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  • 01 December 2016 4:11 PM | Deleted user
    Getting the UK "Match Fit" For Brexit 
    By Bespoke Accounting 

    The Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that his first Autumn Statement will also be his last. In future the main Budget announcements will be made in the autumn rather than the spring. We were not
     expecting that many tax announcements and many that were made we already knew about. He could not afford too many give-aways as he expects the economy to have a bumpy ride during the BREXIT transition.

    There will still be a Budget next March but thereafter the annual Budget will be in the Autumn to allow longer consideration of the announcements and draft legislation before enactment the following summer.


    • Personal allowance to increase to £11,500 in 2017/18, rising to £12,500 by 2020/21
    • Higher rate tax threshold to increase to £45,000 in 2017/18, rising to £50,000 by 2020/21
    • National Insurance threshold to be raised to £157 a week for employees and employers
    • Corporation tax rate to reduce to 17% in 2020
    • Business tax “roadmap” to continue, in particular new rules for company losses
    • Insurance premium tax to increase from10% to 12% from 1 June 2017

    More anti-avoidance measures, in particular a new VAT flat rate percentage for “limited cost traders”


    The Chancellor made a number of announcements that were intended to help those families that a just about managing, given the acronym - JAM. Raising the personal allowance to £11,500 and higher rate threshold to £45,000 will mean they pay less income tax and keep more of what they earn.

    This group will also benefit from the increase in the National Living Wage to £7.50 an hour and the changes to Universal Credit.

    The Universal Credit taper rate will be cut from 65% to 63% from April 2017 which will mean that fewer benefits will be clawed back as claimants’ income increases. The planned reductions in the overall benefits caps will however go ahead.


    Many of the corporate tax changes had already been announced and are set out in the business tax "roadmap" which details the government tax strategy for the life of this Parliament and beyond.

    The currently 20% corporation tax rate is planned to fall to 19% from 1 April 2017 and then to 17% on 1 April 2020. The government is committed to keeping the UK corporate tax rate the lowest in the G20 and there is talk of a rate as low as 15% in the future.

    The Chancellor raised concerns that there continues to be a rise in tax-driven incorporations as there are still tax savings compared to unincorporated businesses operating at a similar level of profit. That may suggest that the government is still considering the introduction of a new “look through entity” suggested by the Office of Tax Simplification so that the tax treatment will be the same, thereby creating a level playing field.

    The new flexible corporate tax loss rules announced in the spring budget have been subject to consultation and will go ahead from 1 April 2017.


    From 23 November 2016 to 31 March/ 5 April 2019, businesses will be entitled to a 100% First Year Allowance (FYA) for the cost of installing electric charge-point equipment for electric vehicles. This measure is intended to complement the 100% FYA available for low CO2 emission vehicles and to encourage their uptake.


    There has been much speculation that the government would further limit tax relief for pension contributions by removing higher rate tax relief. That measure would save the country £34 billion in tax but the only change announced concerns a new lower limit on amounts that can be saved in a pension when individuals have started drawing down from their private pension.

    Currently the net effect of pension tax relief for a higher rate taxpayer is that saving £10,000 in a pension costs £6,000. The taxpayer pays £8,000 into their pension and the government tops this up by £2,000 with a further £2,000 deducted from the individual’s income tax liability, reducing the net cost to £6,000. For additional rate taxpayers the net cost would be just £5,500.

    Remember that there is currently an annual pension input limit of £40,000 which caps the combined contributions by an individual and his or her employer. For those with high income this is tapered and can be as low as £10,000.

    One new pension restriction that was announced was a measure to limit pension “recycling”. Those individuals who have started drawing down their personal pension will in future only be able to reinvest up to £4,000 in their pension.Please contact us if you want to discuss pension planning further.


    Many employers now provide flexible remuneration packages that allow employees to give up some of their contractual salary in exchange for benefits in kind. This can have the effect of saving tax and national Insurance contributions for both the employee and employer, particularly where the benefit provided is exempt from tax.

