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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

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  • 02 March 2016 3:18 PM | Deleted user

    Boosting new homes, employment and local economic growth are all the subject of new Place Plans for both Adur and Worthing.

    Each Plan identifies key priorities to encourage economic growth. The Plans will act as a tool to help secure investment to enable the delivery of these priorities, whilst protecting the special qualities and character of the environment in the County.

    Using research from the emerging Local Plans as well as the Worthing’s Investment Prospectus, they explore key areas of regeneration in Worthing Town Centre and potential sites in Adur. Other key priorities include delivering skills, digital connectivity and health and wellbeing services.

    The population of West Sussex is expected to increase by more than 100,000 people in the next 20 years, with approximately 9,500 in Adur and Worthing combined. The Place Plans will signal a proactive approach from all Councils involved to ensure that the right facilities and infrastructure are in place to facilitate this growth.

    Cllr Pat Beresford, Executive Member for Regeneration at Adur District Council, commented: 

    The new plans will provide a tool to use when competing for investment. As our region is uniquely situated between the South Downs and the coast, it makes Adur a very desirable place to live and work but also limits the amount of land we have. Therefore, we must find the best ways to efficiently use what land we have available.

    Cllr Bryan Turner, Executive Member for Regeneration at Worthing Borough Council, said:

    The Place Plan strengthens our evidence base to help drive the regeneration of important sites across Worthing. We have identified these important priorities which are aimed at improving our town’s offer for businesses, visitors and residents.

    Cllr Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, commented:

    Investing in the growth of the West Sussex economy is one of WSCC’s three corporate priorities. We are pleased to be working closely with our partners at Adur & Worthing councils to present a robust Place Plan that provides a strong foundation on which to support and encourage economic growth across Adur and Worthing.

  • 29 February 2016 1:36 PM | Deleted user

    Upcoming St Barnabas House Fundraising Events

    Clarins Evening at Richard John

    Tuesday 1 March 6.15pm

    Richard John Hair Salon, 1 The Arcade, Worthing, BN11 3AY

    Richard John are hosting a fun, beauty evening with skincare demonstrations and a chance to try out Clarins products. There will be a talk by a Clarins representative along with GHD styling, hot stone massage and spring make-up demos. Tickets are just £10, of which £5 is donated to St Barnabas House and £5 is redeemable against purchase on the evening. For tickets call The Fundraising Team on 01903 254777.

    An evening with Adele Parks

    Wednesday 2 March 7pm

    The Denton Lounge, Marine Parade, Worthing, BN11 3PX

    Adele has written 15 best-selling books in 15 years and is giving her time to support St Barnabas House with a fun evening of chat, quizzing, book signing and general merriment! Enjoy a welcome glass of prosecco, browse quality local craft stalls and get lucky with our raffle as you could win a brilliant piece of jewellery donated by Pressleys! Tickets are just £10 and include a copy of her latest book. For tickets and information call 07790 527787.

    Quiz night with fish and chip supper

    Friday 18 March 7pm

    Durrington Community Centre, 2 Romany Road, Worthing, BN13 3ED

    Join the Northbrook Friends of St Barnabas House for a quiz evening with fish and chip supper. BYO drinks. Tickets £10 from Maggie Zarins on 01903 532403 or 07790 527787 or email:

    Mad March BBQ & Quiz Night

    Thursday 24 March

    The Wheatsheaf, Richmond Road, Worthing, BN11 1PP

    Come along for some a fun family with a BBQ in the garden from 5.30pm.  Quiz starts at 7.30/8pm, raffle. Raising funds for St Barnabas House.  For further details please call the Fundraising team on 01903 254777.

  • 24 February 2016 4:54 PM | Deleted user

    The contract is now being drawn up for Community Works to provide support to the community and voluntary sector throughout Adur and Worthing from 1st April 2016 - a move which will help local groups access the skills, funding and growth opportunities they need to help communities thrive.

    Following a procurement process, and without a Call In made by the deadline of 5pm on Friday 18 February, the decision made by Adur & Worthing Councils’ Director for Communities, John Mitchell, can now be implemented.

    Councillor Val Turner, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing at Worthing Borough Council, says:

    “I am pleased that we have now reached the end of this process and can get moving positively on letting the contract to Community Works.

