News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 08 June 2017 11:47 AM | Deleted user

    Book your tickets for the Summer of Circus launch

    Tickets for our launch are moving fast and we want to make sure you can attend! 

    All tickets for our VIP's are £10 for this night only, this offer is extended to your colleagues, friends and family

    Those in attendance without a launch ticket cannot be submitted to the performance.

    To confirm your attendance simply
    click here or call 01903 206206 quoting LAUNCH to receive your unique ticket offer. 

    VIP's are invited to stay after the performance for
    a post show party. Look forward to seeing you there!

  • 08 June 2017 11:46 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing Seafront Shelter development

    Two of the most desirable development hot-spots on the Sussex coast are up for grabs as Worthing seafront takes another leap forward.

    Two seafront shelters either side of the pier are being offered for development by Worthing Borough Council which is seeking to turn them into landmark leisure facilities.

    The sites, opposite West Buildings and Steyne Gardens, officially go on offer today but have already attracted plenty of interest from would-be developers.

    The Borough Council is insisting that winning bids deliver high-quality venues which bring fresh creativity and vibrancy to the seafront.

    The West Buildings site has the potential to be turned into a high-end restaurant using the existing shelter as an entrance and possibly extending out towards the sea. Such an extension is thought to be more difficult for Steyne Gardens.

    Developers will be asked to be mindful of the heritage value of the shelters.

    The council’s Executive Member for Regeneration Cllr Kevin Jenkins said:”These shelters are prime positions for developers to capitalise on the growing reputation of our seafront as a premier destination of choice.

    “We want something that will inspire residents, the increasing number of newcomers we are seeing moving here and visitors alike.”

    In 2007 planning permission was given for an 84-seat restaurant at the West Buildings site but the presence of a major sewer running along the promenade helped put an end to the scheme.

    However, talks with Southern Water have now confirmed the possibility of connecting the site to the main sewer and, by ensuring design proposals incorporate the shelter, previous obstacles can be overcome

    Worthing Borough Council’s Head of Place and Investment Lynda Dine said,” We believe this is a great opportunity to move the seafront forward, offering something different.

    “We hope to attract some really creative bids.

    She added that those looking to expand the Western Buildings site out onto the beach would need thoughtful suitable designs for such a challenge.

    Closing date for bids is Monday July10 with both sites available on a long-term lease.

  • 08 June 2017 11:33 AM | Deleted user
    Basepoint Networking Hub - 29th June

    Basepoint Shoreham's popular Networking Hub with guest speaker and networking will be held on 29th June from 12.00pm until 2.00pm.

    The event is largely informal and will feature guest speaker Dan Warburton of Dan Warburton Transformational Coaching.
    Join us to find out what ‘lifestyle satisfaction’ is and how achieving this makes ‘living the dream’ accessible and possible. 

    For the past 7 years Dan Warburton has specialised in enabling committed people achieve breakthrough results and master their dream lifestyle. Hear examples of how others have managed to achieve this along with powerful insights that can be instantly applied to create your own dream lifestyle. 
    This is a bookable event which is free to attend and includes lunch and refreshments. Spaces are limited and a waiting list will be used when spaces are filled. Please book your place by responding below.

  • 08 June 2017 11:26 AM | Deleted user

    Investment Solutions – Market Commentary – June 2017

    Global Overview

    The global economy now appears healthier than at the same time last year. Reflation is now global, rather than US led, with global manufacturing and services posting stronger readings so far this year. Europe, in particular is now showing positive signs.

    With Global stocks reaching record highs, many investors are questioning if this can last. We see further, albeit more muted, gains ahead as an increasingly broad-based rally is backed by strong earnings and global reflation. We may be more concerned if the global economy goes into overdrive, but for now it’s only just getting out of second gear.

    It looks like the world’s banking system (with some exceptions), is finally returning to reasonable health, and credit is beginning to flow again.

    President Trump still has at least another four years to serve in the normal course of events and, Brexit negotiations look likely to extend beyond the formal twoyear deadline. No doubt, therefore, there are more twists and turns to come, but the good news is that the global economy continues to prosper. We are enjoying the first concerted global recovery since 2010, something which markets deemed highly improbable not much more than twelve months ago.

    It is accepted that as economies normalise, interest rates must rise, but there is a very delicate balance due to enormous debts in the global economy. US interest rates are especially influential because of the dollar’s global reserve currency status and the fact that many countries and companies, especially in the emerging world, have substantial dollar-denominated liabilities.

    Unfortunately, outright optimism is tempered by a number of factors. After such a long bull market, it is a struggle to describe most financial assets as being especially cheap. That doesn’t necessarily make us pessimistic, but it means fund managers have to be more selective. It also means that there is no safety net for equities in the event that growth disappoints.


    The UK economy has remained resilient, despite the uncertainty over Brexit.

    The market approved of the UK General Election announcement, believing that it gives the Prime Minister a stronger hand in negotiating the terms of Brexit. This was

    reflected in the recovery of the pound at the time of the announcement.

    In May, the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 both climbed to all-time highs and sterling suffered its worst falls since January. This was due to the YouGov opinion poll showing the Conservatives’ lead over the Labour Party had narrowed sharply, ahead of the general election on June 8.

    The UK’s falling unemployment rate has been one of the major economic success stories of the past year. Initially led by part-timers and the self-employed, however, the pace of improvement has slowed notably. Real wages, which dropped about 8 per cent since the financial crisis began, are recovering slowly.

    Inflation has been rising in recent months due to energy price inflation dynamics, as well as the fall in sterling, which is raising the price of imported goods and services. Inflation figures provided in May showed inflation CPI at 2.7% and RPI at 3.5% for the year to April. According to the latest Producer Price Index data, input prices are still rising by 16.6% year-on-year, although this is down from the peak in recent months.

    The data suggests that producers have seen the peak in cost inflation, however, over the coming months; most of these costs will most likely be passed on to consumers. This will of course drive inflation higher still. Inflation continues to outpace wage growth and this could persist for some time.


    Despite the markets suffering a fall on the threat of potential impeachment of the US President in mid-May, US equities have continued to move higher. At one point racking up 110 consecutive days without experiencing a daily fall of 1%.

    The market is now fully discounting a reflationary outcome, which could lead to disappointment if it fails to materialise. However, as home to an impressive selection of worldleading businesses, especially in the technology sector, the US market will continue to attract support. There is also cautious optimism that Trump can make some progress with his proposed tax reforms.


    Whilst there has been a lot of noise around politics and elections across Europe, the Eurozone economy has been quietly recovering, and European equity markets continue to offer good value.

    With the exception of Italy, electoral risks have mostly diminished and, the change in corporate fundamentals now has the scope to be appreciated. With improving manufacturing and the Q1 2017 earnings’ reports being their strongest in 10 years, investor confidence in the region has picked up. Market’s Eurozone manufacturing Productivity Manufacturing Index (PMI) hit a 6-year peak in Q1, reaching 56.4; service sector PMIs for Germany, France, and Spain were all above 55 for the quarter.

    The German ZEW business sentiment survey showed an increase in both current and forecast conditions, while French unemployment fell to its lowest level in five years (9.3%). The European Central Bank noted that some of its members considered risks to growth and inflation to be broadly balanced in its own assessment of conditions.


    In Japan, there was a strong Q1 GDP report. Inflation, however, is nowhere to be seen and annual wage growth is now the weakest in over 18 months.

    Japan’s stock market remains beholden to shifts in the value of the yen: as the yen rises the market falls, and vice versa. This is down to the high export content of quoted companies. Behind this, though, lies an encouraging story of improving corporate governance against a background of an economy that is slowly inching forward.

    The domestic economy, which is performing well on its own terms, is home to companies offering attractive returns to international investors, regardless of how the currency performs.

    Japan has suffered from two decades of stagnant growth and yet it remains the world’s third largest economy. It has one of the fastest ageing populations of any developed country, but remains a sounding ground for world-beating technology and robotics.

    The Prime Minister ‘Abe’ appears to be making progress on economic reform and is delivering on at least some of his promises. Even if growth targets are not met, the government appears to be doing whatever it can to prevent GDP declining again.

    Emerging Markets/Asia

    Emerging Market equities have endured a rollercoaster ride over the last six months, falling immediately after the election of Donald Trump, owing to concerns about his trade policies and a strong dollar. However they have since rallied strongly, as Trump’s rhetoric has softened and sentiment in emerging market stocks has improved.

    Commodity producers have also enjoyed higher commodity prices. The move has closed some of the value gap that had opened up between emerging and developed economy markets, but we remain of the opinion that emerging economies will enjoy, over the long term, superior growth. Emerging market equities are still trading on valuations that appear attractive relative to developed markets.

    In counties such as Taiwan, companies have managed to carve out particular niches in certain sectors, which have embedded them as crucial players in global supply chains.

    While we still monitor risks, such as the recent credit tightening within the Chinese economy or geo-political risks in relation to North Korea, we are certainly more optimistic than at the start of Donald Trump's presidency.


    Q1 2017 saw the news in Asia mainly focused on China and the US dollar. In China, the current account has become less of a concern, as both headline exports and imports are rising strongly.

    During Q1, the nation’s economy grew at a 6.9% pace – the best pace seen in six quarters. This surpassed the 6.5% target set by its government. Real estate investment increased 9.1% and fixed-asset investment 9.2% from a year earlier, but the real boost came from a 21.0% yearover-year gain in local and central government spending. Disposable income grew at a yearly rate of 7.0%, a high unmatched since late 2015. Chinese factory growth did fall short of expectations in April, with the nation’s official PMI hitting a 6-month trough of 51.2.

    The value of investments can fall as well as rise and past performance is not a guide to the future.

    This publication is for guidance only and is not a recommendation of any investment or financial promotion.

  • 08 June 2017 11:22 AM | Deleted user
    June update from Coastal West Sussex

    Coastal West Sussex Partnership News in Brief. This seasons newsletter will give you a brief summary of activities happening across the area. 

    2017 Forecast

    The Agent for the Bank of England, Andrew Holder presented a positive forecast for the economy at his address to the CWS Board and other business guests at his address in March FULL REPORT

    Local Developments in CWS
    This month we take a look at the Rampion Developments in Coastal West Sussex...

    Rampion Wind Farm

    One of the most eagerly awaited milestones for the Rampion
    project was achieved in March, the installation of the first
    offshore wind turbine. The turbine, located approximately 14
    kilometres from shore and visible on the horizon, is the first of
    the 116 MHI Vestas V112-3.45 megawatt (MW) models that will
    together make up the south coast’s first wind farm.

    The installation of turbines will carry on from now until late 2017,
    when all the turbines are expected to be in place.

    This type of sustainable energy fits with the UK Governments Approach to Global Goals for Sustainable Development which was released in March 2017. 

    Major facelift for Shoreham Beach gateway
    The Ferry Road entrance to Shoreham Beach Local Nature Reserve will receive a much-needed facelift after Rampion agreed to fund a landscaping scheme to enhance this important footpath, which directly links Shoreham Town Centre to the beach via the pedestrian ferry bridge. The work will aim to ensure beachgoers have a positve welcome as they arrive at the beach, with a view of the wind farm straight ahead.


    Read more here -
  • 08 June 2017 11:16 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing Food and Drink Festival 2017

    SAT 16th & SUN 17th SEPTEMBER

    Don't forget to book your space at this year's Worthing Food & Drink Festival to be held in Steyne Gardens over the weekend of 16th & 17th September.

    This event brings thousands of Foodies to Worthing !!! This year our Media Partner is Sussex Life Magazine and they will be promoting the event throughout Sussex. To ensure your business takes advantage of this County wide exposure you just need to get involved.

    Town Centre businesses receive a 10% discount on exhibitor rates and can also take advantage of a FREE recipe and promotion in the Festival brochure.   This is the event to promote Worthing as a Food destination so please help put Worthing on the Map !!!

    We can only accept two stalls selling each food category and there are only 10 SPACES STILL AVAILABLE so please don't delay ....

    To find out more call Sharon on 01903 203252.

  • 08 June 2017 11:12 AM | Deleted user

    Wanna know how we’re shaking things up? 

    Rachael & Meg run Shake It Up Creative, a creative agency in Sussex

    Launching and running Shake It Up Creative has been exciting, lots of fun and of course challenging. We’re learning and listening. Learning how to run a creative agency in Sussex as two directors with different skill sets whilst listening to our clients and business associates about what they want from us and how we can serve them better.

    But the time has come to really shake things up! Here’s how:

    • We’ll be rolling out helpful content on design, websites, marketing, PR and SEO topics twice each month. Our aim is to engage more with our current clients and business associates and to be a useful marketing resource for growing businesses.
    • Our website is being revamped. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page so you don’t miss the big reveal!
    • We’ve established a solid and reliable talent bank which enables us to offer comprehensive all-in-one marketing solutions for SMEs. Examples include video production, photography, blogger outreach, copywriting and illustration.
    • In this fast-paced industry, we need to ensure we’re up to date on new techniques, trends, tech, web and marketing skills. We’ll be upping our game through some bespoke training, attending more conferences and seminars.
    • Towards the end of the year we’ll be taking our free #ShakeItHUB help sessions online . Opening up this valuable and popular opportunity to businesses based anywhere in the UK will enable us to help more businesses solve problems and get the help they need. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook to find out more when the time comes.
    • We use our knowledge and skills to train and teach other businesses through partnerships with other organisations. For example, we recently gave a talk on digital marketing at a Prince’s Trust event in Brighton, we’re running our popular SEO Workshop in conjunction with Portslade Adult Learning, and we’ve signed up to deliver some ‘WiseUp2’ sessions for the Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce over the next few months (which are open to non-members too).

    So, we are shaking up our own business to strengthen and grow it further – another step towards our big dream! Our core service offerings are still design for web and print, marketing and PR and SEO. Let us know how our creative company can help you!

