Cue for QR codes: businesses urged to support Test and Trace

21 September 2020 12:19 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Cue for QR codes: businesses urged to support Test and Trace

Businesses and venues across Adur and Worthing are being urged to create a QR code to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

As part of the government’s new measures on suppressing the disease, a range of firms - including those in hospitality, close contact and leisure - are now required by law to keep customer details for 21 days. 

This is to support the national Test and Trace system and roll out of the NHS COVID-19 app which goes live across England and Wales on Thursday (September 24). 

As part of that it will be mandatory for hospitality, leisure and close contact businesses, as well as places of worship and public buildings, to display a unique QR Code in their premises. 

Details on generating a code are at

Codes will then need to be clearly displayed (either on a screen or printed off as a poster) so that visitors can use the app to scan the code when they arrive.

In addition to those required by law to display a unique QR code, other venues visited by members of the public are encouraged to follow suit.

Cllr David Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing, said: “We would urge all businesses to ensure that they have robust mechanisms in place to support contact tracing. This data is vitally important in helping us to manage and support them in the case of any workplace outbreak, as well as the wider efforts to suppress the virus.”

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “We have seen that businesses have continued to put a high level of measures in place and this has made a real difference in keeping people safe in Worthing.

“We would really like to thank everyone for their cooperation and support in achieving this. But as the government has made clear, now is not the time for complacency so it’s vital that we all play our part in keeping our communities safe.”

For information on the NHS COVID-19 app (including how to download it), visit:

For further details, including links updated and simplified COVID-19 Secure guidance, visit