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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

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  • 03 November 2015 1:52 PM | Deleted user

    Adur and Worthing Councils issue an invitation to tender for a Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Support Service.


    Adur and Worthing Councils currently grant fund two local Councils for Voluntary Services and going forward, the Councils are seeking to commission a new single service.  The main function of this new commissioning will be to develop, enable, promote and support Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations and the wider third sector across both Adur and Worthing.


    The Contract will be for a period of two years with, subject to funding, a 1 year extension. The budget for this contract, including the 1 year extension, is in the region of £230,000 and as such an EU Compliant Tender Process is being conducted. Suitably qualified providers will be able to express their interest and download tender documents from the Council's’ EProcurement Portal from the 2nd November.

    Leader Worthing Borough Council, Councillor Daniel Humphreys adds “It is our duty to local communities and residents that public money is spent in a fair, transparent and appropriate way.  It is also vital that contracts are given to organisations that best fit the skills, knowledge and experience required to deliver this service.  The Councils are indebted to the hard work of Voluntary Action Worthing  have provided for the past few years and both have been actively encouraged to take part in this process.”


    Leader Adur District Council, Councillor Neil Parkin says “Adur & Worthing Council working together has achieved significant benefits, including savings of around £13 million.  This saving led to essential services - like the CVS role - being protected. Getting the best service is absolutely at the forefront of this process.  I do not foresee that changing the way the funding is allocated will be to the detriment of the local areas, I believe that it can only strengthen it.”


    Providers wishing to tender must register at


    Deadline for submitting tenders is Friday 4th December 2015, at 3pm. with a view for contract commencement April 2016.


    For further information please contact Susannah Caws, Senior Procurement & Contracts Officer, on 01903 221162 or or email

  • 03 November 2015 1:51 PM | Deleted user

    Would you support a small rise in Council Tax to protect the frontline services delivered by Adur & Worthing Councils?  Or would you prefer tax levels to be frozen for another year, potentially resulting in a reduction to some Council run services?  


    With the opening of the annual Council Tax survey, this is your chance to tell Adur & Worthing Councils what you think as they work towards becoming fully self funded by 2020.


    Paul Brewer, Director for Digital and Resources at Adur & Worthing Councils, says:


    “It’s vital to hear the community’s views - Council Tax setting is one of the most important things that we can do to balance the costs of the services we deliver while keeping our proportion of the whole Council Tax bill as low as possible.


    “All of the responses will be reported to the Full Council meeting for both Adur District and Worthing Borough Councils in December, informing the debates which will be held in both chambers.”


    The survey can be completed online - - and paper copies can also be collected from the Adur Civic Centre, Shoreham as well as the Town Hall and Portland House in Worthing.


    Responses to the survey are being invited until midnight on Sunday 15th November when the survey will close and the results collated ready for presentation to the Councils’ Joint Strategic Committee on 1st December.

  • 28 October 2015 9:22 AM | Deleted user

    For nearly sixty years THE ROTARY CLUB OF WORTHING have displayed a 30 foot Christmas Tree in our town. The tree will be erected at the Band Stand Montague Place formerly known as “Holders Corner” which promotes the festive atmosphere and goodwill of the Christmas season. Members of the club hold collections here in the weeks up to Christmas which, together with sponsorship and donations, last year raised over £7000. This money was used to help the less fortunate in the community.

    To enable us to continue our charitable work into 2016 and beyond, we invite you to become a sponsor of our Appeal. With their permission, the name of each sponsor will be displayed at the Tree during the 3 weeks of December.

    The Appeal will be opened by the Mayor of Worthing Cllr. Michael Donin, accompanied by the Town Crier Bob Smytherman, at 10.30am on Thursday 3rd December.

    We will have in attendance a choir and other entertainment on the day.

    If you are able to support our Appeal, or need further information about it or the Rotary Club, please contact Marlene Butler 07715720363. Any cheque for a donation or sponsorship should be made out to Rotary Club of Worthing Christmas Appeal and sent to Marlene Butler c/oThe Chatsworth Hotel , The Steyne, Worthing.BN11 3DU.

