Safe in Sussex’s annual Shocking Shirts & Funky Frocks Day goes ahead virtually

22 July 2020 12:40 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Safe in Sussex’s annual Shocking Shirts & Funky Frocks Day goes ahead virtually

At the end of June Safe in Sussex went ahead with their Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks Day virtually.

Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks is held the last Friday of June which coincides with National Cream Tea Day.

We kicked off the day on Facebook sharing a medley that Noel Lincoln a pianist made for us just for Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks Day.

Many people and organisations got involved virtually from individual businesses like Zorina Bradshaw from Tickety-Box , Jess Haslett with her Kinesiology business and Liz Ranger from Arise Ltd.  Kate Henwood of Kate Henwood Photography made delicious cream teas enabling people to participate in National Cream Tea Day

All the branches of Santander Bank in Sussex and Surrey participated. Emily Wild, Community Hub Director said “  For me, getting involved with the Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks day throughout the Santander branches in Sussex and Surrey was an opportunity to raise awareness for colleagues and customers of domestic abuse and how the charity supports people in these circumstances.

As a high street bank our role has never been more important to support customers and raising awareness of domestic abuse including financial abuse which can be identified in our roles.  This event enabled us to educate our teams, communities and in turn be able to support our customers who may be a victim of domestic abuse.   In addition, we were able to have some fun in our very different attire and raise funds in branches through conversations with customers regarding the great work the charity provides”.

Also members of the South Coast Business Networking and Mumpreneur Networking Club took part in Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks as they held their meetings but via Zoom now.  The Mumpreneurs Networking Club have been amazing at supporting Safe in Sussex throughout the Covid-19 pandemic raising £500 last month when they held a record-breaking virtual networking meeting of 100 people on Zoom.  

Debbie West Community Fundraiser for Safe in Sussex said “We have had to change how we fundraise due to Covid-19, making use of virtual opportunities.  We are delighted and thankful that despite this many people took part in our Shocking Shirts and Funky Frocks Day and helped raise awareness of our work.”

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