Coronavirus Business Support Guide

14 May 2020 12:39 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne 

In the last few days we have had a lot from the government. Some of it broad headlines, some lacking detail and some follow-up which is useful.

There is much to absorb.  My personal views on these are

  • We do at least have a framework and pass/fail criteria for coming out of lock down
  • The “Covid-19 secure” workplace document sets are clearly written and based on the type of workplace.  These are useful – it helps us work out how to address social distancing in the workplace
  • Like many, I am not sure how the primary schools opening on 1 June will work – that has a lot of impact on employee’s ability to return to work
  • The plans for secondary schools are probably more manageable
  • The phasing of work start times needs a lot of coordination – who is going to do that?
  • The new guidance on traffic management with an emphasis on walking and cycling is interesting – we wait to see how this plays out in reality and when
  • With the combination of low public transport capacity and “work from home if you can”, we may get significant local traffic challenges from September - assuming schools are operating more normally
  • The extension and flexibility of the Job Retention Scheme is good news, particularly for the sectors which will take longest to recover

What are we doing about it?

We continue to want your feedback so we can feed in at various levels (please use the email below). Feedback will also go into a letter to government about what we think and what we need – that will go out next week. We understand most of you are very (and rightly) focused on your businesses and issues of today and tomorrow – wider perspectives also help a lot.

We have approached WSCC Highways and Highways England to understand the plans for our locality for the whole road network, thinking about the current network and September traffic flows. We want to be early adopters and get some pilot project funding. We have some challenging locations where there is not enough road, pavement and cycle lane space.

We keep listening and trying to understand what government is saying and what you think

What can you do to help?

  • Contribute to the Chambers’ surveys - click here to complete the survey
    Feedback into the Council (below) on any points mentioned above – ideas and concerns
  • Particularly share your views on loans and grants and how they are working
  • Give us your thoughts on staggered workplace start times and how they might work in your business
  • Share your challenges and thoughts around recovery
Thanks to those who have provided feedback so far - please keep feedback coming to