Employment law update and HR news from Acas South East

22 June 2020 12:41 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Employment law update and HR news from Acas South East

Workplace news

NHS test and trace guidance for the workplace: the Department of Health and Social Care have published guidance on the NHS test and trace service which explains how employers and workers can play their part. The guidance provides an overview of how the system works and how it can impact on the workplace...read more.

NHS test and trace: workplace guidance.


EHRC guidance - ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employers’: the guidance provides examples of particularly risky decisions, such as deciding which employees are asked to work from home, who to furlough, who to make redundant, or who to ask to take front-line roles. The EHRC has also updated its guidance...read more

EHRC guidance - ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employers.


Updated coronavirus (COVID-19) - advice for employers and employees: we now have a dedicated coronavirus advice landing page which features all the advice we have around coronavirus including, working safely, furlough and pay, holiday and leave, sick pay for self isolation, mental health and more...read more.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for employers and employees.

Upcoming digital training events                    

07/07 Managing discipline and grievance

09/07 Employment law update

10/07 Transition from lock down: key employment considerations

14/07 Employment law update

15/07 Redundancy - getting it right

16/07 Managing discipline and grievance

17/07 Employment law update

23/07 Transition from lock down: key employment considerations

24/07 Redundancy - getting it right

27/07 Managing discipline and grievance          

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