The Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) - Quarter 4 is now live.

09 November 2020 1:14 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

The Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) - Quarter 4 is now live.

The QES carried out by the British Chambers is the largest independent business survey in the UK and a significant economic indicator. We are asking all Sussex businesses to complete the survey. 

QES findings are vital in the BCC’s and Sussex Chamber’s lobbying efforts because they are broken down to individual accredited chamber-level, making sure your voice is properly heard both nationally and locally on the issues that matter.

The results of the QES are published in advance of official figures and other private surveys and it consistently mirrors trends in official data. The results help influence the Bank of England and central Government.
We encourage you to take just a couple of minutes to complete this extremely important economic survey.

All data is treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to a third party.

Once you click the link, make sure to select ‘South East: Sussex’ from the ‘Which Chamber’ section. 

Click here to start the survey