5 Rings has been invited by Zen to officially help with the very exciting roll out of Gigabit broadband connections to residential households in the Worthing area.

22 January 2021 1:48 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

5 Rings has been invited by Zen to officially help with the very exciting roll out of Gigabit broadband connections to residential households in the Worthing area.

This will transform Worthing into one of the world’s best digitally connected cities.

Zen will be working with City Fibre who will be installing new cables from the Worthing exchanges to all the houses in the Worthing area over the next 2 years.

This new Gigabit roll out around the UK is being started in Worthing and Newcastle as from January 2021. Go to https://www.cityfibre.com/news/zen-launch-gigabit-speed-broadband-services-cityfibres-networks/ for more information.

These Gigabit broadband connections will offer around 900 Mb/s up & down (up to 20 times faster) compared to the average 50 M/bs down & 15 Mb/s up speeds from current providers like BT & Virgin. These Gigabit broadband connections will only cost £40.00 per month with a free router and no set up costs or line rental costs. At the moment, these Gigabit connections will only be for residential services, but business connections will be offered later in 2021.

If you or you know of anyone in the Worthing area that would like to have this Superfast Gigabit broadband service, phone us on 01903 946388 or go to www.zen.co.uk/worthing