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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

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  • 17 October 2018 11:59 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Unveiled: bright new adventure park vision for Brooklands

    A £2 million masterplan for the complete revival of Worthing’s Brooklands Park has been revealed.

    Working with leading environment-shaping company Chris Blandford Associates, Worthing Borough Council’s proposal is to create a new Science Adventure Park with the emphasis on learning through fun, play and exploration.

    With the lake freshly revived after nine months hard work, the next stage is to move towards a coherent feel for the entire area.

    The vision has been developed after input from more than 800 residents. The Friends of Brooklands Park have also been actively engaged in the process.

    Key features and benefits of the regeneration will include a new cafe and lakeside picnicking area at the heart of the park along with improved walks and fitness trails, areas for outdoor events and community activities, community gardens and an adventure play area.

    An indoor leisure activity centre in the south west corner of the park is also outlined to ensure it remains an attractive destination all year round.

    Cllr Edward Crouch, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Digital and Environmental Services, said: “These plans have yet to be put before the Council for detailed discussion but we wanted the public to see what was in mind.

    “I think the masterplan is really very exciting. It makes Brooklands a fantastic green space for families to enjoy.

    “The lake is sparkling after our restoration so this is the next exciting step. It proves our commitment to preserving and indeed enhancing our green spaces as well as encouraging inward investment and new visitors to our town.”

    The council, working closely with Chris Blandford Associates, has used the public consultation held earlier this year as a basis for the masterplan. It has worked hard to incorporate as many of views as possible into the proposal.

    Plans also include an adventure playground, community gardens, outdoor education and den building area, enhanced planting of shrubs and flowers and pond life exploration. An iconic vertical feature, such as a sculpture or wind turbine, has also been suggested.

    Work is still to be done to fund the entire list of features. Sponsorship is to be sought from private businesses for some aspects, particularly technology companies given the science-based nature of the proposal.

    Increased car parking spaces and coach drop off areas are envisaged as the Council seeks to make Brooklands a destination attraction once again as well as a green space local residents can be proud of.

    Better links from the park to the seafront so that people can easily travel between the two are also proposed.

    In a statement Chris Blandford Associates says the park aims to provide ‘stimulation of the senses for people of all ages and abilities through hands-on play and exploration including sensory play equipment, acoustic play and temporary installations which can link to the wider health and well-being agenda’.

    The development of the park will take place in stages. Work could start next year with the timescale for possible completion depending on the success of attracting funds for some of the individual elements.

    Anyone who wants to comment on the masterplan or the general future of the park is asked to contact

  • 16 October 2018 12:56 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Greater Brighton businesses urged to have their say on the future of our water

    Businesses are being asked for their views on how best to tackle 'water stress' in the Greater Brighton region.

    Population growth, new housing and climate change are among a range of challenges that need to be addressed to make sure there is still enough water for all in the future, as well as prevent flooding and protect and improve the environment.

    The Greater Brighton region, an economic and inward investment area stretching from Crawley to the coast and Worthing across to Newhaven, has established an Infrastructure Panel to look at sustainable water and energy for the future.

    As part of its work to deliver a dedicated Greater Brighton water plan, the Panel has launched an online survey to capture the business community's feedback on this key strategic issue. The research will also include the opportunity for organisations to volunteer to take part in a more in-depth discussion.

    Among the questions to asked will be the following:

    ·         How important is water to your business?

    ·         How would your business be affected by a lack of water supply, lack of wastewater disposal capacity, flooding and bills becoming more expensive?

    ·         How important a factor is water to your business, compared to issues like energy, telecommunications, transport and recruitment?

    The answers from the survey will feed into the Panel's discussions, with a report back to the Greater Brighton Economic Board on recommended next steps due next year.

    Representatives from companies such as Ricardo and IBM, the Universities of Sussex and Brighton, local authorities and bodies like the Environment Agency, South East Water and UK Power Networks have joined the Greater Brighton Panel under the chairmanship of Southern Water Chief Executive, Ian McAulay.

    Ian said: "We need to make sure we build a resilient future for water and energy to allow us to continue grow the economy locally. To do that, it is vital we start to plan around some of the issues which will arise and that is why it is important to have businesses and the wider public engaged in this issue.

    “Answers from local firms, of all sizes, will give us a richer picture of where our priorities should be. So I would urge everyone to spend a just few minutes to give us their views.”

