News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 20 October 2015 1:52 PM | Deleted user

    At a ceremony in Leicester on Monday (19th October), Adur and Worthing Councils digital team, lead by Director for Digital & Resources Paul Brewer, were announced winners of the SOCITM Digital Innovation Award 2015.  

    SOCITM is the network and representative body for professionals delivering public services for the benefit of people and communities through the effective use of information and digital technology, across the whole public sector.

    The Adur & Worthing Councils digital team were recognised for their ground-breaking work in introducing the latest digital technologies, to benefit their residents, members and staff.

    The Council also received praise for creating a new citizen platform that means their services will be rapidly digitised over the next few years, including the Waste and Recycling and the  contact centre services.  All with a view to improving good customer service satisfaction and savings efficiencies.

    The SOCITM Digital Innovation Award is testament to the Council's determination to innovate and provide great services for their residents.

    Councillor Neil Parkin, Leader Adur District Counciladds;

    “Paul Brewer and his team have been working for just over 18 months, in delivering innovative and cost effective digital services for Adur residents. 

    This timely award is in recognition of the success of their work so far and of the innovative digital based services they will be able to provide in the near future. Such is the excellence and inventiveness of their work, I expect far more awards to follow in the future.”

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader Worthing Borough Council says; “Worthing Borough Council’s digital team completely deserve to win this prestigious award.  Over the past 18 months I have witnessed the hard work that has gone it to introducing and developing new digital services which are already reaping rewards for residents and Worthing Borough Council staff alike. This great work is having a very positive effect on driving down operating costs and improving the services that we provide to the public. This ambitious work has all been driven by Paul Brewer and his team and it is right that they are being recognised not just in Worthing but all over the country.”


  • 20 October 2015 12:54 PM | Deleted user

    Where on Earth are you going to get your new customers from? 

    Export Hot House

    Please click on the images above to view the full PDF versions.

  • 20 October 2015 12:42 PM | Deleted user

    As we had to take the decision to cancel the networking breakfast on Friday, we  would like to extend the following invitation from Jeremy Ramsden of the Shoreham FC ‘Business Club’ networking luncheon.

    Jeremy extends this invitation to you to attend the very first Shoreham FC ‘Business Club’ networking luncheon as his guest; free of charge and without any obligation. 

    Tina Tilley CEO of Worthing and Adur Chamber, will be guest speaker at this event.

    ‘The Gourmet Chef’,, will be providing a lavish finger buffet lunch. So, delegates are in for a real treat.

    The event is being held tomorrow (Wednesday) from 12pm to 2.15pm. It would be fantastic to have you in attendance, enabling Jeremy to demonstrate the strength of the Shoreham FC corporate membership, driven entirely by CSR and Community Outreach initiatives.

    Club address,

    Shoreham FC

    The Taxi-Link Community Ground
    Middle Road
    West Sussex
    BN43 6GA


    Your place must be secured  by emailing Jeremy Ramsden

    Jeremy is contactable anytime on 01903 693 002 or 07930 575 332. 

    We look forward to hopefully meeting you at this event tomorrow lunchtime.


    Proud members of the ‘Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce’


  • 20 October 2015 12:04 PM | Deleted user

    Please click on the flyers individually to view the full PDF version.

  • 20 October 2015 11:47 AM | Deleted user

    Molokini Marketing in Worthing are currently advertising for a PR Account Manager to join their team.


    Molokini’s PR team predominantly serves the logistics, manufacturing, materials handling and industrial.

    sectors on a retained basis, working for medium to large businesses. Other sectors we work for include

    construction, property and luxury brands. Knowledge of these sectors would be advantageous, but is not essential.


    Molokini is looking for an experienced, self motivated PR professional to join our dynamic marketing team in this key role.

    Please click here to view the full PDF PR Account Manager job description. 

    Apply in writing to 

    no agencies | please state salary expectations in initial contact

  • 20 October 2015 11:31 AM | Deleted user

    On 5th and 6th December Worthing Churches Homeless Projects are holding a Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary de Haura Church in Shoreham. We would love to invite you to take part either as a business or as an individual! It’s easy:

    • 1.       Fill in this form (there is also a letter which explains the timings and where to bring your tree)
    • 2.       Sort out your tree – you can use an artificial one you already have or you are very welcome to bring a real tree
    • 3.       Think of a theme – can you theme it to your business in anyway?
    • 4.        Bring it along on Friday 4th September and decorate!
    • 5.       Scatter business cards or leaflets around the base of your tree so everyone knows who you are

    Why take part?

    • 1.       It’s a FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS TREES! What’s not to love?
    • 2.       It’s FREE to take part
    • 3.       It’s FREE advertising for your business
    • 4.       It’s a community event and it will help raise funds for Worthing Churches Homeless Projects.