    These tax and NIC advantages are to be withdrawn from 6 April 2017. Arrangements involving pensions, childcare, Cycle to Work and ultra-low emission cars will be excluded; existing arrangements will be protected for a transitional period until April 2018, and existing arrangements for cars, accommodation and school fees will be protected until April 2021.

    The Chancellor has announced a wider review of the taxation of benefits, with the intention of making this area ‘fairer and more coherent’. This appears likely to have a significant effect on any employee who is in receipt of benefits from their employer.



    An employee who repays to their employer, or ‘makes good’, the cost of a benefit, avoids a tax charge. As previously announced, from April 2017 such making good will have to take place by 6 July in the following tax year if it is to be effective.


    As announced in March, from April 2018 termination payments over £30,000, which are subject to Income Tax, will also be subject to employer’s NIC. Tax will only be applied to the equivalent of an employee’s basic pay if their notice is not worked. The first £30,000 of a genuine termination payment will remain exempt from tax and NIC.


    The VAT flat rate scheme is a simple scheme that enables small businesses to calculate and pay their VAT based on a flat rate percentage of total takings rather than deducting input tax on purchases and expenses and deducting that from total output tax on sales in the period. HMRC believe that the scheme is being abused by certain traders who have minimal costs who charge 20% VAT to their customers and then pay a lower percentage over to HMRC.

    The flat rate percentage varies depending on the nature of the trade, ranging from 4% for food retailers up to 14.5% for IT consultants and labour only construction workers. A new 16.5% rate will apply from 1 April 2017 for businesses spending less than 2% of their turnover or less than £1,000 per year on goods, excluding capital goods, food, vehicles and fuel. Any business affected will almost certainly be better off returning to the normal VAT system with effect from that date. If you are currently using the flat rate scheme please contact us to check whether this change is likely to affect your business.

  • 01 December 2016 4:03 PM | Deleted user

    £2billion in land assets set to be unlocked 

    Public property valued at over £2billion is set to be unlocked in the next five  years throughout the Greater Brighton City Region, creating the potential for over 1,300 new jobs and over 1,200 new homes in the Region over the next 10 years. 

    The investment laying the groundwork to make this a reality comes from the Government’s One Public Estate programme - an innovation in encouraging collaboration with a place-based focus between land owning public sector bodies. Investment of £280,500 will be made into the Region in the 2016/17 financial year, with a further £316,500 due to be invested in 2017/18.

    Eight key sites will now be driven forward:

    Springman House, Lewes: bringing together the key blue-light services into a single location, thereby unlocking the regeneration of the North Street Quarter to deliver new homes, employment floorspace, subsidised workspace for the creative industries, a new healthcare centre, an underground car park, completion of the flood defences for Lewes and a range of public realm improvements

    Worthing Civic Centre: a mixed use development incorporating a new, integrated multi-disciplinary primary and community care hub in the heart of Worthing, transforming the delivery of non-acute health care in the town

    Brighton General Hospital: redevelopment of the site to include a new health and care campus, new housing and a range of community uses

    Dyke Road Barracks, Brighton: potential redevelopment of the site to deliver a smaller territorial army barracks alongside mixed use development (pending MoD approval at the time of writing)

    Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub, Brighton: the consolidation of siloed services into a new community hub, releasing some sites for affordable housing and student accommodation.

    Madeira Terrace, Brighton: reconstruction of the Terrace, including the introduction of innovative commercial and leisure uses

    Preston Barracks, Brighton: development of a primary and community healthcare hub, allowing for the release and disposal of existing assets

    Preston Circus Fire Station: optimising the layout to meet its operational uses and identifying alternative uses for the remaining areas

    In the One Public Estate programme, land owning public bodies - such as local authorities, healthcare and emergency services - are being encouraged to use their property as a catalyst for economic growth and transforming public service delivery.