    The Greater Brighton Water Plan business survey can be found by clicking here. The survey is open until Monday 5 November 2018.

  • 16 October 2018 12:33 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    West Sussex County Council Cybercrime/Online Safety Surveys are now LIVE!

    The Community Safety & Wellbeing Team at the County Council has launched two surveys in order to gather feedback about people’s perceptions and experiences of cybercrime/online safety over the last 12 months. Responses to this survey will influence how we at the County Council shape our cybercrime/online safety support work in the future.

    Both surveys will be open for 5 weeks, and will close at midnight on Monday 19th November, 2018.

    Survey 1) Business & Organisation Survey:

    We are looking specifically for business owners / managers, aged 18 or above, to complete our business survey.

    Survey 2) Personal Survey:

    For information purposes, we will also be seeking views and information from any West Sussex resident, aged 18 or above, to complete our Personal Use Cybercrime/Online Safety Survey in order to support the wider community. Reference to this survey will also be included in the email template for businesses & organisations (see below dotted line).

    Please support us by encouraging West Sussex businesses to complete the business survey by:

    • ·        Cascading this survey out to relevant business parties on your contact lists
    • ·        Using the attached message template below with survey links in order to gain maximum uptake

    Supporting Our Businesses – Your Perception and Views

    West Sussex County Council Cybercrime/Online Safety Surveys are now LIVE!

    The Community Safety & Wellbeing Team at the County Council have launched two surveys in order to gather feedback about perceptions and experiences of cybercrime/online safety across West Sussex over the last 12 months from a business and personal perspective. Your response to this survey will help influence how we at the County Council shape our cybercrime/ online safety support work in order to help local businesses in the future.

    You will have 5 weeks in order to complete the survey. The survey will close at midnight on Monday 19th November, 2018.

    If you are a business owner/manager, aged 18 or above, then please follow the link below to complete our Cybercrime/Online Safety Survey for businesses and organisations. We need your help to be able to better support our work with the business community.

    Cybercrime/Online Safety Survey for Businesses & Organisations –

    In addition, we are also seeking feedback from the wider West Sussex population. If you are not a business owner / manager, then please follow the link below to complete our Personal Use Cybercrime/Online Safety Survey.

    Personal Use Cybercrime/Online Safety Survey Link –

  • 16 October 2018 12:23 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Jack on the Green returns to light up Worthing 

    A sparkling night of lights and lanterns awaits Worthing residents and visitors, with the return of the ‘Jack on the Green’ spectacle this coming weekend.

    The popular illumination event will be back for the second year running. The event, hosted by Worthing Borough Council and community arts charity Same Sky, will give attendees the opportunity to see Beach House Park in a whole new light.

    Taking place on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October, the evening events will feature a lit trail around Beach House Park from 6pm to 8:30pm. Admission is free, with donations welcomed at the gate.

    Spellbinding displays and live music will wow the crowds, with spectacular displays from East Beach Studio Artists and Creative Waves. Six local schools are involved in making some of the structures which will be on show.

    Youngsters will benefit from the free craft workshops, which will be run by Same Sky and held in Palm Court Pavilion on both days from 2pm to 4pm.

    Pauline Freestone, Events Officer at Worthing Borough Council, said:

    “We’re delighted to be running this event for the second year in partnership with Same Sky. Last year the event attracted over 2,000 visitors, plus another 200 schoolchildren to the daytime craft workshops - and this year’s event looks set to be bigger and better. Everything made in these workshops will form part of the trail at Beach House Park, so children can come along to spot their own creation in the evening!”

    For more details, see the Discover Worthing website:

  • 16 October 2018 12:10 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Building AW: Brooklands Park can become a “regional destination”

    Brooklands Park has the potential to become a “regional destination” - that’s the view of those who have worked with Worthing Borough Council to create a masterplan to guide the rejuvenation of the much-loved open space.

    After listening to the views of hundreds of local people, the local authority and leading environment-shaping company Chris Blandford Associates have revealed an ambition to turn the area into a new Science Adventure Park.

    The claim came during an interview with Adur & Worthing Councils’ online magazine, which is designed to keep residents and business up-to-date with the ongoing change in the area.

    Speaking to Building AW, Adrienne Soudain, a landscape architect at Chris Blandford Associates, said the inspiration for the vision came from making the most of Brooklands’ unique setting.

    She said: “We are excited by the prospect of bringing science to life by offering hands-on experiences within a truly innovative regional park experience.

    “The local links to science and the creative responses from the stakeholder consultation inspired us to design an adventure park with multiple indoor and outdoor leisure activities for year-round interest and opportunities to explore and experience science phenomenon through leisure and play.

    “The creation of a regional destination will attract greater visitor numbers and contribute to the long-term viability of the park. Commercial ventures to offset the management costs of the park also offer valuable local employment opportunities.”

    The vision has been developed after input from more than 800 residents. The Friends of Brooklands Park have also been actively engaged in the process.

    Key features and benefits of the regeneration will include a new cafe and lakeside picnicking area at the heart of the park along with improved walks and fitness trails, areas for outdoor events and community activities, community gardens and an adventure play area.

    An indoor leisure activity centre in the south west corner of the park is also outlined to ensure it remains an attractive destination all year round.

    But Adrienne said that what will make the rejuvenation really special is that Brooklands has been “a focal point for people's lives over a number of generations”.

    She said: “We are passionate about creating opportunities for local community to come together, get involved and get a real sense of ownership over the park. When people feel a sense of ownership over their surroundings they look after them; they become cherished as an asset to the neighbourhood and a hub of the community.”

    Building AW is a bright, informal 28-page online publication which keeps residents and businesses across both areas up-to-date with all the latest development in their communities.

    Features in the October edition include an update on the Adur District Council-funded office block in Ham Road which will keep hundreds of jobs in the local area; details on the completion of a gateway to Shoreham Beach; and the latest on £5 million plans to improve Worthing town centre.

    The online publication also includes regular updates on some of the major projects across Adur and Worthing which are moving forward at speed.

    In their introductions to the edition, leaders recognised the change to local communities but urged that regeneration was about more than building houses.

    Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “As has been the case in recent months, much of the focus is on the Shoreham.

    "However, the recent decision of the planning committee to approve the New Monks Farm application for 600 new homes and the new IKEA store as well as the proposed industrial development on the Airport site promises to move the focus westward in the coming months."

    Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Regeneration is important to the continued vitality of Worthing. This is not only in terms of our housing, our retail offer, or state of the art business parks that we aim to bring to Decoy Farm; but it is also about leisure, health and wellbeing. It’s about what we provide for our residents to enjoy, whatever their age.

    “That is why working in partnership with colleagues I am so pleased to see the next stage of the regeneration of Brooklands Park being announced.

    “Once delivered it will provide a major leisure attraction for residents and will put Worthing further on the map as a destination of choice for those who live within striking distance of the town.”

    To read the most recent edition of Building AW visit this link

  • 09 October 2018 12:47 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Huge achievement for local Worthing Choir 

    Fantastic news and a huge achievement for a local Worthing choir, Spring into Soul, who are BBC Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year 2018 finalists.

    Judges, who they will be trying to impress include Gareth Malone and Royal Wedding Jerusalem Choir leader, Karen Gibson.

    SIS formed in 2006 and are a Worthing based, community Gospel choir, led by the talented and inspirational Siggi Mwasote and, they are all very excited about being one of five choirs taking part in this competition.

    Give them your support and tune in to BBC One, Songs of Praise on 18th and 25th November 2018.

    There is also an opportunity to see Spring into Soul at St Paul’s in Worthing on Saturday 2nd February 2019. Tickets will be available from Profits go to Chestnut Tree Children’s Hospice. 

    For more details about the choir visit

  • 02 October 2018 2:58 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Don’t leave it too late to plan for your old age!

    Old age comes to us all, so it’s far better to be prepared for it so that no unwelcome surprises arise after we reach retirement. This is why Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants MHA Carpenter Box and Worthing-based solicitors Bennett Griffin are joining the charity Guild Care in Worthing to hold an event to help you plan for later life.

    With planning comes the peace of mind knowing that you will be cared for in later life, that your finances are in order and that your estate will be distributed to your loved ones in the way that you would want.

    The Financial Planning for Later Life event will cover a wide range of topics from some of the legal issues surrounding Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney, as well as financial implications such as Inheritance Tax and funding for care fees.

    Speakers at the event will include Helen Tidball from Guild Care, who will introduce and provide some background to the charity, which runs three care homes and over 30 community services in Worthing. Tania Clapham, Partner at Bennett Griffin, will discuss Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney, while Karen Thomas, Associate at MHA Carpenter Box, will provide details on Inheritance Tax. Gill Lynes, Financial Planning Manager with MHA Carpenter Box Wealth Management, will then conclude with an overview of care fees planning, so there should be something for everyone!

    Attendees will have the opportunity to raise questions at the end of the event which will be held on Tuesday 16 October, between 6pm and 8pm at Guild Care, Methold House, North Street, Worthing.  For more information or to register for the event, please refer to:

  • 19 September 2018 4:54 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Draft Worthing Local Plan revealed

    Three key green spaces are proposed to be protected as a draft blueprint to guide the future development of Worthing has been revealed.

    Those behind the Worthing Local Plan have spent the past two years carrying out extensive studies into every parcel of land in the borough as they look to ensure the right mix of places for people to live, work and play in the future.

    Despite Government figures indicating Worthing needs 15,000 homes over the next 15 years to meet demand, the widespread search has shown there is only enough land to provide 4,000 by 2033.

    Even with this pressure, the Council has made an initial commitment to place protected status on three major green spaces on the edge of the borough boundary - Goring Gap (South), Chatsmore Farm (between the A259 and railway line at Goring) and Brooklands Park.

    Councillors are set to give their thoughts on the draft document this week with a public consultation on the document planned for the end of October.

    The 15-year Plan will eventually need the approval of a government inspector before being adopted.

    Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Every resident, worker and visitor to our town will know that, due to our position trapped between the Downs and the sea, land really is at a premium in our area so it is imperative that we make the most of our limited assets.

    “The draft Worthing Local Plan does this, focusing on providing much-needed housing while also seeking to protect some of our most valued open spaces and employment areas.

    “I look forward to hearing everyone’s contributions on this initial document in the coming weeks and working with residents, businesses and other stakeholders before we submit our final version to the Planning Inspector later next year.”

    Discussions around creating a new Local Plan for Worthing began more than two years ago.

    During that time the Government released revised housing need figures which state the borough needs to create 15,000 new properties in the next 15 years to meet demand.

    Even with the development of major brownfield sites such as Teville Gate, Union Place and Grafton Car Park coming forward, comprehensive evidence published to support the Council’s first draft has demonstrated there is only enough land in the borough to provide just over 4,000 dwellings.

    Among those other areas allocated for development include land off Upper Brighton Road (123 homes), land east of Fulbeck Avenue (50) and part of the Northbrook Caravan Club site (75).

    The 166-page document also indicates that there remain significant obstacles to developing other greenfield areas such as land east of Titnore Lane and land off Beeches Avenue.

    The document also includes detailed policies on a range of planning issues, such as affordable housing provision, heritage, design, retail and the economy. When adopted, these will be used when making decisions on future applications.

    The next stage is for councillors to give their thoughts to the proposal at Worthing’s Planning Committee tomorrow (Wednesday September 19) before it goes to the Joint Strategic Committee.

    Then, a six-week public consultation is planned when members of the public and other stakeholders can have their say on the proposal.

    Planners will take on board this feedback before creating a final version which will be subject to further consultation before then being presented to a Planning Inspector towards the end of next year.

    Once approved, the plan would be reviewed after five years in line with government recommendations.

  • 19 September 2018 11:58 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    The most explosive 60’s show touring the UK comes to Worthing’s Pavilion Theatre for one night only
    The Sensational 60s Experience returns to Worthing on Saturday 20 October with a brand new production for 2018. Five legendary names take to the stage to deliver a night never to be forgotten; with the definite feel good factor, this is the must see 60’s show.

