Latest issue of ThriveAW magazine celebrates the community spirit in Adur and Worthing during the pandemic

20 August 2020 9:04 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Latest issue of ThriveAW magazine celebrates the community spirit in Adur and Worthing during the pandemic

The community spirit of Adur and Worthing and extraordinary working partnerships between the Councils, local groups and businesses - as demonstrated during the COVID crisis - are the central themes in the latest issue of ThriveAW magazine. 

The 28-page magazine is produced by Adur & Worthing Councils to promote the work underway to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities. 

The summer 2020 issue leads with a story about the emergency response which was put into action at the start of the pandemic to support almost 2,000 vulnerable residents of Adur and Worthing. It also focuses on the vital role played by 500 volunteers, who signed up to support the community during the COVID crisis. They  provided a range of support, including shopping, collecting medicines and being someone to talk to for those who were living alone. 

This includes the story of 82-year-old June Cooper, who contacted Adur & Worthing Councils’ Community Response Helpline, which was set up to support vulnerable residents during the pandemic. She was paired with a volunteer called Annie, who according to June has been her lifeline: 

“It’s the little things like going to the shops to buy some cheese and onion flavoured crisps, when I couldn’t get them online, that I wouldn’t be able to do without Annie’s help,” said June.

“As I live on my own it’s been reassuring to know that I’ve had someone to turn to if I’ve needed help.”

The magazine also reports on a range of projects underway to protect young people from exploitation. This includes a ‘transition to high school’ mentoring programme, a time of life when young people are particularly at risk of being exposed to violence, sexual abuse and exploitation. It also highlights the important work of partner groups and organisations who are delivering projects to improve the health and wellbeing of residents. 

Cllr Carson Albury, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Customer Services, said: 

“I have been particularly struck by the response we received to our volunteer drive during the COVID crisis - as we go forward, we are keen to see how we can harness this energy to maintain the connections that people have made, and build on the community spirit that has been borne out of this crisis.” 

Cllr Val Turner, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing said: 

“We have seen first hand how our communities have pulled together in response to the COVID pandemic - the Councils, our partner organisations and the mutual aid groups all working to support local residents. 

“We know that for many, the impact of the pandemic is far from over, but with the help of our partner organisations we will continue to help our communities through these challenging times.”

To read the magazine in full, visit