Brand new free 1-2-1 sessions & workshops

07 July 2020 3:20 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Brand new free 1-2-1 sessions & workshops

Our popular How to Start a Start-up boot camp is back in an all-new format of six daily two-hour sessions. This workshops series is open to anyone aged 18+ so if you know anyone with a business idea or who is facing redundancy or extended furlough - tell them to book a place. Click here to book. 

Our all-new Action Learning workshops also kick-off this month - if you own a pre-start or early-stage business, this is a brilliant opportunity to submit a topic to our business experts and then to discuss it with them live. These free sessions are open to a maximum of eight business owners - so book quickly! Click here to book

Our expert delivery partner, the Sussex Innovation Centre launches its Lead Out of Lockdown series of personalised 1-2-1 mentoring sessions and coaching interventions across a range of topics from Stress Testing Your Business Model to Media Training For a Noisy World. Click here to book. 

If you're looking for ways to fund your business, our Funding My Business workshop will show you the range of options available and coach you in how to get them. From July 20th we have an entire week of workshops dedicated to helping to improve your business finances delivered by the Dorset Growth Hub. Click here to book.