We need your suggestions .... what should we call the Business Hub?

21 September 2015 2:33 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Worthing & Adur Chamber are excited to announce the launch of a new Business Hub and we need your help with a name.

This new and exciting project is supported by Adur & Worthing Council and Northbrook College and will be located on the Northbrook College campus in Broadwater.

We need your suggestions .... what should we call the Business Hub?

What is a Business Hub?

  • Mixed office space, a combination of dedicated offices, open plan hot desking and a meeting room
But our Business Hub will offer more than this. It will include:
  • Business support and training
  • Modern hi-tech premises
  • Training room facilities

The name needs to capture the essence of the above. To boost your creativity there is a prize of a bottle of Champagne!

Please email your suggestions to info@worthingandadurchamber.co.uk by Wednesday 23rd September


  • 21 September 2015 2:36 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    The business hot tub