Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

22 June 2020 2:49 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

I am pleased that opening of retail started today and wish all in that sector a safe opening and good footfall. I managed to walk around Shoreham at lunch time today and was pleased to see a lot of activity in the sunshine.

We continue to see small steps on re-opening, and it seems to me that there is more listening to science in No10 than there was a few weeks ago, but also a lot of pressure to reduce from 2m – we will see how that plays out.

When it comes to things local, I am pleased to see many things were approved by the Joint Strategic Committee of the Councils last Tuesday.

It’s good that we have two schemes in the West Sussex application of pop-up cycle-ways and I hope they are approved quickly. One thing I like about the funding, is that it will be taken away if the scheme is not started within 4 weeks. These schemes are a good start – they need executing well so we earn the right to ask for more. It will be interesting to see how they work in practice.

There is still far too little on what the “new normal” will be. I did take a few hints from Lord Grimstone – BEIS/DIT Minister for Investment in a webinar I joined last Wednesday. My notes – not direct quotes.

Let’s hope retail recovery has a good first week and we hear more on how hospitality will open up so that sector can properly plan. If you can – buy local – we need to look after each other.

Let’s also hope that the secondary school reopen for years 10 and 12 is successful – I know there has been a lot of planning for this in all the schools and colleges.

Please keep the feedback coming to