    “The work undertaken by all of the community and voluntary groups throughout the Worthing Borough is vital in making our places so vibrant and welcoming.  When we began this process in June 2015, it was to ensure that the CVS sector received the best possible support and maximised the value of the investment made by the Borough and County Councils.  I look forward to seeing progress in the next few months.”

    Councillor David Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Wellbeing, adds:

    “Adur is home to many different voluntary and charitable organisations, and as a council, we have a duty to ensure that they receive the best support possible in order to thrive and grow. They are an essential part of our future in delivering key services to our community, and from the outset, we were determined that whichever organisation was selected would be  able to develop a model of excellence at a fundamental level. I feel that following the comprehensive and robust process we have undertaken prior to letting this contract, we have the right organisation in place to deal with a challenging agenda and further improve life for our residents throughout the Adur District.”

  • 23 February 2016 11:35 AM | Deleted user

  • 22 February 2016 11:46 AM | Deleted user

    Bank Holiday at The Ardington Hotel's Indigo Restaurant  ~ Monday 28th March 2016

    Enjoy Our Famous 
    Indigo Brunch

    From 10:30am to 1:00pm

     A leisurely breakfast is lovely but cooking it?!...very tiresome!..

      So you Relax…

     We’ll do it all for you…. Bliss!!

    A Complimentary Bloody Mary or Bucks fizz on arrival
     As much as you can eat from a buffet laden with every delicious Breakfast item imaginable!

    such as.......
    The finest smoked bacon, Sussex champion sausages, button mushrooms, grilled tomato,……. fried, poached, scrambled or boiled free range egg, ……..hash brown, black pudding, baked beans,……. smoked haddock, grilled kipper, ,…… steak hache, omelettes, waffles, muffins, croissant, Danish, smoked meats,…. cheeseboard, fresh fruit …..yoghurt, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, tomato or apple, ….., cereals, fresh fruit salad, melon, stewed fruits, prunes, toast, bread basket, freshly ground coffee, tea infusions.


    Book ASAP!!  Tables sell out fast!!!
    £13:50 per person
     Booking in advance is essential

  • 19 February 2016 1:02 PM | Deleted user

    What people say about the Be the Change Programme...

     ‘I really enjoyed the ‘be the change’ event – I know from talking to the young people we sent how much they gained from it.  I have talked a number of them individually – but will see them at a group at some point this week to get more feedback from them.  I know that Helen who brought them to the event thought it was very worthwhile.  I am happy to support this work and encourage other schools to be involved if this would be helpful.’ Richard Bradford, Head at Dorothy Springer

    ‘…. All I can say is ‘what a fabulous and rewarding day’…..’ Nicola Weale, Careers Advice Officer, Northbrook College

    ‘WOW!!!!! Yesterday was truly amazing. Thank you so much for letting me come along to this most brilliant event. Humanutopia are incredible. Every student should have this opportunity. Really want to work something out for our students in early Autumn if possible. Thank you!’ Debbie Mansfield, Transition Work Related Learning Mentor, The Connected Hub

    Click here to download the full PDF mentor invite 

  • 18 February 2016 10:01 AM | Deleted user

    Over 130 people gathered recently at the Hawth Theatre in Crawley to discuss the many alternative funding options available to businesses of all shapes and sizes whose funding needs either fell out of the scope of the high street banks or needed a more flexible approach. The high profile panel event, hosted by Sussex-based chartered accountants and business advisers, Carpenter Box, left many attendees amazed at just how many options were available to them.  

    Tony Summers, Partner at Carpenter Box, came up with the idea for this event and invited eight high calibre panel members who he knew would bring a wealth of knowledge to the discussions given their various areas of alternative funding expertise.

    The panel included Marcus Stuttard, Head of AIM at the London Stock Exchange, Andy Davis, ex FT journalist and author of ‘Beyond the Banks’, Steven Renwick, founder and CEO of Satago, Stuart Noakes, Head of Tax at Carpenter Box, Martin Coomber, Senior Fund Manager at The FSE Group, James Bryant of MarketInvoice, James Livingston, Director at the Foresight Group and Andrew Rutherford, Commercial Director for the Southern Region of Shawbrook Business Credit.

    Audience members included those from local start-ups right through to large international corporations. With such a wide spectrum of topics to cover, Carpenter Box Partner Chris Coopey chaired the event directing pre-notified questions from the audience to the panel looking to the most appropriate expert to comment before opening the subject to all of the panel. Questions ranged from what are the costs, the timescales involved and the security needed for a business to raise £1m, to when should a business consider crowdfunding a suitable choice to finance business growth.

