Post-lockdown boost for traders as safe towns measures reviewed

10 December 2020 1:20 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Post-lockdown boost for traders as safe towns measures reviewed

A range of temporary measures introduced in town centres across Adur and Worthing over the summer will be removed as part of wider work to support the economy post-lockdown.

Adur & Worthing Councils shut a small number of streets and suspended some parking bays in key shopping areas in June to ensure visitors had confidence they would have plenty of space for social distancing.

With compliance high and COVID rates in both areas are relatively low, the Councils have reviewed all the measures and agreed to lift more than half in the coming days.

The aim is to aid economic recovery in the area while supporting the wider #WinterWelcomeAW campaign, which encourages people to get outdoors, support local businesses and stay safe now lockdown restrictions have been lifted.

In Lancing, parking restrictions in North Road will be removed. Meanwhile in Shoreham the northern section of East Street will be reopened to traffic and parking suspensions in High Street and Brunswick Road will be lifted. The road traffic diversion in St Mary’s Road will also be removed.

In Worthing, the kerbside parking restriction in Portland Road will be lifted but the southern end of the road will remain closed to traffic.

Montague Place and Montague Street West will remain temporarily closed to vehicles to allow neighbouring hospitality businesses the chance to use the area for outdoor tables and chairs. There remains no charge for this license.

The Safe Towns measures will continue to be regularly reviewed by council officers to ensure a balance of supporting the local economy while promoting COVID safe measures.

Cllr Brian Boggis, Adur District Counci’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “The measures in Shoreham and Lancing were only ever temporary and designed to give visitors confidence they could maintain social distancing when using their local high street.

“With rates low and compliance extremely high, we feel now is the time to lift them - particularly as traders spoke of the importance of short-stay parking bays close to their shops. 

“But this is no time for complacency when it comes to public health. We continue to urge residents and visitors to observe social distancing measures and follow mask-wearing rules so we can keep the virus under control.”

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Our town centre businesses, like a number of sectors out there, have been hit hard by COVID which is why we are doing all we can to make it easier and safer for people to visit them now national restrictions have been lifted. 

“I would like to thank the public for the high level of compliance we have seen in Worthing. This partial lifting of restrictions will allow visitors to maintain social distancing in busier areas while improving direct access to traders in Portland Road.

“I also want to remind businesses that if they need and support or advice on reopening after COVID, we have expert teams on hand to help.”

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