Worthing Observation Wheel set to return to the seafront

29 June 2020 11:42 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Observation Wheel set to return to the seafront

The Worthing Observation Wheel (WOW) is set to roll into town next week ahead of opening again for the summer in early July.

With the government announcing restrictions for open air attractions will soon be lifted, the private operator de Koning Leisure Ltd will start erecting the wheel on the seafront opposite Montague Place from Monday (June 29).

Construction is set to take seven days with a section of the promenade being temporarily closed or partially narrowed to allow the specialist team to safely install the structure.

It will mean that in just over a week the WOW will start turning again, offering visitors the chance to hop in a pod for unparalleled views of the town, downs and English Channel from 46 metres up in the air.

The operator has pledged to ensure strict social distancing measures and regular cleaning of communal areas are in place to ensure the attraction remains safe for all visitors.

Worthing Borough Council, which is responsible for the seafront, welcomed the news and hoped it would act as a catalyst to bring people safely back into the town centre to boost local businesses.

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “The WOW was undoubtedly a huge hit last year, becoming a landmark which attracted tens of thousands of visitors to the town and helped bring money into the local economy, as well as creating an impromptu photography competition between local residents and enthusiasts alike.

“While times have changed, the attraction of heading to the seafront and going on a large observation wheel remains. I’m sure there will be plenty of people wanting to take a ride so they can peer at the town from a different perspective.

“Obviously there will be a little bit of inconvenience as the WOW is constructed in the next week or so. We ask for patience during this time, as a section of the prom will need to be closed or narrowed to allow this excellent addition to the seafront to be installed for the summer.”

The Council entered into a three-year lease arrangement with de Koning Leisure Ltd last year. This allows the WOW to operate for a six to nine month period between April and October before it is dismantled for the winter. 

More than 40,000 people went for a ride on the attraction last year when it operated from July through to October.

The Council continues to incur minimal costs for bringing the WOW to town with de Koning paying for all construction and operating costs as well as assuming all trading risk.

For a full FAQs on the WOW, which includes details on ticketing and installation, visit: www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/wow/