Bennett Griffin Family Law Clinics

29 October 2020 11:04 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Bennett Griffin Family Law Clinics 

Bennett Griffin understand that the breakdown of a relationship can be one of the most traumatic events in your life. During the Covid-19 lockdown, they continued to receive requests from people looking for advice on an impending breakdown, or those who were in the middle of divorce proceedings or any family-related legal process.

With that in mind, they began to host regular Family Law Clinics, held every Friday between 10am and midday. These sessions, bookable via our dedicated area on their website, offered the chance to speak to our Family Law team on an informal basis, to discuss potential issues or allay any concerns they may have. Given that we were all in lockdown, all sessions took place via Zoom, Whatsapp or the video/phone application that was most convenient. The feedback was superb and the demand just as good.

Jackie Mensah, who has led the clinics was delighted with the weekly sessions commented: “Often just having the opportunity to have a quick chat with an expert about the crucial issues can provide much needed clarity and reassurance. It is easy to fit the 15 minutes advice session into a busy day and its impact and benefits are long-term and invaluable.”

The past few months have been extremely challenging for us all and uncertainty will continue for some time, especially as our children return to school and many of us return to the office or from furlough. With that in mind, as well as the clear continued demand for advice and support, they have decided to continue to hold the weekly Family Advice Clinics.

These will continue to be every Friday morning from 10am-12pm (availability pending) and those looking to book their initial 15 minute slot can do so by heading to our dedicated Family Advice page.

To book an appointment, simply navigate to or call our team on 01903 229999.