Update from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

01 October 2020 1:30 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Update from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

It’s a while since we shared one of these blogs, having taken a bit of break over the summer and looked at the style and frequency. We are now aiming for every 3-4 weeks.
So what we have today is a modest refresh and we will also issue new material if there is a significant policy change, new scheme or local issue that needs sharing urgently.
The good news is that its shorter with a focus on links to the underlying material.
We are very much in recovery mode with an eye on more strategic matters and preparing for a relapse if infection rates increase.
The economic intelligence work from Hatch, which is funded by a number of bodies including our councils is enlightening and being regularly refreshed.

As well as the links below, please subscribe to the Covid updates from BEIS.  They are helpful, as are the weekly updates from WSCC on infection rates - they go down to council area.

Some key thoughts;

  • The rule of six is with us – lets support our hospitality colleagues with safety being out and about and, given what we know about the age distribution of infection rates, contribute to encouraging good behaviour for our younger employees
  • Pop up cycle lines are with us – please share you views with your County Councillor.  We need the right schemes in the right places – I am lobbying to early review and better consultation
  • The schools are back – as a governor of one, and with a teacher in my family, I would like to thank the staff of all our educational establishments - early years to colleges for the amount of work they have done over the summer and hope their risk assessments don’t need too much updating
  • Once we know what Brexit actually will be in terms of detail, we will all need to check our contingency plans and plan for what will actually happen – the ongoing noisy public negotiation and lack of certainty does not help any business
  • We need to continue to work on supporting those without jobs with retraining. The Business partnership is working out how best it can contribute to this
  • There are lots of sources of help for those in businesses, particularly the new and smaller businesses - please use the sources below – also please consider if FSB or Chamber membership would be good for you
  • We don’t yet have an autumn budget date – there will be a lot to absorb
  • There is background work on A27 happening – more on that in the future – we will be pushing for increased business focused consultation
  • Don’t forget the green recovery – how will your business maximise the opportunity?
Finally – you and you employees are your business’ greatest asset – look after each other and use some of the wellbeing services that are available