    The intention is that they will achieve this through identifying surplus assets which could be made available for housing and local regeneration, co-locating their services to make better use of space and drive service improvements, and actively seeking out opportunities for joint working to improve customer experience.

    In the process, each agency and authority will generate capital receipts from the sale of their identified land and property assets, creating income streams to invest directly into their communities.

    Daniel Humphreys, Chairman of the Greater Brighton Economic Board and Leader of Worthing Borough Council, comments:

    “I am very pleased to see our case for investment has been backed by the Government. In thinking innovatively about land and property, and by working in true partnership, we are looking at building new homes, new workspaces and community facilities, stimulating our City Region economy and supporting our growing population.

    “Now that we have had the green light, the Economic Board has established a Strategic Property Board which is determined to ensure that we demonstrate our absolute commitment to following this programme through and transforming our Region.

    “As Leader of Worthing Borough Council, I am delighted to see the vote of confidence in our plan to create a Civic Healthcare Hub in the heart of the town, a move which will provide new opportunities for accommodation, positively and permanently transforming the health, wellbeing and housing opportunities in the heart of Worthing.”

    Councillor Warren Morgan, Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, adds:

    “This announcement is good news for Brighton and Hove, and for the wider City Region. We are demonstrating that we can think creatively and innovatively about the future of our places and public services, and how we drive economic growth that benefits everyone.

    “The six sites identified in the City offer us a chance to overcome some of the obstacles we face and think differently about our plans to boost housing, employment and public services in the city.”

    Councillor Andy Smith, Leader of Lewes District Council, adds:

    “The investment into the Springman House site will help us to deliver our regeneration ambitions for the District, alongside our emergency service partners who are also keen to make the most of this opportunity.

    “The regeneration of the North Street Quarter is key not only to delivering homes and employment space, but also to completing flood defences for the town and creating a wide range of public space improvements.”

    The One Public Estate investment will fund a range of activities including programme and project management across the eight identified sites, feasibility studies and public consultations.

    By 31st December, maps of all publicly owned land, together with an estimate of the value of each piece, will be published online. Further information, including details for where to find this land value information, will be made available in the next few weeks.

  • 01 December 2016 3:33 PM | Deleted user

    The Autumn Statement in detail 

    2016 has certainly been a tumultuous year, with Britain’s decision to leave the EU continuing to have an impact on both the economy and many UK businesses. 

    The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, acknowledged ‘sharp challenges ahead’ for the economy as he presented his first fiscal statement exactly five months after the UK’s historic vote to leave the European Union.

    The main summary on the economy and spending is slower growth, higher inflation, weaker tax receipts and higher borrowing. The latest forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) confirmed an increase in borrowing, now expected to reach £68.2bn this year. Economic growth is expected to slow over the next two years. Overall, the ‘Brexit effect’ is expected to impact on economic growth to the tune of 2.4%.

    The Statement at a glance:

    • Reduction in corporation tax rate confirmed
    • New £23bn National Productivity Investment Fund
    • Personal allowance to increase as planned
    • Significant changes to Flat Rate VAT scheme
    • National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage to rise
    • Autumn Statement to be abolished, and Budget moved from Spring to Autumn 
    Click here to for the full announcements from this year's Autumn Statement.

  • 01 December 2016 3:13 PM | Deleted user

    SpofforthsAutumn Statement : uncovered - November 2016

    There were no significant surprises, but instead the promise of investment in infrastructure projects in housing, transport and digital technology with the aim of increasing the UK's productivity in the immediate post Brexit period.

    In terms of significant changes in taxation, a consultation is to take place on "equalisation" of tax for incorporated and unincorporated business, which is likely to result in increased taxation for entrepreneurial companies and their owners.

    You now need to identify the likely impact of the changes announced on your own circumstances... and this is where we can help.

    Autumn Statement uncovered will guide you through the impact of Wednesday's changes... alternatively, simply pick up the phone and speak with your usual Kreston Reeves contact for something more bespoke, or email for further information.

    To download Autumn Statement uncovered click here

  • 30 November 2016 4:26 PM | Deleted user

    Getting to know your Better Business Show Keynote Speakers: Spotlight on Gillian Fielding 

    Gill Fielding is an international motivational speaker, businesswoman, presenter and author.  Despite being born into a poor family in the East End of London with humble beginnings, she is now a self-made multi millionaire who enjoys the fruits of financial success as much as sharing her knowledge on wealth creation, financial education and investing skills to help others succeed.  Gill amassed her wealth with land & property, stocks and business investments.  She owns and co-owns a variety of businesses today including The Wealth Company and is a published author.

    Gill was featured on ‘Secret Millionaire’ for Channel 4 and was a business expert on The Apprentice – You’re Fired show.  She has been a  financial commentator for the BBC, ITV and CNBC as well as appearing in a variety of other TV shows around the world. She is currently a financial expert for the BBC and hosts a monthly phone-in for BBC radio.

    In her career, Gill has held many high profile positions in business life including Citicorp, being the Chief Executive of a financial services group specialising in tax free savings vehicles, was the Chair of a Unit Trust Trade Association, Director on the board of an ethical Unit Trust (with Lord Brian Rix)  and was an adviser to the Inland Revenue on tax free savings.

    At the show, Patron of Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce Gill will talk about how she started from humble roots in London's East End and discovered and used her own resources to eventually achieve financial freedom for herself and her family.

  • 30 November 2016 1:40 PM | Deleted user

    Getting to know your Better Business Show Keynote Speakers: Spotlight on Darren Gearing  

    Up until very recently Darren was an international deluxe Hotelier whose career spanned extended periods in the UK, USA and Asia working for the Marriott and award winning Shangri-La Hotel groups. Most recently he was based at the Shangri-La at the Shard as Executive Vice President where he oversaw 16 hotels globally, all including the development and opening of this Iconic London Hotel as depicted in the TV show "The Hotel in the Clouds". Darren is a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality.

    A native of Sussex, he now has entrepreneurial interests in a Sussex based plant hire business, in Worthing's Beach House and Corner House pubs and an active Hotel consultancy with large investors. For the immediate future Darren will assist his partners in growing these businesses in London and the South East, they are actively seeking further "opportunities" in Sussex.

    At the show, Darren will talk about his time spent working for a Asian group out of Hong Kong, then relocating back to the UK and opening the Hotel at the Shard. How did the transition process work changing from working in a corporate environment to now working for ones self.

  • 29 November 2016 3:55 PM | Deleted user

    Getting to know your Better Business Show Keynote Speakers: Spotlight on Shaa Wasmund MBE 

    Shaa Wasmund MBE is one of Britain's most highly regarded female entrepreneurs and was named in early 2016 by The Sunday Times as one of the Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs in the UK. 

    She is an international best selling author and award winning businesswoman, who the Institute of Directors voted one of the most connected women in Britain. Her first book, Stop Talking, Start Doing was the #1 Best Selling Business Book in the UK for 14 months in a row, breaking all records. Shaa’s experience is incredibly diverse.

    Whilst still at University, she became the world’s only licensed female boxing promoter, working alongside Don King to put on 22 World Title fights. Shaa then started working with Sir James Dyson from around his kitchen table and helped build Dyson into one of the most recognised brand names in the world.

     In 2015 she received an MBE (Member of The British Empire) Award from the Queen for her “services to business and entrepreneurship”. Today, in addition to running her own successful online educational businesses (, she is also an acclaimed international speaker, having spoken alongside the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk and Tim Ferris. And in 2016, The Guardian newspaper named Shaa’s events as one of the Top 10 Events to attend as a small business owner.

    Shaa will be sharing how she’s had her most successful and happiest 2 years in business yet!

    At the Better Business Show, 2nd February 2017 - Shaa will talk about how to:

    - Make Money From The Skills, Expertise and Knowledge You Already Have
    - Grow Your List With Zero Marketing Budget
    - Build predictable, recurring online revenue of £5k a month
    - Grow an audience of raving fans and repeat buyers
    - Create, market and sell online courses to monetise your audience
    - Automate your business to run itself and make money around the clock
    - To build a business to live life on your terms and totally smash 2017!

    Shaa's purpose is to help as many people as possible, build businesses they love and which deliver them what she says is her most valuable asset: FREEDOM.

  • 29 November 2016 2:41 PM | Deleted user

    Upcoming Sir Robert Woodard Academy Shows

    Sir Robert Woodard Academy are pleased to announce two large shows at the Academy in December and January...

    • The Academy drama production of A Christmas Carol  on 6th, 7th and 8th December. If interested, you can book your tickets via the Academy website.
    •  The Musical Spectacular of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, starring six local primary schools, on 25th and 26th January 2017. 
    • The SRWA Junior Band have a Christmas Concert and Craft Fayre at the Academy on Saturday 10th December.

    Please contact Lynn Brown on 01903 875507 or by email if you have any questions, or would like to purchase tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  


  • 29 November 2016 2:34 PM | Deleted user
    New page for used book seller after £13m dealNew Page for Used Book Seller After £13m Deal

    A West Sussex company which claims to be the largest seller of used books in Europe has sold a majority stake in the business to Bridges Ventures in a multimillion-pound deal.

    Bridges has invested £13m to buy a majority stake in Goring-by-Sea-based World of Books, which was founded by a group of entrepreneurs in 2002 and is touted as a "pioneer" in the re-use and recycling of books.

    The business works with thousands of charity shops and recycling merchants to collect and buy used books, while also purchasing unwanted books directly from consumers. It re-sells as many books as possible through its own platform, as well as other websites such as Amazon and eBay, while the rest are recycled to make corrugated cardboard packaging and news print.

    Managing director Stephen Boobyer will lead the company as chief executive, and will be supported by co-founders Simon Downes, who has been promoted to chief technology officer; Mike Laundon, who will continue to run the company’s rare books division; and operations director Ben Maxfield.

    "We chose Bridges as an investor because we felt they shared our values, understood our sector and our vision of what World of Books can achieve in the future," Boobyer said.

    Chairman Kenneth Blair and co-founder Arthur Maxfield will transition from their current executive roles over the next six to 12 months. However, they will remain actively involved with the business as non-executive directors.

    Bridges partner Oliver Wyncoll and investment director James Hurrell will join the World of Books board, while an experienced non-executive chairman will be appointed in due course. 

    Spectrum Corporate Finance advised shareholders and acquisition debt was provided by Clydesdale Yorkshire Banking Group.

    More at Insider Media

  • 29 November 2016 2:31 PM | Deleted user
    BT and Openreach ordered to separate BT and Openreach ordered to separate

    Telecoms giant BT has been ordered to legally separate from its Openreach division after failing to address competition concerns raised by Ofcom. In a separate announcement, BT has appointed Mike McTighe as Openreach's first chairman.

    The industry regulator is preparing a formal notification to the European Commission to start the process, and said it was disappointed that BT has "not yet come forward with proposals to meet our competition concerns".

    "Some progress has been made, but this has not been enough, and action is required now to deliver better outcomes for phone and broadband users," Ofcom added.

    Openreach is the division of BT Group that develops and maintains the UK's main telecoms network used by providers such as Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and BT's retail business.

    In a separate announcement today (29 November 2016), BT has appointed former Ofcom executive Mike McTighe as the first chairman of Openreach. He will oversee the new board, which will operate from early 2017, and be "instrumental" in selecting further independent members.

    BT said the appointment was part of its strategy to make Openreach more independent and transparent.

    BT chairman Sir Michael Rake said: "We promised in July to create an Openreach board and we are delivering on that promise. I remain hopeful this significant move by BT can help to underpin a sustainable, proportionate and fair regulatory settlement that is in the interests of the whole country."

    Picture: New Openreach chairman Mike McTighe

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