News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 23 August 2016 9:24 AM | Deleted user

    Asda to sell loss-making photo division

    Asda to sell loss-making photo division

    Supermarket giant Asda has agreed to sell its loss-making photo division to a listed group in a deal worth up to £6m.

    Photo-Me is to buy the division which consists of 191 photo centres, as well as 172 self-service kiosk sites located in Asda stores.

    These businesses will be managed by Photo-Me under a ten-year concession.

    As part of the acquisition the employees of the photo division will transfer across to the group.

    Serge Crasnianski, chief executive of Photo-Me, said: "This is an interesting opportunity to significantly expand our UK business in a strong set of locations and increase our market share in the digital photo printing market, which we believe has growth potential in the digital age.

    "Photo-Me is the leader in its field with a wide range of attractive and innovative products which we plan to introduce into the Asda stores as soon as possible, and we believe will improve the level of trading and overall performance over the next two years and beyond."

    The consideration for the photo division is £3.35m, subject to downward adjustment in certain circumstances.

    Photo-Me has also agreed to buy the inventory available at each photo centre at the date of completion, as well as central consignment stock, estimated at £2m.

    The total consideration to be paid is currently estimated at £5.35m and is capped at a maximum of £6m.

    In the calendar year 2015, the photo division generated unaudited sales of circa £19.3m and made an unaudited loss of £3.4m. 

    Click here to read more on this article from Insider Media Limited

  • 23 August 2016 9:19 AM | Deleted user

    £20,000 of new outdoor gym equipment for Victoria Park, Worthing

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Executive Member for Environment Worthing Borough Council visited newly installed outdoor gym equipment in Victoria Park Worthing yesterday (Thurs 18th August).  

    He adds "It is great to see this equipment in place and our continued investment in outdoor gym equipment being enjoyed by our residents.  I have seen lots of young children all over it this afternoon, and I have been just been told that lots of our more elderly residents from the nearby Melrose Care Home regularly use this outdoor gym equipment too.  Just what we wanted.  

    The many benefits of encouraging greater levels  of fitness, healthier lifestyle choices and regular active exercise are all very well documented and the Council continue to invest in making this equipment available as widely as possible to encourage healthy, active and fun pursuits in our parks."  

  • 19 August 2016 2:18 PM | Deleted user

    Shoreham Remembers - Marking the Minute – Monday 22nd August

    Monday 22nd August marks the first anniversary of the tragic events at the Shoreham Air Show 2015.   

    As previously reported, Adur District and Worthing Borough Councils will fall silent at 1.22pm – the exact moment in 2015 when the tragedy started to unfold.

    In Shoreham the bells of St Mary da Haura will begin to peel at 1.20pm and fall silent at 1.22pm. At 1.23pm, there will be 11 individual rings symbolising the 11 men who lost their lives.
    In Worthing, maroons will be set off from the beach to signal the start and finish of the minute.

    Members, officers and the community will gather outside of the Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, and Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, to share the minute of silence together, remembering not only those who lost their lives, but also the heroic actions of the emergency services at the scene and the community in the days, weeks and months which followed.

    Flags on Adur District and Worthing Borough Council buildings will be flown at half mast for the day.

    West Sussex County Council will mark the minute’s silence across all of its offices and fire stations, and flags will be flown at half-mast at council buildings.

    Shoreham Remembers Website                            

    Just Giving Page  page

  • 19 August 2016 9:02 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing Sundowners

    Family Friendly Street Food and Live Music

    For those with a sweet tooth, Charlene's Chocolate Factory were there with chocolatey treats.Sundowners was back in its new home of Beach House Grounds on Friday 12th August with some great live bands, singers and fun for the kids... as well as our usual amazing street food, from the likes of Salsa Viva, Gone Global and more.  

    Sundowners will be on again in September (Friday 9th) and don't forget SunUppers - its sister event for street food breakfasts, with live acoustic jazz - will be held on Sunday 28th August and (as part of the Worthing Food Festival) on Sunday 25th September.

    To keep up to date on what's what and who's who, visit the Sundowners Worthing Facebook page -  here

  • 10 August 2016 3:08 PM | Deleted user

  • 09 August 2016 1:52 PM | Deleted user

    METALL launches with a sell-out first event

    Over 30 manufacturing, engineering and technology businesses, who between them employ over 5,000 skilled people within the Gatwick Diamond, have helped launch a new association for the region’s manufacturing, engineering and technology industries. 

    The companies attended the first meeting of METALL (Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology Alliance) at Roffey Park, Horsham, to hear from experts in innovation. The event was hosted by Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box, together with fellow sponsors asb law and recruitment agency, CBSbutler.

    Keynote speakers Dr Robert Pearson of Cobham Antennas and Dr Zoe Webster of Innovate UK, each did a fantastic job of explaining what innovation looks like, how it can be achieved and how it can be funded.

    The meeting discussed how ‘passion’ to solve a problem and provide a solution, when harnessed effectively can become a massive and unstoppable force. They also spoke about the power of collaboration among smaller businesses, who have the agility to develop big ideas quicker than their larger counterparts. Sources of funding for innovative ideas were also discussed, with the meeting hearing about the various signposting services available for grant funding, which can sometimes make the difference between an idea that doesn’t progress and one that does.

    Chris Coopey, Head of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Group at Carpenter Box, commented: “I was delighted with the response to this first event. The audience were keen to listen to our speakers as well as share their own thoughts and ideas with the group. Inevitably, the possible effects and challenges of Brexit were also discussed at the meeting, but the consensus was that it was far too early to predict how the sector would be affected. There were concerns about currency fluctuation, possible trade tariffs and the difficulty of finding skilled and motivated staff if restrictions on recruitment from overseas becomes a reality, but we will have to wait to see what the outcome will be. The reality is that we will have to trade our way out of whatever problems Brexit creates and in relation to that, we hope METALL can have a really positive effect.”

    METALL is a forum for manufacturing, engineering and technology businesses based in Sussex and Surrey. It aims to provide a networking opportunity for these businesses and to signpost growth opportunities, whilst allowing them to discuss issues affecting their business. Over time, a strong cohort of members will build relationships between businesses, education, Local Enterprise Partnerships and local government to help business grow in efficiency and profitability.

  • 03 August 2016 4:45 PM | Deleted user

    Northbrook College Apprenticeship Levy Newsletter - Aug

    Business Solutions Apprenticeship Levy Newsletter

    Movers & Shakers

    • Skills Funding Agency (responsible for apprentices) moves to Department of Education (DFE) from Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
    • Rt Hon Justine Greening MP is the new Secretary of State for Education
    • Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP — Minister for FE, Skills & Apprenticeships within his portfolio as a Minister of State at the DFE (yet to be confirmed)  

    Developments this Month

    • Government intend to proceed with apprenticeship reforms post EU referendum — but awaiting new time frames
    • Apprenticeship Funding Guidance for April 2017 delayed again — Due June 16, promised July 16 — expected September 16  

    Links to Follow

    Previous Apprenticeship Levy Newsletters

  • 28 July 2016 2:23 PM | Deleted user

     Creative Cultural Partnership update    and networking - 28 July

    Please come along to St Paul's on Thursday 28th July at 7pm to hear the update on the Cultural Strategy and the initial plans of the Cultural Partnership. Great chance to share your own projects and network with like-minded CREATIVES.

  • 28 July 2016 12:41 PM | Deleted user

    Sustainable Business Network - July Update

    Running a Sustainable Event

    Brighton & Hove City Council have produced a short film and accompanying guidance for those keen to ensure their events make a positive contribution to the environment, society and local economy.

    If you are planning an event why not sign-up to their Sustainable Event Commitment? Video and guidance. 

    Travel Planning Pack

    Created by Crawley Borough Council, but relevant for organisations across Sussex and beyond, the travel planning pack provides concise guidance and practical ideas on how to effectively reduce car journeys for business trips and commuting. There is also a Manor Royal Commuter Routes Chart showing the quickest way to reach the business park by public transport.

  • 27 July 2016 11:25 AM | Deleted user

    Thursday 18th August is Exam results Day! Celebrate Success at the Indigo Restaurant 

    As if you didn’t know!!!


    We think you ALL deserve it!

    Lunch or Dinner

    Complimentary Kir Royale or Bellini cocktail on arrival for all guests

    30 % discount for any dish chosen by the successful student (s)

    Two course lunch is only £12:65 and Dinner £17:85

    Do the maths!! It’s a deal

    To enjoy this offer please book in advance  @ The Ardington Hotel, Steyne Gardens, Worthing  01903 230451