Worthing Town Updates

13 July 2020 1:30 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Town Updates

Non-essential Retail

The reopening of non-essential retail businesses went well; and although there were a few queues on the first day these have now settled down. Many retailers are telling us they are pleased with footfall and sales since reopening and are optimistic about the future.

Business Crime has been lower as shoplifters don't like to queue but we are seeing some of our prolific offenders turning their attention to independent businesses so please stay alert. Don't forget you can join the Town Centre business crime prevention scheme at no cost and this will give you access to information and photographs of known offenders via the DISC system. If you want to find out more please email steve@worthingtowncentre.co.uk

Centre for Cities are tracking the larger Towns and Cities recovery for the Government and I am pleased to say Worthing is in the Top 10 at the moment. If you want to keep an eye on how the town is faring in comparison with others click here.

Hospitality & Hairdressers re-opening

Its only 2 sleeps until Hospitality and Hairdressing businesses can open their doors again. I know many have been working extremely hard to get everything in place for the big day; however, some have decided not to open on 4th but to wait until later in the week.

Some concerns have been raised about the reopening being a Saturday night when staff are getting used to new ways of working with a higher footfall. Some of the larger pub chains have delayed opening and so be aware this may put pressure on those deciding to open.

Don't forget the Council has closed some roads to aid social distancing but this space is available to businesses to use for outside seating provided the correct licenses are in place.

These closures are now in place

  • Montague Place
  • Portland Road (Montague St to Chandos Road)
  • Montague Street (Crescent Road to Surrey Street)

WSCC will be dealing with all applications for Tables & Chairs; click here for more information and to apply. If you sell alcohol and the area is not adjacent to your premises it may require a full licensing application to serve these tables so please refer to the licensing team for advice on this.

The Councils are keen to support businesses and they have waived all fees for outside seating this year. Every application for seating on the Highway will look at social distancing before it can be approved so unfortunately this will mean some business locations may not be able to accommodate new or increased seating.

Hairdressers and other businesses are advised to remember the risks of legionella with water supplies not being used for an extended time. Click here for some guidance on how to re-open safely that may help.

For more information visit www.worthingtowncentre.co.uk