#MY19HERO | Bringing out The Best in People:

09 April 2020 9:25 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

#MY19HERO | Bringing out The Best in People

Stephanie Young of #saydesignUK wanted to highlight how businesses have adapted during this time of Covid-19. Many of her clients where reframing their business talents, contacts and working practices, to not only survive this time of turmoil, but also support and give back to the NHS and communities. There are many positive stories out there.

  • Like the Brighton furniture manufacture now making facemasks for the NHS.
  • The independent cleaner turning her business into a team of carers.
  • The yoga teacher going online and giving free classes.
  • People with more spare time baking and delivering free bread and cakes.
  • The community support groups that have emerged.

We hear a lot about the negative things taking place, but there are so many positives arising every day. Stories of hope and change in business and the community are so important to share. Not only to promote them but also to educate and encourage others to think outside the box and do the same.

My Heroes a facebook group has been set up as a platform to share this hope.

#MY19HERO | The Best in People

So you are invited to tell your story, or to invite others that have a story to tell:

  • How has your business transformed i.e. Manufacturing, social care, going online?
  • Have you started up a new business?
  • Have you created a new community service?
  • Are you now supporting the NHS or the venerable?
  • Are you making donations through your products and services?
  • How has your service grown in these troubling times?

Please join, share and post. Sharing our stories we can encourage others, learn and recognise the #MY19HERO.