  • 28 October 2015 9:10 AM | Deleted user

    We are pleased to announce that Jonathan Sharrock will succeed Ron Crank as our next Chief Executive in January 2016. Mr Sharrock, who will report to Chairman Tim Wates, has spent 12 years as a senior civil servant in the Department for Transport delivering high profile Government policy to support economic development. 

    As Chief Executive, he will be responsible for delivering the LEP’s business plan to transform business and economic performance through the region’s Growth Deal.

    Jonathan said: “I am excited to be joining Coast to Capital, and helping to deliver the next phase of economic growth and regeneration across the region. I look forward to working in partnership with business and local government and to ensuring that the LEP helps to drive future success in the Coast to Capital area.”

    Click Here To Read The Full Press Release

  • 27 October 2015 3:28 PM | Deleted user

    Adur and Worthing stands to remember the tragic loss of life following two World Wars and other conflicts around the world.  

    Worthing will be holding three events:

    Monday 2nd November 2015, 11:00am

    Opening of the Field of Remembrance at the Worthing War Memorial, outside Worthing Town Hall in Chapel Road.

    Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2015, 11.00am

    The annual Remembrance Service and March Past will take place at the Worthing War Memorial, outside Worthing Town Hall in Chapel Road.

    The two minutes silence will start on the first stroke of the Town Hall clock at 11:00am after which the Mayor's Chaplain will conduct the service.

    The Worthing Borough Mayor and others will lay wreaths for the fallen and take the salute at the March Past in front of the Town Hall at approximately 11:30am after the Service.

    Armistice Day, Wednesday 11th November, 11:00am

    Two minutes silence at the Worthing War Memorial, outside Worthing Town Hall in Chapel Road.

    Mayor of Worthing, Councillor Michael Donin, says:

    "I am extremely proud and humbled to represent my town and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the many local organisations from both Worthing and further afield who continue to support our annual Remembrance Service and Parade.

    “I am also looking forward to opening the Field of Remembrance with our local veterans near the Memorial outside the Town Hall and I shall be standing too for the 2 minute silence at 11am on Armistice Day on Wednesday 11th. I warmly invite everyone to join me at any of these Remembrances to show their respect."

    Remembrance service events in Adur

    Towns and villages in Adur will be remembering the tragic loss of life following two World Wars and other conflicts on Remembrance Sunday 8th November 2015 when Civic Heads and Councillors from Adur District Council will be present at the events below to lay wreaths and support the Remembrance Sunday commemoration.

    Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2015

    Royal British Legion Shoreham Branch

    ·         9:30am - Assemble at the Community Centre, Pond Road.

    ·         9:45am - March off via Western Road and Brunswick Road to the Church of St. Mary de Haura.

    ·         10:00am - Remembrance Service led by Reverend Ann Waizeneker.

    ·         11:00am - Wreath Laying Ceremony (including Last Post, two minutes silence and Reveille) at the War Memorial.

    Royal British Legion Southwick Branch

    ·         10:30am - Parade leaves Southwick Square car park.

    ·         11:00am - Service at War Memorial on Southwick Green.

    Royal British Legion Lancing Branch

    ·         2:45pm - Wreath laying at War Memorial, South Street, Lancing.

    ·         3:00pm - Service at St. Michael and All Angels Church followed by a parade past civic dignitaries to take salute.

    Councillor Carson Albury, Chairman of Adur District Council says:

    "I am extremely proud and honoured to represent the villages, towns and residents of Adur, at this year’s remembrance service. Not only are we remembering the sacrifices of those that gave their lives in the great wars, but to also those and their families, who have served and continue to serve in all the conflicts and operations that continue today around the world."

  • 27 October 2015 2:44 PM | Deleted user
    The Ultimate event for start up businesses!

    Get involved in Enterprise First's biggest ever Start Up Saturday

    Enterprise First's biggest StartUp Saturday event is back for 2015 - and is set to help more than 250 budding entrepreneurs get their business ideas off the ground during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

    The mighty day-long start-up session is taking place at the British Library on November 21st and is hosted by small business expert Emma Jones MBE, founder of Enterprise Nation.

