Residents’ Association, the Friends of Shoreham Beach and Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum.