West Sussex County Council has introduced a free dispensation notice for all NHS Staff which will be available from the parking shop.

26 March 2020 1:02 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

West Sussex County Council has introduced a free dispensation notice for all NHS Staff which will be available from the parking shop.

The dispensation will allow NHS staff to park in pay and display bays, permit bays, shared use bays and limited waiting bays without charge or limit, this will be valid for 12 weeks.

Staff can email report.onparking@nslservices.co.uk or parking.comments@adur-worthing.gov.uk leaving their contact details and a member of staff will contact the customer back to arrange where to send the dispensation to.

In addition the borough council has suspended parking charges in Lyndhurst Road Car Parks for West Sussex Hospital staff providing a note is left in their windscreen.