Message from Tim Loughton MP

01 October 2020 12:49 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from Tim Loughton MP

Welcome to my first constituency e-newsletter of the Autumn term and it has been non-stop since Parliament returned on September 1st. In fact August was the busiest I have known it and although it was more difficult to hold constituency events the amount of correspondence and calls to do with COVID more than made up for it. As a result there were no Loughton family holidays in the summer which was probably just as well as so many foreign destinations then got put into quarantine.

I have been deluged with a  lot of concerned emails about the UK Internal Market Bill, renewal of the Coronavirus emergency  Bill and other legislation and I share those concerns and have spoken out on them. I am glad to say that in most cases the Government has listened and made changes, although still not enough to please everyone. In most cases I have published blogs on my Facebook page or incorporated my views in my weekly videos.

To cap it all this week we were also hit with a rather badly misinformed piece in the Times claiming that all the bars in the House of Commons were not bound by the new regulations to close at 10pm. In fact all the bars in the House of Commons have been closed completely since March so staying open until 10pm like the rest of the country would be something of a bonus! The Speaker of the House of Commons had already announced that none of the restaurants or reopened bars would serve after 10pm anyway but that did not stop a lot of angry comments on social media about ‘one law for MPs another for the rest of us.’ Alas you can’t legislate for shoddy journalism and stories about MPs and alcohol always make good copy however inaccurate and unfair.

In the constituency I have been very busy in Southwick in particular. I am pleased to say that we got the Southwick Square post office opened again after an extended closure, although not quite full time yet. I am also working with local residents to see if we can save the Stepping Stones Nursery in Fishersgate which is threatened with closure because of dwindling numbers of children and we have a temporary reprieve. I am very pleased to say that we have persuaded St John Ambulance to reconsider its proposal to close Southwick St John Ambulance HQ which is used by many in the community. It is also one of the most active in the country. As long as we can help raise money to repair the roof it can stay open and I will be announcing details of an appeal soon. We have also had details of new proposals for improvements on the A27 which again I am keen will be published soon.

So lots going on and as long as we all remember to follow the COVID regulations and we will all get through this together, sooner rather than later.

Best wishes 

Tim Loughton MP