Freedom Works - 'Flexible Passes'

24 June 2020 8:39 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Freedom Works - 'Flexible Passes' 

Freedom Works, like most of us  have been massively impacted by the economic bulldozer bestowed on us by Covid-19.  That said, their focus is to ensure that they maintain their Coworking spaces across Sussex.

Based on feedback within the business community they are really proud to announce the launch of their new 'flexible passes' which can be used by 'individuals' and 'teams', for those now having to work from home.  These 'passes' are aimed at individuals and companies, where they can;

  • Use ANY of our Freedom Work spaces 24/7
  • Can combine home working with the healthy interaction with likeminded souls
  • Work in a Covid Safe collaborative and peer supporting environment.