Councils step up to fund festive displays to boost town centres

10 December 2020 2:04 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Councils step up to fund festive displays to boost town centres

Adur & Worthing Councils are providing a seasonal boost to traders by ensuring spectacular Christmas trees bring cheer to town centres.

Despite the COVID pandemic, the Councils have stepped up to source and provide five evergreens to give its high streets a much-needed festive lift.

It forms part of the #WinterWelcomeAW campaign, which is being run by the Councils to encourage people to get out and support the local economy now national lockdown restrictions have been lifted.

Festive trees have already popped up in Southwick Square and East Street in Shoreham. They will be accompanied by a series of lights adorning the main parades in both areas, which are funded by Adur District Council.

The Shoreham tree is sponsored by Fitzhugh Gates Solicitors, who pitched in to help spread festive cheer in the town centre.

Cllr Brian Boggis, the Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “We know it's been a challenging year for everyone but we wanted to keep up the Christmas cheer to support our valued businesses through the festive period.”

This week three further trees have been popping up in Worthing. 

The fir in South Street Square has been sponsored by Empire Construction and will be officially switched on later this week. 

Christmas trees have also appeared outside Worthing Town Hall and in Montague Place emblazoned with Time for Worthing banners as part of the town brand launched earlier this year.

Along with Christmas lights, which have been paid for by local businesses and stretch from Brighton Road to Heene Road, the town is aglow with seasonal spirit.

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “By funding these trees, we hope to bring some well-needed festive cheer to Worthing town centre after a difficult year for all. I would like to thank Empire Construction for helping us make the South Street Square display possible.”

All the trees will be sourced sustainably from Balcombe Estate Sawmill near Haywards Heath.

The news comes as part of the Councils’ wider efforts to give businesses a festive boost by working with Worthing Town Centre Initiative and other traders’ groups.

That includes distributing £3 million of Government-funded financial support to businesses in the area affected by the second coronavirus lockdown.