Small Business Growth Grant

03 September 2020 2:26 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Small Business Growth Grant 

The Small Business Growth Grant is available to local micro businesses of up to 10 employees. Grants of up to £2,500 are available, with a 50% match funding contribution required (exclusive of VAT).

For example, if you want to purchase some equipment that costs £1,500 - a contribution of £750 would be required from your own funds and you can apply for £750 from the grant fund. Any added VAT would not be refunded and is not counted within the project cost.

You must be able to demonstrate how the project will develop your business and what difference it will make.

Payment will be retrospective. Applicants will need to ensure they have total funds available upfront and are in a position to commence the project straight away. Once approved, applicants will also be required to supply relevant paid invoices within 30 days. 

Click here to read the Small Business Grants Guidance Notes 

Apprenticeship Grant

The Apprenticeship Grant is available to individual businesses of up to 50 employees. A one off payment of £1,000 per apprentice is available towards the cost of taking on an apprentice. Individual businesses can apply for up to two grants.

Click here to read the Apprenticeship Grant Guidance Notes