Acas newsletter - Furlough letter template | Updated Guidance | Webinars

09 April 2020 11:42 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Acas newsletter - Furlough letter template | Updated Guidance | Webinars 

Here’s a brief update on resources available to help employers during the Coronavirus pandemic. Including a new furlough letter template and an invitation to register for an upcoming Acas webinar.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme This HMRC advice page helps you find out if you’re eligible and how much you can claim to cover wages for employees on temporary leave ('furlough') due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Furlough letter template  We have produced a free-to-download template for employers to use to confirm that there is an agreement to temporarily furlough a worker or employee. Download here

Using holiday  View updated Acas guidance on using holiday, including advice on bank holidays.

Webinar recording: Coronavirus – an advisory webinar for employers 

Hosted on 7 April, this webinar provided practical advice for employers to help manage the impact of coronavirus in the workplace.   View recording

Register for our upcoming webinar  (16 April, 1pm - 2pm)

For more information visit the Acas website: