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  • 29 October 2019 1:18 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Local Manufactureres Focus on Making a Success of Marketing

    Manufacturing businesses in Sussex are on the road to marketing success following the latest event run by METALL, the forum for local manufacturing, engineering and technology companies.

    Industrial marketing specialists, Katie and Nik Webb, directors of Worthing-based agency Molokini Marketing, guided members through the common marketing challenges facing businesses in the sector, and how they can tackle them.

    “The marketing landscape has changed incredibly over the last 15 years, thanks to the proliferation of digital channels, so there has never been a more important time to focus on the return on investment that marketing brings,” said Katie Webb. “Those businesses that truly understand the motivation of their customers, who embed knowledge and passion throughout their workforce, use data to define the best channels and constantly review conversion rates, are the ones who will reap the rewards.”

    Nik Webb highlighted the importance of brand building. “Brand isn’t about a name and a logo; it’s about how businesses communicate their values and vision so that customers feel connected. This is the foundation that drives the marketing effort and creates the conditions for strategic growth.”

    Katie and Nik reiterated that during uncertain times, investing in your brand and marketing strategy becomes ever more important in order to stay ahead. They provided examples of best practice in the industry, inspiring attendees that even small changes that utilise the resources they already have, can make a big difference.

    Following the presentation there was a great deal of discussion in the room from business owners looking to maximise their marketing potential, whether through using an in-house team, a freelancer or agency.

    Tony Summers, Head of Manufacturing at MHA Carpenter Box, commented: “It was apparent from the level of audience participation that attendees had real passion for their business and a desire to communicate that effectively to potential customers, something that helps to underpin successful marketing.”

    METALL brings together Sussex coast and Gatwick Diamond manufacturing businesses to help them grow their businesses, network, share best practice, overcome challenges and take advantage of opportunities. It is supported by chartered accountants and tax advisors MHA Carpenter Box, law firm DMH Stallard, and Coast to Capital, the Local Enterprise Partnership.

  • 22 October 2019 11:03 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Shoreham Beachbox plans get the green light

    Internationally-renowned development company Boxpark has received planning permission to create a landmark seafront dining destination and community cafe on Shoreham Beach.

    The Brighton-based firm - who are behind acclaimed casual dining and retail developments in Shoreditch, Croydon and Wembley - received approval to create the Shoreham Beachbox ata meeting of Adur District Council’s Planning Committee last night (October 7, 2019).

    It will see a run-down toilet block transformed into a contemporary multi-purpose split level cafe-restaurant with a paved outdoor seating area and roof terrace with coastal and countryside views. 

    Public toilets will be retained and upgraded within the building while changing rooms, a centre for water sports and community space for up to 90 people will be made available to local groups.

    Speaking at the committee, developers said the coastal setting had inspired the design of the building with the intention of delivering the “best beachfront cafe-restaurant in the UK”.

    Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “There is no doubt that Beach Green is a special place and, providing this new exciting venue is managed correctly, the Shoreham Beachbox can bring immense benefits to our area.

    “This is Boxpark’s first venture outside of London. Bringing a company with their worldwide reputation for creating exciting places for people to eat and drink is a real vote of confidence in Adur.

    “It shows that people want to invest in our communities to create more vibrant places for people to live, work and relax with their friends and family.”

    The Council entered into preferred development agreement with Boxpark for the site in Beach Green in 2017 and a lease for the land was signed earlier this year.

    When complete, it is expected that about 25 jobs will be created while developers have made a commitment to use local contractors

    To accommodate deliveries, the existing bus stop will be extended while the location of a Council-owned surface car park close to the site alleviated parking concerns.

    Roger Wade, CEO and Founder of Boxpark, said: “Our intention from the start has always been to create the best seafront cafe-restaurant in the UK. With planning approval granted we have now taken a large step forward to achieving that ambition. We now commit to working with the community to make sure we deliver on our promise.

    “I’m confident that our plans will transform this site, turning a run-down block which is a hub for antisocial behaviour into a vibrant destination cafe-restaurant which will put Shoreham Beach on the map.”

    Councillor Carol Albury, Chairman of Adur District Council’s Planning Committee, said: “While we understand some of the concerns raised by local residents around this proposal, it was agreed the creation of this landmark building would deliver huge benefits while regenerating a dilapidated toilet which has seen better days.”

    Cllr Abury added that while the new building would bring something special to the area it was important that West Sussex County Council resurfaced the run-down shared pedestrian and cycle route to the south of the development.

  • 22 October 2019 10:58 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Frighteningly Fun Family Festivity At Brooklands Park Halloween

    As Halloween approaches, boys and ghouls are invited to a fun, free, family-friendly afternoon of activities at Brooklands Park designed to lift the spirits!

    Following a series of successful events this summer, Worthing Borough Council, working with Fox and Squirrel, invite local families to join them for a variety of Halloween themed entertainment on Sunday 27th October from 1pm until 4.30pm.

    There’s plenty for children of all ages to sink their fanged teeth into, including pumpkin carving, broom making, wand decorating, and cobweb weaving at the amphitheatre at Brooklands Park, the same location which held a series of summer holiday events.

    Worthing Borough Council have been working on the master plan for Brooklands Park with its partners to develop the open space into a new Adventure Park, emphasising learning about science and the natural environment through fun, play and exploration.

    Stopping in for a spell on the 27th will be the landscape architects working on the improvements.

    Providing a spooky serenade for the crowds will be a choir organised by Paul Ackerley of Creatives Across Sussex who has the ambition to start a community choir for future singing in the landscape at Brooklands.

    Cllr Edward Crouch, Worthing Borough Council's Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services, said: “It’s been great to see people of all ages come together to share experiences at one of our unique outdoor spaces.

    “Hundreds of local people made the most of a varied, educational and free programme of events over the summer, and it’s fantastic to see we’re able to support a local community group to put on another offering in the autumn.

    “It’s important to us as a Council to promote projects like these, encouraging people to live healthier, happier lives which put our parks to good purpose.”

    Brooklands Park is a large 45-acre open space around an eight acre lake which has recently been restored by dredging, the building of a 105m boardwalk and the introduction of reed beds.

    Along with the free family summer activities not for profit organisation CYCALL have been running free adapted cycling sessions at Brooklands Park on Saturday afternoons. CYCALL's adapted cycles makes cycling accessible for disabled adults and children or anyone with a health issue. 

    Additionally on Friday evenings free coaching sessions and rides were led by fully qualified and insured British Cycling Coaches and Ride Leaders, using the cycle track at Brooklands amphitheatre.

    A major investment will be made over the next three years into the park, which will be home to a new cafe and lakeside picnicking area and improved walks and fitness trails. There will be areas for outdoor events and community activities, community gardens and an adventure play area. An indoor leisure activity centre in the south west corner of the park is also proposed, ensuring the park remains an attractive destination all year round.

  • 17 October 2019 12:22 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    FIT4 No joining fee day! 

    Join FIT4 with no joining fee for one day only! Saturday 19th October 

    Join the best fitness package for miles and enjoy the benefits of FIT4.

    Click here to join now

  • 16 October 2019 10:38 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Worthing Theatres whisks audiences away to the ball with Cinderella: The Pantomime
    Worthing Theatres and Paul Holman Associates have announced their fantastic annual family Pantomime Cinderella. Playing at the Pavilion Theatre, Worthing from Friday 29th November 2019 to Sunday 5th January 2020.
    Following the incredible success of last year’s production, Aladdin, which was nominated for Pantomime of the Year at the prestigious Great British Pantomime Awards this year’s offering promises to be more spectacular than ever before! With an all-star cast, laugh-out-loud comedy capers and all the well-loved traditions of pantomime Cinderella promises to be Worthing’s most spectacular Christmas production yet!
    Poor downtrodden Cinderella lives a life of misery, bullied and bossed around by her divaliscious step-sisters. But with her best friend Buttons by her side and the magical help of her Fairy Godmother, will Cinderella make it to the ball and back again before midnight?
    Find out if the glass slipper fits and if Cinderella can find her happy ever after with the handsome Prince Charming in this classic tale filled with lots of laughter and plenty of traditional pantomime audience participation combined with stunning special effects, sparkling costumes and scenery and a sensational star cast.
    This year’s incredible all-star cast features Strictly Come Dancing’s Ian Waite, making his pantomime debut, as Dandini, the Prince’s cheeky but charming aide-de-campe. Ian will star alongside children’s TV presenter and CBBC favourite Naomi Wilkinson, in the title role as Cinderella, with Boyband A1’s Mark Read returning to Worthing, this time, as Prince Charming. Nicole Faraday, best known for her iconic portrayal as the glamorous murderess Snowball Merriman in ITV’s smash-hit series Bad Girls, stars as the Wicked Stepmother. While comedian Mark Jones, returns by popular demand to play Buttons after his scene-stealing spot as Wishee Washee in last year’s Aladdin.
    Cinderella promises to be Worthing’s most enchanting pantomime yet with good old-fashioned family fun and plenty of audience interaction plus sensational special effects, breathtaking costumes and scenery and an exciting line-up of stars ready to whisk audiences off to the ball!
    Cinderella: The Pantomime runs at the Pavilion Theatre, Worthing from Friday 29th November 2019 to Sunday 5th January 2020.  Tickets for this family favourite pantomime are on sale now via or at the Box Office on 01903 206 206.
    Golden Week runs from Saturday 30th November to Friday 6th December with all tickets priced between £12 to £18. All evening performances during Golden Week will be followed by a cast meet and greet with photo opportunities plus a free programme for all ticket holders

  • 15 October 2019 12:43 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Countdown to Safe in Sussex’s Gingerbread House Fun – Get involved

    It’s only 11 weeks till Safe in Sussex’s 2nd Gingerbread House Decorating Competition for local businesses and groups. The event is held on the 12th December, (Gingerbread Day) each year (as long as it falls on a weekday!).

    Last year was a great success where local companies came together for team bonding and festive fun whilst increasing awareness and funds for the charity.

    'We are pleased to confirm the maker of the gingerbread house packs and the Judge of the competition will be Fay Millar, owner of Brighton Cakes. again and she said ”I am honoured to be chosen to supply the Gingerbread packs and judge this great competition again this year. I loved doing it last year and seeing how creative people can be”.

    AM Trophies, Worthing last year donated an amazing trophy for Safe in Sussex to give to the winners each year. The winner last year was Rayner IOL based in Worthing so they were the first name to go on the trophy. 

    All the gingerbread houses will be given to the women and children at the refuges for Christmas.

    If you want to put your name down to join in the festive fun this year, email for more details. So far this year we have confirmed Raynor IOL, Inside Worthing, Nutley’s Kitchen Gardens, Janet Webb Consulting, Coop Field Place, The Focus Group, Expert Virtual Assistance, CommPoint and Nadarra Cosmetics.

     Safe in Sussex offers advice, support, refuge, awareness and education for women, children and young people across West Sussex.  The charity has confidential refuges and a community refuge in Littlehampton.

    The refuges are for women and children who flee domestic violence. The refuges are a place where women can feel safe and be given the vital support they need, both practical and emotional.  

     Here at Safe in Sussex we aim to increase the awareness and stop the cycle of domestic abuse in West Sussex.  

    We also have a Countrywide Outreach service for men and women, we facilitate support groups for women in the community and we provide healthy relationship education programmes for Primary and Secondary schools in West Sussex.  

  • 10 October 2019 1:10 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Cash boost for new Shoreham energy network

    Ambitious plans to create a heat network to supply hundreds of homes and commercial buildings have received a major funding boost.

    Adur District Council has secured nearly £164,000 from the government to develop a detailed proposal to create a centralised publicly-owned energy hub in the Shoreham Harbour area.

    The aim is to supply heating for new housing and commercial buildings from a central source via a series of underground pipes carrying hot water, avoiding the need for individual boilers or electric heaters in every building. 

    The result would be a cost-effective heat distribution network that delivers energy efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, carbon reduction and protection against fuel poverty.

    It comes just weeks afterAdur District Council declared a climate emergency and committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

    Councillor Angus Dunn, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Finance and Resources, said: “This funding is a real vote of confidence in the sustainable agenda that we are driving forward with our communities.

    “Heat networks are sometimes described as ‘central heating for cities’, having the potential to provide clean, green energy to homes and offices, saving money on bills and maintenance while protecting our environment.

    “Crucially this also means there is direct control over our power supply, ensuring that buildings in this area are resilient moving forward.”

    Adur District Council secured the grant from the government’s Heat Networks Delivery Unit, which was established to provide funding and guidance to local authorities in England and Wales on developing schemes.

    The money will be used to progress plans so that a detailed proposal can be delivered within the coming years.

    Funding will also allow experts to detail what type of technology is suitable for the Shoreham Harbour scheme, with a marine source heat pump among the possibilities.

    Buildings which could link up the network include new developments along the Western Harbour Arm and former Adur Civic Centre, as well as existing social housing and community buildings.

    The heat network forms part of the wider Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan, which will guide development in the area and is due for adoption later this month.

    Investigating a heat network for Shoreham is part of the work to decarbonise Adur and Worthing under the council’s Sustainability Framework: Sustainable AW.

  • 09 October 2019 11:39 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Essential planning to enjoy your later life

    No-one can avoid old age, so the sooner you can start to prepare for it the better! It will avoid any unwelcome surprises upon reaching retirement. However, planning for the future can be a daunting task. For this reason, Sussex-based chartered accountants MHA Carpenter Box are joining together with Worthing-based solicitors Bennett Griffin, Worthing charity Guild Care and retirement specialists Just to hold an event to help you plan for the later life you deserve.

    The Financial Planning for Later Life Seminar will cover a wide range of topics including Powers of Attorney and deputyships, paying for your care, property and trusts, Inheritance Tax, as well as non-regulated care. Each of the speakers will provide information and insight to help you to make better-informed choices, rather than being unaware of missed opportunities and leaving important decisions to chance.

    Speakers at the event include:

    • ·       Ian Macara, Senior Partner at Bennett Griffin, will discuss Trusts, Powers of Attorney and deputyships;
    • ·       Gill Lynes, Senior Financial Planning Manager and SOLLA (Society for Later Life Advisers) Member at MHA Carpenter Box Wealth Management, will provide details on paying for care fees including care annuities;
    • ·       Tracey Funnell, BD Manager from Just, will outline non-regulated care and updates in the care sector;
    • ·       Karen Thomas, Head of Private Client Services at MHA Carpenter Box, will discuss Inheritance Tax and tax concerns in later life;
    • ·       Finally, we’ll hear from Helen Tidball from Guild Care, which runs three care homes and over 30 community services in Worthing.

    All in all, there will be something for everyone, no matter what stage you are at in your retirement planning.

    Attendees will have the opportunity to raise questions at the end of the event which will be held on Tuesday 15 October, between 4pm and 6pm at The Charmandean Centre, Worthing.  

    For more information or to register for the event, please refer to:

  • 04 October 2019 2:07 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Local Businesses Invited To Meet Workforce of the Future

    Local employers are being encouraged to take part in a free Careers Fair organised by Adur & Worthing Councils and help provide a leg up onto the career ladder for hundreds of people.

    The event brings together local schools, colleges and businesses, to offer support and advice to those seeking new opportunities at Worthing Assembly Hall on Wednesday 16th October.

    Business leaders will get the chance to meet skilled individuals who are looking for either their first job or a change of career, and share what opportunities are available.

    The fair is free to attend with more than 1,600 young people from secondary schools attending from 9am to 3pm. From 3pm to 6pm it will be opened to those at college, parents and the wider public.

    Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

    “This Careers Fair is a fantastic opportunity for our thriving business community to meet new talent. I would definitely recommend local employers registering as soon as possible to make the most out of the benefits of this event.”

    Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

    “ With exhibitors from across all sectors, the Careers Fair provides an important opportunity for people of all ages, and experience to meet companies and businesses in the local area dedicated to supporting the local employment economy.”

    The day is split into sessions to provide time for prospective employees to have meaningful conversations with local companies and apply to jobs. Local employers will be able to promote their company to the local community and recruit.

    The event includes a Q&A with a professional panel focussing on pathways into employment, an area dedicated to promoting current vacancies and regular breaks with refreshments and lunch for stall holders.

    Top tips will include advice on CV writing and finding a job, as well as guidance for those looking to change careers.

    If you are a local employer and wish to have a stand or have a general enquiry, please contact Jennifer Curtis on

  • 04 October 2019 1:15 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Future of Ropetackle Arts Centre set to be secured

    The future of Shoreham’s multi-award winning Ropetackle Arts Centre is set to be secured after Adur District Council agreed to step in to provide thousands of pounds of funding.

    Despite ongoing support from the community and local authority, the future of the community-run arts venue has been in doubt - with directors launching a Ropetackle 2020 fundraising appeal earlier this year to raise £30,000 to support its ongoing operations.

    So far, £40,000 has been donated. On the back of this and after extensive negotiations around how the venue will be managed in the future, the Council is set to provide £20,000 of funding for each of the next three years.

    This is on the provision of a new business plan being developed, changes to the governance arrangements and a number of new trustees being appointed. 

    Cllr Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, said: “We have always been supportive of the Ropetackle and want to see it succeed in the long run.

    “Now we have assurances over how the venue will be managed moving forward we will look to move swiftly to release these funds with an urgent item coming forward to next week’s Joint Strategic Committee.

    “I sincerely hope the funding will support the ongoing prosperity of this well-supported and much-loved venue which - as the incredible response to the crowdfunding appeal shows - contributes an enormous amount to our area.”

    The funding will be released, pending approval at a meeting due to be held on Tuesday (October 8, 2019) and the decision being referred to Full Council later this month. 

    Cllr Parkin also praised Cllr Kevin Boram, who has been in ongoing discussions with Ropetackle directors around the future of the centre for many months. He also thanked the Ropetackle Trustees for their dedication and efforts in making Ropetackle such an essential asset of Adur.

    Ropetackle chairman Martin Allen thanked the Council and Cllr Boram for the backing, adding: “On the basis of this remarkable support, and with certain other measures we are taking to generate revenue and improve profitability, we are not only in a strong enough position to continue to operate but we also now have a sound platform for boosting our funding going forward.

    “The level of Ropetackle 2020 donations has demonstrated the value of Ropetackle to the community and to our audiences. 

    “What is important is that we are able to rely upon continuing community funding as a key element of our revenue. It is hugely gratifying that so many donors have agreed to such continuity by way of direct debit. We very much hope that as many people as possible will commit to such ongoing support.”

    Ropetackle trustees said it would be looking to hold an open meeting later this year to thank all of those who donated and share ideas for the future. An appeal for experienced individuals to join the board of trustees will also be launched.