    Chris then opened the floor up to questions from the audience, which included what the panel thought of the European Horizon 2020 scheme – the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with 80 billion euros of funding available over seven years (2014 – 2020) – as well as specific questions about crowdfunding and possible regulation.

      Tony was thrilled with the success of the event and commented: “Overall, the panel provided a fascinating insight to the audience as to what funding streams were suitable for which purpose. The panel’s knowledge of what was available was pretty comprehensive. Whether it was an occasional shot in the cash flow arm from invoice financing to private equity, or venture capital investment to larger asset based lending, or the possibility of raising funding by floating on the AIM – the Alternative Investment Market”.

    After the main event, guests had the opportunity to chat with the panel members about their individual funding requirements, as well as network with other businesses.

    Tony added: “Many of those who I and my colleagues spoke to were unaware and astonished by the range of alternative funding opportunities available, echoing the panellists’ view that it was well worthwhile getting guidance from a specialist to understand the pros and cons of each before committing to one route”.

    From the discussions it was very clear that there was much to consider, such as the level of funding required, what was it required for and whether the need was for long or short term funding or investment. Having advisors who understand the many options is key in both signposting the available funding and making the case to access it.

    If you need help to raise funds for your company and would like to discuss what funding options – traditional and alternative – are open to you, please contact Carpenter Box on 01903 234094 or 01293 227670. 

  • 18 February 2016 9:37 AM | Deleted user

    Coast to Capital are currently recruiting companies in the Coast to Capital region that might be interested in exploring exporting opportunities in Vietnam.

    The sectors that we want to hear from include education and training providers, CDIT (creative, digit and IT), advanced engineering and medical technology.

    To find out more please contact

  • 18 February 2016 9:31 AM | Deleted user

    Sussex post-16 education review

    Government is carrying out a national programme of area-based reviews of post-16 education and training to address significant financial pressures and a declining 16-19 population. The planned outcome is fewer, often larger, more resilient and efficient providers. It is expected that this will lead to greater specialisation and centres of expertise that will better serve the needs of business and the economy.
    The Sussex area review is underway, fully supported and informed by Coast to Capital, and a real sense of collaboration is apparent amongst the colleges. Consideration is being given to widening the spread of shared services, greater use of technology and identifying and addressing the skills gaps of the area. 
    The Surrey area review begins in March, and leter in the year Croydon will form a part of the South London area review.

    If you would like further information or to make comment on the review please contact

  • 17 February 2016 4:51 PM | Deleted user

    New pension rules allowing far greater flexibility over what you can do with your pension pot came into force on 6 April 2015. West Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box, are taking a practical look at the pension landscape a year on from the landmark rule changes in a series of Pension Breakfasts over the next two months.   

    So, what has been Carpenter Box’s experience since last April? Some have used their pension pot to pay off their mortgage, whilst others have bought a second property. The media has also reported on individuals purchasing classic cars and antiques with a view to at least maintaining, and hopefully increasing, the purchasing power of their hard earnt pension savings.

    However, Roy Thompson, Associate at Carpenter Box Wealth Management LLP, warns: “Over the last year I have seen a number of people who have taken money from their pension which has, unwittingly, made them a 40% taxpayer. Also, many do not consider the fact that by moving money from a pension to a personal investment is moving money from an environment that would allow tax free growth, to an area where they are taxed on any growth in the initial sum invested.”

    It is also interesting to note that some pension companies do not allow you to do what you want with the pension pot and will refer you to a specialist adviser.

    The whole area of pensions can be a minefield without the right advice and more changes to pensions are planned in April 2016, with the Lifetime Allowance reducing from £1.25m to £1m. This could affect 1.5 million savers and not 55,000 as originally claimed by the Treasury. There is also the possibility of a reduction in pension tax relief for higher rate tax payers, so we’ll have to see what the Chancellor’s Budget Statement announces on 16 March 2016. 

    With so much to take on board in the current economic environment, can you afford not to miss the Pension Breakfasts? The next one is being held at Carpenter Box’s offices in Gatwick on 9 February between 8am and 9am. There will also be a Breakfast between the same times on 22 March at the firm’s Worthing office. Places are limited at both venues, so if you would like to attend, please either register via the website, or contact Lucy Tunstall at Carpenter Box on 01903 234094.