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  • 28 July 2015 11:28 AM | Deleted user

    Five Sussex towns – Eastbourne, Hastings, Worthing, Crawley and Brighton – have been named as the latest places to benefit from a major high street regeneration programme.

    They will receive support from some of the UK’s biggest brands as EE, Exterion Media and Greggs join founding partners Boots UK, the Co-operative Group, Marks & Spencer and Santander to support the transformation of UK High Streets

    The Business in the Community’s Healthy High Streets programme aims to increase footfall by 10 per cent, reduce the number of vacant properties by 20 per cent and stimulate the creation of new jobs in 100 towns over three years.

    The programme launched in June 2014 and is backed by some of the UK’s biggest high street brands.

    Brighton, Crawley, Eastbourne, Hastings and Worthing are five of 34 new towns selected for the programme across the UK today, bringing the total number of participating High Streets to 67.

    They will receive a bespoke package of support, including access to skills and expertise, and dedicated High Street Champions from supporting businesses which will work together with the local partnership team, local authority and relevant local partners to devise an action plan to address the specific challenges facing the town.

    Chair of the Healthy High Streets programme Robin Foale said, “Congratulations to all these towns on being chosen to be part of the Healthy High Streets programme. This is a great opportunity to work with the business partners and the local High Street Champions to transform the town and create a thriving, vibrant centre for the local community.”

    Business in the Community’s Peter Donohoe said, “One of the most powerful ways for business to make an impact in communities is by creating high streets that are vibrant places to live, work and do business. It has been heartening to see first-hand the practical difference that collaborative, business-led action can make on UK high streets in just one year. While there is much be proud of about our High Streets Programme we also know that there is more work to be done. We warmly welcome Greggs, EE and Exterion Media as programme partners and look forward to working with these five towns to create lasting change.”

    To find out more about Business in the Community’s high streets work visit

  • 28 July 2015 11:22 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing Borough Council and South Downs Leisure are delighted as Field Place gains its first ever Green Flag award, which recognises and rewards the best parks and green spaces across the country. A Green Flag flying overhead is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent facilities.

    Clive Roberts, Executive Member for the Environment at Worthing Borough Council, says:

    “I am very, very pleased that Field Place has been given a Green Flag,  which is a testament to the love and attention it receives.  

    “Field Place has been a popular location amongst residents for as long as I can remember and I’ve enjoyed many hours there myself.  It really has got something to offer everyone with the park, fitness facilities and beautiful gardens.”

    International Green Flag Award scheme manager Paul Todd says:

    “We are delighted to be celebrating another record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award scheme. All the flags flying this year are a testament to the efforts of the thousands of men and women, both staff and volunteers, who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award.”

    Along with other leisure and fitness facilities in Worthing, Field Place became part of South Downs Leisure earlier this year, a move which has allowed the space to grow and become even more a part of the Worthing community.  It’s fast making a name for itself amongst wedding and Civil Partnership planners, with the grade II listed manor house (boasting the original Georgian Facade including high beam ceilings, and two fully licensed converted barns) taking pride of place. As well as the characterful buildings, Field Place also boasts grounds spanning over eight acres, meticulously maintained each day by the grounds staff and gardeners.

    Duncan Anderson, Chief Executive at South Downs Leisure adds:

    “I’m absolutely thrilled Field Place has been given this award, particularly because it encapsulates everything we have strived to achieve. I’d like to take a moment to thank Sasha Bryson, Simon Cross, Mike Byerley and the rest of the team at Field Place, who through hard work and dedication have made this award possible.”

    The Green Flag award scheme encourages individuals and organisations to look after their green spaces, rewarding them only when they reach the highest standards of excellence. Each site is independently inspected and verified, judged on its own merit, suitability to the community it serves and environmental standards.  Highdown Gardens has retained their award for this year, underlining the high quality environmental care which contributed to them also gaining a Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor this year.

    To find out more info about Green Flag and all of this year’s winners please visit;

    To find out more about Field Place and other South Downs facilities please visit;


  • 28 July 2015 11:20 AM | Deleted user

    Just in time for the school holidays, Worthing’s Splash Pad nears phase two completion

    Worthing Borough Council are gearing up to unveil the completed phase two improvements to the Splash Pad, projected to open on 31th July this year.

    Situated in the gap behind Beach House, the Splash Pad experienced a popular first season, during which it was highly praised by local residents and visitors.  This enthusiastic take-up of the new, free, facility prompted Worthing Borough Council to push forward to secure additional funds to carry out phase two of the work to build on the success and improve the whole area.

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Executive Member for the Environment at Adur & Worthing Councils says:

    “The new seating, fencing and paving look very good and I’m sure that the investment we’ve made will further improve the Splash Pad’s popularity.  As a local, free, attraction it’s ideal for families looking to keep the kids entertained and cool on those hot summer days.  

    “The Splash Pad is a pivotal point in our Active Beach Zone area and overall strategy for providing residents and visitors alike with compelling reasons to get out of the house, to enjoy our beautiful coastline and to get active in the process!”

    Phase two of the Splash Pad development incorporates new seating areas (including standard benches and pebble shaped feature seating) surrounded by high quality timber fencing.  Two GoBo projectors will project images onto the modernised paving floor in a dynamic light display, no doubt catching the eye of those cutting through Beach House grounds using the newly installed walkways..

    By expanding the size of the Splash Pad, the Borough Council has emphasised the links between Beach House grounds and the seafront, improving the connection between the two and dramatically adding extra interest to the already buzzing coastal strip.

    The area will remain fenced off until all works are complete, expected to be Thursday 30th July, when the water feature will be turned back on marking the reopening of The Splash Pad, just in time for children and families to enjoy right through the summer holidays.

    To find out more about existing and future plans for the Splash Pad please visit:

  • 28 July 2015 11:17 AM | Deleted user

    Should a section of Worthing’s well loved Victoria Park have an area dedicated to children’s clean and secure play, marked out by a fence?  That’s one of the questions being posed to local residents and parents of the two neighbouring schools by Worthing Borough Council.

    Recently, Heene and St Mary’s First Schools approached Worthing Borough Council with a suggestion to consider fencing off an area large enough for a 9-a-side football pitch, enabling local children - along with the schools’ pupils - to have somewhere clearly dedicated to play and carrying out a range of sporting activities. 

    The Council are now consulting with the local community and have also sent survey forms home with every child who uses the schools for their parents to complete.  In addition, forms are being dropped into the letter boxes of all of the households in surrounding roads:

    * Cobden Road

    * St Matthews Road

    * Anglesea Road

    * Shakespeare Road (north)

    * Norfolk Street, 

    * And the section of the A259 between the junction with Richmond and Shakespeare Roads

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for the Environment, comments:

    “It is really important to hear the opinions of the local residents and people who use the park often so that we can create a space which works for everyone.

    “I’m sure  that all parents and local residents would agree that clean, safe spaces are something which we would all wish for our children, and putting up a low fence in Victoria Park to achieve that is something I support.”

    The proposed fence would be 1.2m (4-feet) high, similar to that around the existing playground, and would be a traditional bow-top design.  Access for the whole community will be maintained at all times - although the new area will be gated, it is not intended to be solely for school use.

    The consultation is open until the end of September, at which time the Council will make a decision based on the opinions of the community.   Posters are about to be put up around the park to invite comments and, in addition to the hard copy forms already distributed, opinions can be registered online at:  


  • 28 July 2015 11:09 AM | Deleted user

    In under two weeks’ time we will see the UK Street Velodrome Series arriving on Worthing Seafront. This exciting weekend of televised cycling is a perfect example of the fantastic outdoor events we are aiming to support and bring to Worthing. This will in turn create a varied, full and inspiring annual calendar of events for the area, adding to our Cultural offering for residents and visitors alike.

     1st and 2nd August will see Beach House Grounds on Worthing Seafront, adjacent to Splashpoint Leisure Centre, come alive with a unique road cycling street velodrome installed. There is a packed programme of races planned for both days, involving some of the country’s best pro riders including Craig MacLean MBE Olympic Cyclist and Anna Glowinski presenter of ITV4’s The Cycling Show. Worthing is the fifth and penultimate round of the 2015 UK Street Velodrome Series, with the final being held in London. Further information on the track timetable and the pro riders taking part can be found at

    As well as being able to spectate at this fast, sometimes furious, and thrilling element of the weekend, there are lots of other attractions over the entire weekend.

    The event is open from 10am until 6pm both days, and on both mornings there will be a pelaton of cyclists arriving at the event, having gathered and cycled from East Worthing. The Saturday will involve a cruise for families with their children, and Sunday will see a fine collection of bespoke, vintage, custom, classic and modified bikes cruising their way to the event. Both pelatons will be a vision to see!

     Over the weekend, Circus Seen will be on site demonstrating their circus skills, performing unicycle tricks and offering slack line lessons. Within Denton Gardens you will find several large inflatables for children as well as the opportunity to play Pitch n Putt or grab an ice cream from one of the vans on site.

    Hungry or thirsty? The event will have a licensed bar (for those of you not cycling of course!) as well as catering from La Choza, Twisted Chip and Tasty Thai Cuisine, and Twittwoo Bakery and Sugar Rush Fudge who will satisfy those sweet cravings.

    Both West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and Sussex Police will be on site giving advice and promoting safer cycling, and there will be a free bike park offering Dr Bike Servicing throughout the entire weekend.

    Don’t worry if you’ve missed the ballot to sign up for a race on the velodrome, there are ‘have a go’ sessions available at various times in the day, visit for further information.

    Finally, it would be rude not to say a big thank you to our event sponsors who have helped the council in bringing this event to the town. Our two Gold Sponsors are Bowers & Wilkins and Parafix Tapes & Conversions Ltd, Sussex Transport Ltd are our Silver Sponsor and our three Bronze Sponsors are ETI Ltd, Nuffield Health and Worthing Pier Events Ltd. All will be present at the event, either offering information on their companies, taking part in tournaments on the street velodrome track or providing safer cycling advice. 

  • 21 July 2015 12:52 PM | Deleted user

    Acas South East

    Employment & HR 

    Latest Guidance on Handling Pay & Wages from Acas South East

    • Handling pay and wagesPay is one of the most important parts of any employment relationship. You must pay your workers in accordance with the law and with their contracts of employment. From time to time issues regarding pay and wages may arise and the way you handle these can have a huge effect on workplace morale and productivity. This guide is aimed at small firms and line or team managers in larger organisations.
    • School's out for Summer! Whether you are an employer or an employee, this page answers your questions about granting and taking time off during the busy summer period.
    • Building productivity: The way workplaces are organised, the part played by managers and leaders, and the role and involvement of employees can help deliver better outcomes for individuals, organisations and the economy. Acas has identified seven levers for workplace productivity. This practical framework explains how workplaces can unlock their potential to be more productive. 

  • 15 July 2015 4:26 PM | Deleted user

    Discover the new Queensway this weekend as the official opening celebration brings neighbours and businesses together in the heart of Lancing

    A street party will be held on Saturday 18th July to celebrate the rejuvenation of Queensway, Lancing, following months of work to improve the environment around the popular parade of shops.

    With the road closed to traffic, the day will be opened by the Chairman of Adur District Council, Cllr Carson Albury, and feature family friendly entertainment, plenty of local traders with market stalls and live music to help the event go with a swing.

    Visitors will be able to admire the new paving, relax on the new benches and see just how the shopfront grant scheme has helped local business owners maximise the value of their store fronts.  Food and drink businesses will benefit from additional outdoor space for tables and chairs, and the market traders will be able to use the improved electricity supplies to power their stalls.

    Driven forward by Adur District Council, the Lancing Regeneration Team and Lancing Parish Council, the work on Queensway has been a crucial element in the continuing work to regenerate Lancing.  Completed on time in late February this year, the Queensway improvements are an important part in the overall regeneration of Lancing as a place that serves the community’s needs and provides spaces for businesses to flourish.

    Executive Member for Regeneration at Adur District Council, Cllr Pat Beresford, comments:

    “The new-look Queensway is a fantastic example of what great partnership working can do.  Between the District Council, the Parish Council and the Lancing Vision group, I believe that we’ve achieved something special in the heart of the village.”

    The free opening event runs from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 18th July.   

  • 14 July 2015 2:48 PM | Deleted user

    Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, has taken over the Chairmanship of the Greater Brighton Economic Board today (14th July 2015) for the coming year as part of the annual rotation of chair across each partner local authority.  Here, he takes a few moments to outline his vision for the Partnership over the next twelve months and what he personally hopes to achieve from the Chair.

     “The Greater Brighton Economic Board isn’t an organisation that many will know yet,” Neil says, “but we are already seeing its effects across the region.

    “As representatives of all of the key sectors in the Greater Brighton area, the 16 partners aim to establish the area as the most successful economy in the South East, delivering a range of meaningful economic growth projects.  Adur and Worthing Councils are key members, and we have already received funding to the tune of over £18million from the Board and Local Growth Fund through the Coast To Capital Growth Deal.

