Are you one of the 'Missed Millions'? - If so please take a few minutes to complete this survey

23 April 2020 10:00 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Are you one of the 'Missed Millions'? - If so please take a few minutes to complete this survey

The 'Missed Millions' are businesses / freelancers and start-ups (under 2 years) who do not qualify for any of the current central government business support initiatives - such as SBRR and Rates Relief or Job Retention Scheme.  

Last week a call took place with the County Council, Coast 2 Capital - LEP and a couple of the local authorities in Sussex.  The objective of the call was to see how practical support can be provided to the grassroots businesses, freelancers and start-ups who have slipped through the net.

Can local funding be made available? Can we get a strong enough voice to lobby effectively?....AND can we get something going where whatever spend is being spent in the Sussex region to get channeled and driven to our grassroots economy?

There is an appetite to help and support at local level - which is a good start.  But, we NEED YOUR VOICE - if you are one of those who have 'fallen through the gaps'. 

If this is you - Can you please take 10 mins out of your day and complete the following survey:

We can’t guarantee a tangible result for you but what we can promise is your voice WILL be heard at a regional level if you complete this survey. You never know where this could take us