  • 08 June 2017 11:01 AM | Deleted user

    Policies not initiatives. Tough talk at METALL

    The latest meeting of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL) took a long look at the Skills Gap facing businesses trying to grow despite the scarcity of candidates

    More than 60 attendees from Sussex-based SMEs and the education sector heard from Sir John O’Reilly, Chairman of the ERA Foundation, Maggie Philbin OBE, CEO and co-founder of Teen Tech and Professor Andrew Lloyd, Dean of the College of Life, Health & Physical Sciences & Professor of Biomedical Materials at the University of Brighton.

    Both the audience and presenters agreed that the UK has a number of fundamental education issues and that the Government needs to get the conditions right in the UK for the industry to help itself.

    Youngsters need more guidance on the opportunities in the sector and the chance to take a closer look at roles in the work place. There is not enough focus on technology subjects in the SATS tests taken at age 11 and GCSEs keep changing.

    Next year’s results for instance will not be based on any course work – students will need to memorise information for an exam. This is unlikely to help the situation we already have where the calibre of many graduates, even with 2:1 degrees, is not high enough for the work place; they are being taught to pass exams and do not understand their subject sufficiently to apply it at work.

    Listening to the speakers, it was clear that a number of initiatives are already underway to get teenagers more interested in careers in technology, but initiatives come and go. What industry needs is a long-term plan based on a national skills strategy for industry.

    Sir John O’Reilly pointed out: “We do not have an issue with STEM subjects in the UK, but it is more of an industrial skills problem, particularly in engineering. New entrants need more awareness of management, production and quality issues and not just the theory behind it.” Professor Andrew Lloyd talked about the new wave of experiential learning that is going some way to meet this challenge. 

    The question and answer session heard an argument for introducing children from the age of eight to science and technology subjects to help them to consider a career in manufacturing and engineering when they leave school. Maggie Philbin highlighted the work done by TeenTech in this regard. 

    It was interesting to note that some of the SMEs attending considered factors such as enthusiasm, interest, willingness to learn and attitude as more important than academic qualifications when recruiting.

    MHA Carpenter Box Practice Director Chris Coopey, who compered the event hosted jointly by MHA Carpenter Box, solicitors asb law and recruitment agency CBSbutler, concluded: “The number of people attending today’s event demonstrated how important an issue this is for the sector. There were some fantastic, thought-provoking ideas from a range of SMEs and an excellent exchange of possible solutions.  One idea mentioned of which I’m a particular fan is making industrial strategy apolitical. It would be a major step forward to pull it out of party politics and look for solutions based on evidence, not dogma or apathy. Particularly with regard to SMEs, successive governments have promised much but delivered very little when it comes to promoting the manufacturing and engineering sector. With Brexit on the horizon, the time to change that is now.”

  • 08 June 2017 10:52 AM | Deleted user

    Sustainable Travel Event June 13th | 16:30 – 19:00 | Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill

    Explore sustainable options for commuting & business journeys. Learn from expert speakers and exhibitors, and network with other local organisations.


    1. Welcome from Mid Sussex District Councillor Gary Marsh, Cabinet Member for Service Delivery

    2. Rachel Ryan-Crisp, Burgess Hill Growth Area Programme Manager – Burgess Hill transport & infrastructure upgrades. West Sussex County Council has recently confirmed a £14.9 million funding package for transport and infrastructure improvements in Burgess Hill, including: 

     Capacity building and upgrades to road management systems and junctions

     Better integrated transport solutions, including bus and interchange improvements  New cycle paths and footpaths linking new developments to the town centre 
     A new cycle path to link Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath

    3. Peter Lamb, Senior Manager – Scientific Pump Technology, Edwards Vacuum – Business Case Study. Edwards Vacuum has implemented a range of initiatives at their Global Technology Centre to reduce business mileage and help employees choose more sustainable options to travel. These include:

     Charging points for electric vehicles 
     Cycle parking and shower facilities
     Taxi shuttle run to the railway station
     Video conferencing in meeting rooms and Skype for employees
     Priority parking spaces for people who car-share

    Peter will share how these measures have worked in practice, cost and CO2e savings achieved and other projects planned by their volunteer Environmental Impact Reduction Group.

    Exhibition Stands & Networking

    Before and after the presentations there will be time to meet both Event Partners and other local organisations helping encourage the uptake of sustainable transport, including:

     Mid Sussex District Council
     Burgess Hill Business Parks Association
     Haywards Heath & District Business Association
     Sustainable Business Network
     Barnard & Brough Nissan Dealership – electric cars

     Cycleshack – electric bikes and cycle-to-work scheme
     WSCC – Travelwise Scheme
     Co-Wheels Car Club
     Green Circle Network  Metrobus

    Book your free tickets here

    To find out more visit or call 01273 9642339