    “This funding is driving forward significant flood defence projects in Shoreham to protect homes and businesses for generations to come; the Advanced Engineering Centre, based at the University of Brighton’s Moulsecoomb campus and partnered with Ricardo, is already nearing construction and will dramatically influence our region’s technical skills; and Worthing’s Connectivity Public Realm Scheme, in conjunction with the investment prospectus work lead by West Sussex County Council, will revolutionise the town centre - driving footfall and investment.

    The Greater Brighton city region as a whole has successfully secured over £95m in local growth funding for regeneration and infrastructure projects, from Newhaven in the East to Burgess Hill in the North.

    “None of this would be possible without strategically looking outside of our borders as District and Borough Authorities, identifying key opportunities to form strong partnerships and maximising the impact of growth opportunities for our communities,” Neil continues.

    “As a former Vice Chairman for the Area Investment Framework (a SEEDA initiative), I believe that I have a deep understanding of the whole Greater Brighton region, its communities, its businesses and its unique opportunities for significant economic and social growth.

    “Over the next year, I am keen to see the Economic Board increase its share of voice in policy debates and decisions at a national level, leading the way in partnership economic development initiatives.  At a local level, I want to help the Board forge meaningful connections with local businesses and communities - whether that’s through establishing a website to share important news, or by increasing the profile of the Board through the media.  It will also be important to identify opportunities to unlock the potential of the natural assets of the South Downs National Park to deliver sustainable development for the region.

    “I am determined to help the Board support common economic objectives that benefit our communities and businesses across the wider sub regional area which includes Adur & Worthing; Lewes; Mid-Sussex and Brighton and Hove.”

    Supporting Neil’s Chairmanship is Andrew Swayne, Chairman of the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership and senior manager at global engineering and environmental consultancy, Ricardo.  Neil and Andrew worked together on the Area Investment Framework board.

    Andrew says: “I look forward to working with Neil as this year’s chair and share his vision. The first year has been exciting and set good foundations for further development. We now need to make and win the case for the next series of projects and ensure we have a place round the national table to more devolved funding for our economic growth.”

    Neil takes up the Chair of the Greater Brighton Economic Board on 14th July 2015 for a one year term.

    More News from Adur & Worthing Councils


  • 13 July 2015 10:40 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Ropetackle Arts Centre Need YOUR Help!

    Ropetackle Arts Centre will be running a National Lottery funded community Outreach project in the Autumn. This funding will cover free workshops with various community groups across Adur as part of Ropetackle's developing outreach work. 

    They are looking for a further £1500 to hire a stage and marquee for an outdoor community engagement performance on October 17th 2015. 

    This will include community groups and schools from across Adur performing with the band Hope & Social in a project entitled, 

    A Band Anyone Can Join here is a link to the previous project. 

    If you can help with sponsorship, advertisements, tickets, promotional materials etc please contact:

    Claire Swift - Outreach & Front of House Manager
    Ropetackle Arts Centre
    Shoreham by Sea
    t: 01273 464440

  • 13 July 2015 9:49 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)



    July Sunday Lunch Menu 2015

    Enjoy Our Famous

    Indigo Sunday Lunch

    Cream of cauliflower & vanilla soup
    Sweet Ogen melon, rocket salad, Parma ham, balsamic reduction
    Chicken liver & cognac parfait, red onion marmalade, toasted brioche
    Locally smoked salmon & Indigo oak smoked mackerel pate with horseradish & chive
    potato salad

    Grilled Cornish sardines garlic and lemon butter

    Roast rump of British beef, Yorkshire pudding, horseradish sauce
    Roasted leg of lamb, mint & rosemary sauce
    Dressed Devon crab, bobby beans and red onion salad, minted new potatoes
    Baked fillet of local wild sea bass, crushed potato chive butter
    Pea & mint risotto with mascarpone, shaved parmesan, crispy leeks, crumbled feta &
    dressed salad


    Pineapple ravioli filled with white chocolate & blueberries
    Ice cream dropped on the beach
    Sussex Rum and raisin ice cream, honeycomb
    sand, chocolate stones and cone

    Coffee panacotta ~ spiced Drambuie jelly, orange & almond tuille
    Lemon balm crème brulee
    A selection of Sussex cheese and biscuits with apple pickle and celery


    One course 14:75
    Two courses £21:00
    Three courses £27:00
    Freshly ground coffee, tea infusions and chocolate brownies
    Sour dough bread and butter

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    Worthing, West Sussex BN11 3DZ

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