Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

01 May 2020 3:59 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

It’s now clearly time to plan for recovery mode.

 We’re fortunate that the government wants to listen to businesses and we plan to put some initial Adur and Worthing business feedback into government, probably via Coast to Capital LEP and Greater Brighton, during next week. We welcome feedback and ideas, be that either sector or locality based. Some headings you might like to consider when sharing your thoughts:

● What do we need to know from the government to recover our businesses?

● What future business support needs might be required?

● What have we got to help the government make decisions or support recovery (products and services)?

● Examples of collaboration that support the above

 It’s good that additional funding mechanisms have been released by the government and that further progress in issuing the grants has been achieved by the Councils. If you have any concerns or feedback to share please use and add ‘recovery feedback’ in the subject title.

 This week I would like to feature our care sector for a special mention. I’ve been fortunate to talk to some of the homes as part of Ricardo’s CSR work and I am particularly impressed by the commitment to high quality care from the managers and staff of these businesses. They are living in very challenging times doing great work.