    The event will also be streamed live from the British Library in London to regional libraries including LeedsManchesterNewcastle and Exeter.

    Enterprise First would love to see you there. Check out their video from our last Biggest StartUp Saturday!

  • 27 October 2015 2:39 PM | Deleted user

    An Announcement from Worthing Homes

    As many of you will be aware from our stakeholder event in July, the Corporate Plan 2015 – 2020 set out an ambitious plan for change particularly around modern methods of working and customer service delivery.

    In order to deliver the objectives within the plan and to meet the challenges following the recent government budget announcements, we are embarking on an exciting organisational restructure that will:

    1. deliver an excellent customer experience and to allow for customer services to be delivered out in the communities where our customers live, through the creation of three neighbourhood teams
    2. improve our knowledge of our customers and to use this information pro-actively in the design of our service delivery and in the provision of new homes and regeneration areas
    3. improve our knowledge of the stock that we own and how this is being maintained and looked after by ourselves and our customers
    4. develop as a modern employer that offers our employees a great place to work, personal development and, where possible, career opportunities
    5. reduce the size of the executive and senior leadership team to improve strategic decision making
    6. introduce new ways of working with decision making made at point of service delivery, along with accountability and ownership
    7. embed clear accountabilities and a culture of monitoring performance standards
    8. reduce costs and maximise our income.

    In light of these changes, both Robin Roberts, Property Services Director, and Moira James, Housing Director have decided that this is a good opportunity to do something different. Robin left the business on 30 September but Moira will be remaining to the end of the year to assist with the transition. I will let you know nearer the time exactly when she will be leaving.

    I am pleased to confirm that Julian Pitcher, Resources Director has been confirmed in the new Resources Director role.

    We have also recruited to our new Head of Service roles and these are Ian Reed – Head of Asset and Development, Helen Neal – Head of Finance and ICT, Simon Anderson – Head of Customer Service and Angela Potter – Head of HR and Governance.

    It is envisaged that all internal recruitment created by the restructure will be completed by the end of November 2015.

    I trust that these changes will not impact on our work with you. If you do have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Jackie Bligh

  • 21 October 2015 10:21 AM | Deleted user

    Following a public consultation process, regarding a fenced off play area for young school children within Victoria Park (Norfolk Street, Worthing), Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Executive Member for Environment has announced that the idea has been rejected and the park will remain as is.

    Victoria Park is very close to two local primary schools St Mary’s Catholic Primary School on Cobden Road and Heene Church of England (Aided) Primary School on Norfolk Street.  Earlier in the year, Cllr Roberts proposed that Worthing Borough Council create a fenced area to provide children with a safe and clean place in which to play without restricting casual use of the rest of the park.

    580 members of the public responded to the survey, with almost 65% voting against the idea.

    Cllr Roberts has happily acknowledged the consultation feedback and has confirmed that the area will not be fenced off.  He also wanted to thank everyone who contributed to the consultation exercise.

    He adds; “Although the idea of providing dedicated, safe, clean play areas for the young school children who regularly use the park has been rejected, I am heartened by the many members of the public who took part in this public consultation and in expressing their opinions in matters that affect their local community.  This level of public engagement is very impressive.”

    Also in Worthing, at  Pond Lane Recreation Ground, a brand new outdoor £20,000 fitness area has been installed, funded by the Capital funding programme.  

    Sompting Recreation Ground also boasts the same facility, completed just weeks ago, at a cost of £20,000.  With £15,000 funded by the Adur Capital funding programme and a very generous £5,000 contribution from Sompting Parish Council.

    Click here to view Pond Lane's fitness design (PDF)

    Click here to view Sompting Rec's fitness design (PDF)

  • 21 October 2015 10:00 AM | Deleted user



    Over half of manufacturers along the south coast and in the Gatwick Diamond area are predicting double digit growth this year, despite struggling to recruit skilled people, according to Carpenter Box, the Sussex-based firm of chartered accountants and business advisors.

