Worthing Theatres and Museum launch short story competition themed around the mysterious ‘Highdown Goblet’.

07 May 2020 9:40 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Theatres and Museum launch short story competition themed around the mysterious ‘Highdown Goblet’.
As part of their aim to continue engaging the local community in arts and culture during the covid lockdown, Worthing Theatres and Museum have launched a short story competition for school children. They are asking children to write a short story suggesting how the ancient Highdown Goblet, part of the WTM collection, came to be buried at Highdown Hill!
The Highdown Goblet is one of Sussex's great archaeological mysteries! Made in Egypt, but with Greek writing and found buried on the Sussex coast with a possibly Germanic settler. Mysterious right?
So mysterious there are no definitive answers! So WTM are asking children to get creative and write a short story to explain how the fragile glass goblet ended up there. Was it bought and sold many times over, stolen or given as a gift to a weary traveller, or maybe there was magic, aliens or time travellers involved?
Let your imagination run wild and create the most unique and magical story you can, don’t worry it doesn’t have to be historically accurate!
More details on the Highdown Goblet and Highdown Hill can be found on their website at wtam.uk/stories/highdown-goblet-story/.
Stories should be less than 500 words and winners will be selected from three age groups: 7 and under, 8-11, and 12-16. The closing date is Wednesday 3rd June 2020 and winners will receive 4 tickets to the family show of their choice! Entries can be emailed to marketing@wtam.uk.
Find out more about the competition on their website at wtam.uk/stories/highdown-goblet-story/. Entries can be submitted via marketing@wtam.uk or via their social media @wtmworthing.