Equipping Your Legal Toolbox For Later Life

19 November 2020 10:42 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Equipping Your Legal Toolbox For Later Life

2020 has been an unexpected challenge for so many and for so many different and personal reasons. Businesses and individuals alike have been affected and we at Bennett Griffin have not been immune to the challenges that Covid-19 has presented.

We have received a great number of enquiries from both existing and new clients with various questions that have arisen from the impact of Covid-19.  These range from looking to review and create Wills, Powers of Attorney and Trusts to a desire to ensure assets are secured and their legacy is maximised and simplified for their family and future generations. Sadly, it has been all too apparent that people have to make quick and difficult decisions about their loved ones care needs as well as the benefit of having thought through plans in place in advance of these difficulties.

At Bennett Griffin we regularly present information sessions on the importance of ensuring your ‘legal toolbox’ is up to date and equipped for life’s uncertainties.

For example, have you had any existing Power of Attorney checked to ensure that it is still fit for purpose? Have you created a comprehensive Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) as well as a Financial one? Have you purchased, or do you even know about Lasting Power of Attorney Bonds and their benefits? Do you need to make a change to your Will to anticipate potential care needs of your spouse or partner, or are you part of the majority who don’t even have a Will yet? What about your preferences and wishes for your health and future care? Have you received advice on key “legal tools” such as Option A and Option B in a Health and Welfare LPA, Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR), Advanced Directives or Statements of your Wishes? These are all important considerations before you even move into exploring the options for care provision and care funding!

Navigating the legal and care sector can be confusing and draining, therefore it is critical that not only do you ensure that your legal toolbox is up to date, but that you have had the benefit of specialist, clear advice from an experienced and accredited advisor. Thankfully, we are experienced and here to help you understand the various options and make informed decisions.

Our specialist team at Bennett Griffin is headed up by Ian Macara, our experienced Partner and one of just 71 panel deputies in England and Wales accredited by the Court of Protection. In addition, he is a full member of SFE (Solicitors for the Elderly), a Dementia Friends Champion, a full member of the prestigious STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) and on the Steering Committee of Dementia Friendly Worthing.

Do you have any questions or wish to speak to Ian or his excellent team about your ‘legal toolbox’? We’d love to hear from you by contacting us on 01903 229999 or by emailing: mailto:info@bennett-griffin.co.uk