    The smash-hit production stars Mike Pender, Chris Farlowe, Herman’s Hermits, The Swinging Blue Jeans, New Amen Corner and The Fourmost. Just some of the songs being performed in an evening of non-stop music includes Needles and Pins, Out Of Time, I’m Into Something Good, Hippy Hippy Shake, Bend Me Shape Me, A Little Loving plus many more, offering audiences the chance to step back in time into an era when pop music was at its very best.
    Mike Pender was the original voice of The Searchers, and is considered one of the greats to have come out of the Liverpool Beat Boom. His is the rich vocal talent so evident on so many of the hit recordings that have become 60's classics.
    There were many hit recordings that feature not only Mike's vocals, but also his equally distinctive 12-string 'jangly' guitar sound that became such a feature of The Searchers' recordings. With over 50 years of success in the business Mike is still touring worldwide performing The Searchers’ million selling hits such as Sugar and Spice, Sweets For My Sweet , Don’t Throw Your Love Away , When You Walk In The Room and of course Needles and Pins.
    Originally Chris Farlowe and The Thunderbirds started out in the late fifties. Chris later moved on to perform all over Europe and still does to this day. His hits include classics like Out Of Time, Handbags and Glad Rags (which was also released by Rod Stewart as a single) Mr Pitiful, All Or Nothing plus many more.
    Herman’s Hermits throughout the mid-60’s music scene proved to be a dominating force worldwide. From 1964 the band chalked up over 23 top 20 singles, 10 hit albums, and three major movies. Hermans Hermits as of to date have sold 75 million records worldwide. Their chart breaking hits include Mrs Brown You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter, Silhouettes, There’s A Kind Of Hush, Henry V111, Something Is Happening and I’m Into Something Good.
    The Swinging Blue Jeans have a history that spans back to the 1960’s. Over the years their hit singles Hippy Hippy Shake, You’re No Good, Good Golly Miss Molly and Don’t Make Me Over have been the bedrock of the bands memorable live performances of the band.
    The New Amen Corner are one of the hardest working and most highly respected acts on the sixties circuit here in the UK and around Europe. With multiple British sixties tours under their belt the master-revivalists enjoy an unparalleled reputation that has grown through backing some of the biggest names from the sixties. New Amen Corner a force to be reckoned with on any stage throughout Europe keep their audiences entertained with classics such as If Paradise Is Half As Nice and Bend Me Shape Me.
    The Fourmost had their roots steeped in the eclectic 1960’s Mersey beat boom and were part of the Brian Epstein stable along with The Beatles, Billy J Kramer, Gerry and The Pacemakers, Cilla Black and others. The band has evolved from enjoying 1960’s chart hits such as Hello Little Girl, A Little Loving, I’m In Love, Baby I Need Your Lovin and Girls Girls Girls.
    Tickets for The Sensational 60s Experience at the Pavilion Theatre, Worthing are priced at £29 and are available from the Worthing Theatres box office on 01903 206 206 and online at

  • 17 September 2018 1:43 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Hospice patients experience ride of a lifetime on Harley Davidsons

    Patients at St Barnabas House hospice were treated to the ride of a lifetime on a Harley Davidson recently.

    Day Hospice and In-patient Unit patients were thrilled to be visited by bikers from the Hogsback Chapter Harley Davidson owners’ club.

    It was an adventurous morning as patients spent time admiring the motorcycles and posing for photos, while some went out for short rides if they felt well enough and were physically able to do so.

    It was the fifth time the bikers have ridden down from Guildford to visit the hospice, and they were given a warm welcome from patients, volunteers and staff.

    The visit was organised by the Day Hospice team at St Barnabas House who plan a wide range of events and activities for people visiting the hospice, enabling them to live their lives as fully as possible.

    Jools Morrison, Day Hospice Co-ordinator, said: “I’d like to say thank you once again to the Hogsback Chapter for a wonderful morning.

    “We really appreciate the time they give to our patients who had the opportunity to try something they may never have done before.

    “Many of our patients spend a lot of their time contending with treatment and their disease, so the experience offered a feeling of freedom and liberation.”

    Mark Humphreys, who attends the Day Hospice, said: “The experience was the best. This was my first time on both a motorbike and a Harley and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

    Another patient, Daphne Snowden, described the bikes as “exquisite, diverse and a beautifully well-kept piece of machinery” and although she wasn’t able to go for a ride she said she would like to thank everyone involved for “so many happy memories”.

    Freddie Duncan said: “Thank you for a memorable day and giving fresh energy to an old rocker.”

    Paul Blanchard from Lancing added: “A great morning and good to see all the Harley Davidsons. A good ride on the pillion brought back memories of years ago. I’d like to thank all the members of the Hogsback Chapter for their time and effort to attend St Barnabas today.”

    To find out more about the Day Hospice and all the services provided by St Barnabas House, please visit: