Worthing Theatres and Museum first crowdfunding campaign exceeds all expectations, raising £17, 164 for the charity

21 January 2021 10:18 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Theatres and Museum first crowdfunding campaign exceeds all expectations, raising £17, 164 for the charity
Worthing Theatres and Museum have thanked their supporters and join with them to celebrate the the success of their first ever crowdfunding campaign, closing on Friday 15th January and achieving over £17,000 in donations.
The crowdfunding campaign  Save Worthing Theatres and Museum, in just over seven weeks, with over 430 donors achieved 171% of the original target of £10,000. The campaign launched on 18 November as part of the Theatres Trust nationwide #SaveOurTheatres campaign. 
The national campaign was designed to raise valuable funds to support theatres throughout the country.  Worthing Theatres and Museum were one of the most recent to sign up for the scheme. Exceeding their original target, with over a week remaining WTM set an additional £5k stretch target so supporters could continue to raise more much needed funds for the charity, which their community once again exceeded. 
Amanda O’Reilly, CEO, Worthing Theatres and Museum said: 
Our community's response has surpassed all our aspirations, a huge thank you to those who have donated and for their lovely messages of support, they have really inspired the team. We couldn’t have done this without the generous support of the artists, comedians, musicians and celebrities who gave their time and voice to support the campaign. This financial boost, together with the government support of the Cultural Recovery Fund, means we can begin to look forward and plan WTM’s return bringing our community the programme of arts, film and heritage we know they love.
Before the third lockdown, WTM had been working hard to reopen their venues step by step and safeguard as many jobs as possible as a priority to ensure the future survival of WTM. With the capacity for socially distanced events at the Connaught Theatre, Connaught Studio, Assembly Hall, Pavilion Theatre and Worthing Museum vastly reducing the charities income, WTM reached out to their community towards raising a proportion of the additional funds needed to help WTM recover over the next year. You can view the journey of the charity’s campaign and see the remarkable support and comments from donors on WTM’s crowdfunder page.