Keep your customers coming back!

26 March 2020 11:38 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Keep your customers coming back!

Some quick and easy ways to excel with your Customers

Think about it, as a customer yourself, not only do you want a product or service that does what it promises, but you also expect a great experience during the whole buying/ownership process.

People ultimately “buy into” people, therefore as business owners we need to create an “experience” that helps ensure that our customers keep coming back. It is one of the key differentiators between us and our competition!

Here’s some quick and easy ways to excel with your customers:


A smile costs nothing and is sure to make your customers feel welcome (even if you’re speaking to them on the phone, trust me, they’ll hear it!). It sets the tone of conversation, makes you approachable and lets customers know what they can expect.

Communicate like a human being

This sounds so obvious, but its easy to get into a set pattern of words or responses to customers questions or needs. Everyone is different, so treat them that way! Make sure you use their names, be polite, make some jokes, but most of all be conversational. Find out what they need and tell them how you can help.

Respond promptly

When a client emails you, acknowledge it as quickly as possible, even if you can’t answer it fully right now. You will give them comfort by simply acknowledging it and letting them know that “you’re on it”. Leaving your clients hanging is not good for business!

Listen to your customers

Find out what they want, what they need, what they expect. The easiest way to do this; Ask questions and listen. Be present, engage with them, give them the benefit of your full attention. Look them in the eye, connect with them as a person.

Say thank you

Thank you. So simple, but so powerful. It goes beyond simple courtesy. A thank you at the right time helps build trust, and trust is fundamental to any relationship, business or otherwise.

And if something goes wrong…

Take control. Apologise and work with the customer directly to resolve the problem to the customers satisfaction.

If you would like help to develop your skills in this area please give me a call on 01273 35886 for a no obligations conversation or email me at

Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd is a management training and coaching company working with business leaders at all levels to help them develop their communication and management skills and to build effective working relationships with the people that they interact with. They can be contacted on 01273 358863 or via email at or via the web at