Welcome to Inside Worthing Community Magazines

01 April 2020 10:30 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Welcome to Inside Worthing Community Magazines

Inside Worthing is the umbrella name as for three publications within the Worthing area. All publications are A5, full colour glossy magazines that are free of charge to the reader. With a reputation for looking good enough to keep, some readers report that they have kept all back copies! The magazines and their distribution are funded by advertising, but the real heart of the magazines is Community. Charity and Community Interest Groups who use the magazines to publicise their activities with reduced rates and often free of charge.

Inside Worthing began as Inside Broadwater in January 2017. 7000 copies are printed every month and distributed to homes and businesses in Broadwater, Charmandean and Offington.

Inside Tarring was launched in January 2018. 5500 are printed every month and distributed to homes and businesses in Tarring..

Inside Durrington was launched in October 2019 with a distribution of 7000. Although there are some similarities to the magazines, each area has it’s own community buzz.

Inside Worthing is a rather grand title for what are essentially only three areas of Worthing, however, the name is future proof. In time there are hopes to develop community magazines for East Worthing, West Worthing, Central Worthing and Goring. If any of these areas are of interest, please get in touch!”

Click here to visit Inside Worthing's website