Coast to Capital support update

23 April 2020 9:31 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Coast to Capital support update

This is an update of the support that Coast to Capital LEP and the Coast to Capital Growth Hub Team can provide to businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Backing Business Grants

Following a very high demand for the Coast to Capital Backing Business Grants, the programme is currently paused for applications. 453 expressions of interest have been received for the Coast to Capital Backing Business Fund providing grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 for businesses of between 5 and 50 employees with a turnover of less than £10m. 254 application forms have been received requesting £4.383m against a fund of £2m. Coast to Capital are exploring ways to increase the Backing Business Grant Fund.

One to One Emergency Response Clinics 

Due to popular demand the Growth Hub Team are providing additional emergency response one to one clinics covering a range of key topics with experts. This Coast to Capital Growth Hub page provides links through to the Eventbrite pages for the clinics which include topics covering Finance, Grants and Funding, Staffing and HR, Innovation, Technology and Mental Resilience. These will be added to meet demand. If the clinics are fully booked businesses are invited to complete the Priority COVID-19 Business Support Request Form and the Growth Hub team will follow up with one to one advice.

Working with Partners

We are working with local and national government, business support organisations including the Chambers of Commerce, membership organisations, IOD and the Federation of Small Businesses to provide collaborative support. We are very keen to work closely with your organisation and happy to follow this up with you.

Events and Webinars

The Coast to Capital Growth Hub provides links to the wide range of webinars and online events covering key topics at this most challenging time. We are working with partners to jointly develop and promote webinars bringing together experts in their field. These will be promoted on the Growth Hub website and social media.


The Growth Hub Team continue to maintain the COVID 19 section of the Growth Hub Portal with links to the available support. We continue to collate partner information and place it in our COVID-19 Business Support area of the Coast to Capital Growth Hub. We regularly tweet from @c2cGrowthHub with news, information and events

Reporting to Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

The Coast to Capital team report issues, impacts, requests, successes and concerns to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) each Monday by 12 noon. If you have information that you want to feed in to BEIS please send it to Jon Alderman and we will include it in our analysis and reporting.