    Don’t hesitate to get in contact with Rachel Blair, Community Fundraiser  on 01903 286480 or alternatively by email on if you have any questions.

  • 20 October 2015 11:28 AM | Deleted user

    Chinese firm to invest in Kent amusement park

    Chinese firm to invest in Kent amusement park

    Plans for an amusement park in north Kent have taken a major step forward after Chinese construction firm SinoFortone pledged to invest £100m in the £3.2bn scheme.

    The proposed London Paramount Entertainment Resort, which is expected to create up to 27,000 new jobs, is set to include a theme park, theatre, hotels and restaurants.

    The Disneyland-style park is set to open in 2021 but has yet to be granted planning permission. It is being developed by London Resort Company Holdings.

    More than £30bn worth of trade and investment deals creating almost 4,000 jobs are set to be unveiled to coincide with the state visit of the president of China, Xi Jinping.

    Commercial deals spanning a range of sectors such as the creative industries, retail, energy, health and technology, financial services, aerospace and education will be signed, providing an opportunity for British and Chinese businesses to forge stronger links.

    The visit will also open up export opportunities for UK companies looking to expand into China and attract Chinese investment into the regions, the government said.

    Prime Minister David Cameron said: "This is going to be a very important moment for British-Chinese relations. Trade and investment between our two nations is growing and our people-to-people links are strong.

    "This visit will be an opportunity to review all of these things but also talk about how the UK and China can work together on global issues such as climate change and tackling poverty. It’s a real opportunity to deepen our relationship."

  • 20 October 2015 11:23 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing Street Velodrome 2015 - Relive the action!

    BT Sports 2 have just announced that they will be broadcasting the Worthing Street Velodrome on Wednesday 21st October 2015 at 5.30pm, BT Sport 2.

    On the 1st and 2nd of August this year, the Worthing Street Velodrome heat bought the town to a standstill, as it seems the whole population came out to cheer on the brave contestants.

    In fact, the Worthing heat attracted the most applications to compete, than any other heat across the UK.

    Cllr Daniel Humphreys, Leader Worthing Borough Council adds;

    "The Velodrome weekend in August was a magnificent event, a real highlight of the summer.  It seemed like the whole town turned out to watch.  Residents, visitors and businesses alike benefited from the great atmosphere this world class event attracted.”

    TX: Wednesday 21st October, 5.30pm, BT Sport 2.

    • ​Mon ​26th October at 11am
    • ​Thur 29th October at 9am
    • Mon 16th November at 3:30pm

  • 20 October 2015 11:14 AM | Deleted user

    Vince Cable Appearing at Ropetackle Arts Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea, Monday 16th November, 7pm

    Arguably one of the UK’s most well-known and respected political figures, Vince Cable, the veteran Liberal Democrat MP and former Business Secretary for the coalition, launches his new book at Ropetackle, Monday 16th November.

    Having served as MP for Twickenham from 1997, Cable dramatically lost his seat in the recent May elections like so many of his Lib Dem colleagues. Now outside politics, Cable has turned his attention to economy which forms the focus of his new book.

    With an unrivalled vantage point of academic, business economist, and key policy maker at the heart of government, Cable brings his together his political and economic knowledge to provide a unique, inside perspective on the state of the global economy and how Britain has fared since the 2008 crash.

    The book, entitled ‘After The Storm: The World Economy & Britain’s Economic Future’ follows on from his hugely successful 2008 release ‘The Storm’, which explored the causes of the 2008 crisis. ‘After The Storm’ promises to be an even more compelling account; a fascinating and urgent intervention from one of the key figures in British politics of the past two decades.

    This special evening will also feature an exclusive Q&A session, providing a unique opportunity to directly engage with Cable. As well as this there will be a book signing, with first edition copies available at discount from City Books Hove.

    Tickets are £8 and available from the box office on 01273 464440, online at or in person at:

    Ropetackle Arts Centre, Little High Street, Shoreham, West Sussex, BN43 5EG

  • 20 October 2015 9:24 AM | Deleted user

    The Eat Out Eat Well Award scheme has been developed to reward caterers who make it easier for their customers to make healthy choices when eating out. It has three levels – Bronze, Silver, and Gold, and is symbolised by an apple logo in the shape of a heart. The level of award is based on a scoring system that takes into account the type of food on offer, cooking methods, and how the meals are promoted to customers. This scheme benefits both caterers by promoting their businesses and consumers by helping them make healthier choices when eating out.

    The Eat Out Eat Well award is assessed and managed by local Environmental Health teams across Sussex.