Coast to Capital Growth Hub – Brexit Transition Newsletter

21 December 2020 12:53 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Coast to Capital Growth Hub – Brexit Transition Newsletter

December 2020

Check what actions you need to take

The UK has left the EU. As we transition, your business needs to prepare for the changes that will affect the way you trade. The transition period ends on Thursday 31 December 2020

This newsletter covers some of the actions you need to take and where to find support, including on the website. For example:

  • the way you can move goods across the border with the EU;
  • how you provide services in EU markets;
  • the immigration status of your workforce.

Prepare for changes to importing and exporting

If you are importing or exporting, you will need to take a number of actions to prepare:

Sector-specific letters

Letters from the Business Secretary detailed below, provide tailored advice on what key actions your business must take. These include links which will direct you to government resources, where you can view the online transition checker, sector specific webinars and access further guidance.

Trading with Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Protocol comes into effect on Friday 1 January 2021 and entails new administrative processes for traders, notably new digital import declaration requirements, and digital safety and security information, for goods entering Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.

The UK Government has established a new, free service, the Trader Support Service (TSS) which will provide an end-to-end service to guide traders through all import processes and can also be used to complete digital declarations, at no additional cost.

Recruitment from January 2021

Starting Friday 1 January 2021, free movement will end and the UK will introduce a points-based immigration system. The new system will introduce job, salary and language requirements that will impact your ability to hire from the EU. The Home Office podcast for businesses explains the new immigration system. Likewise, for more details on:

  • Recruiting workers from outside the UK visit here
  • Recruiting EU citizens who already live in the UK visit here

Providing services to EU markets

UK businesses and professionals will be treated by the EU as originating from a ‘third country’ from January 2021. This means that there will be different rules that you need to comply with. The precise rules will depend on which Member State and what sector or sectors you operate in.

To find out more search ‘selling services to the EU’ on the website and for information on Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein visit here

VAT and overseas goods sold online and directly to customers

Additional guidance has been issued to help you understand your VAT responsibilities and what you may have to pay if goods are sold overseas:


We have listed a few business support events below that focus on Brexit Transition advice and guidance. To see our complete list of events please visit the Growth Hub events page.