Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

13 July 2020 1:57 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

I hope that all those in the hospitality industry that have reopened in the past week have done so safely and successfully.  We all appreciate there has been challenging times and much learning will be happening over the next few weeks. The additional support from the Chancellor should also assist – let’s hope the new schemes and VAT change are easy to implement.

We know from partners that the first weekend was generally successful for the local businesses -  which is an encouraging start.   

It will be interesting to see how the relaxation on foreign travel develops to provide overseas tourist footfall.  

When looking around the world including the UK, its wise to remember that lockdowns can happen very quickly in localities and we should all be working to minimise the chances of this happening in our area, but being prepared to react if we have to. From what I understand the Resilience Forums are well prepared for this, including potential second waves in the autumn. Lets all do our best to ensure it doesn’t happen in our area. 

Clearly the recent announcements from the chancellor on home improvements are opportunities for some local businesses and for retraining. We wish all those in this sector a local success.  We will be looking at how ‘Buy Local’ can be communicated. 

Now that we know the governments plans for school reopening in September it will be interesting to see how each school or college plans to meet the guidelines and how this impacts traffic flows in September.  As businesses we all need to know how this will affect our employees ability to work.

Yesterday’s news from the Culture secretary will also help the leisure sector and give people an opportunity improve their well-being. I hope all the publicly supported and commercial provision can open on time to the maximum permitted capacity.