    The findings, gathered by Carpenter Box as part of the annual MHA Manufacturing Survey report, also reveals that more than 8 in 10 local manufacturers want the UK to stay within the EU, although 62% want the terms of membership renegotiated. The Eurozone is by far the most popular export market with 98% of firms who export having it as a destination.

    The survey, supported by the manufacturing team at Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, sampled predominantly SME manufacturing and engineering businesses, and found that a third of respondents felt a lack of skilled recruits was already a barrier to their business growth and thus they wanted more emphasis on skills training in schools and colleges to help develop the next generation of engineers and technicians.

    Nine out of 10 companies also said their production costs would rise in 2015 for the fourth year in a row, primarily through higher wages. It seems with over 70% feeling unable to increase prices to customers, productivity gains are becoming ever-more important.

    Meanwhile, red tape continues to be an issue for manufacturers, with 98% stating it was a concern for their business – and with 68% feeling that the burden of regulation was actually increasing.

    Chris Coopey, Head of Manufacturing at Carpenter Box and MHA, commented: “The survey provides a valuable insight into the challenges facing the sector in our area, with considerable growth potential but with many companies struggling to recruit the skilled people needed to help deliver plans for growth. Whilst there is a developing focus on STEM in our secondary system, a new University Technical College in Newhaven, sponsored by the University of Brighton, and a new engineering school being developed by the University of Chichester with support from Coast to Capital LEP, much more needs to be done at every level to produce motivated young people with the qualifications to meet the needs of local employers.”

    Key findings:


    • 54% of local manufacturers predict growth in excess of 10% for 2015, with a further 34% expecting growth of a lesser magnitude.
    • 35% of businesses have difficulties recruiting appropriately skilled staff and would like to see the government expand skills training in schools and colleges.
    • 80% of businesses in the region undertake some Research and Development (R&D), with 12% investing over 10% of turnover, above the national average.

    Carpenter Box will be holding two breakfast events to feedback to manufacturers, engineers and technologists the results of the 2015 Manufacturing Survey. The first will be held on 21 October at South Lodge Hotel near Horsham and the second will be held on 22 October at the Amex Stadium, Falmer near Brighton. Both events start at 8am and will be addressed by manufacturing guru Philippa Oldham, Head of Manufacturing & Transport at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), who contributed to the report.

    Places are limited so if you would like to attend either of these events, please register via, or contact Lucy Tunstall at Carpenter Box on 01903 234094.

    A copy of the report can be downloaded via:

  • 20 October 2015 1:52 PM | Deleted user

    At a ceremony in Leicester on Monday (19th October), Adur and Worthing Councils digital team, lead by Director for Digital & Resources Paul Brewer, were announced winners of the SOCITM Digital Innovation Award 2015.  

    SOCITM is the network and representative body for professionals delivering public services for the benefit of people and communities through the effective use of information and digital technology, across the whole public sector.

    The Adur & Worthing Councils digital team were recognised for their ground-breaking work in introducing the latest digital technologies, to benefit their residents, members and staff.

    The Council also received praise for creating a new citizen platform that means their services will be rapidly digitised over the next few years, including the Waste and Recycling and the  contact centre services.  All with a view to improving good customer service satisfaction and savings efficiencies.

    The SOCITM Digital Innovation Award is testament to the Council's determination to innovate and provide great services for their residents.

    Councillor Neil Parkin, Leader Adur District Counciladds;

    “Paul Brewer and his team have been working for just over 18 months, in delivering innovative and cost effective digital services for Adur residents. 

    This timely award is in recognition of the success of their work so far and of the innovative digital based services they will be able to provide in the near future. Such is the excellence and inventiveness of their work, I expect far more awards to follow in the future.”

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader Worthing Borough Council says; “Worthing Borough Council’s digital team completely deserve to win this prestigious award.  Over the past 18 months I have witnessed the hard work that has gone it to introducing and developing new digital services which are already reaping rewards for residents and Worthing Borough Council staff alike. This great work is having a very positive effect on driving down operating costs and improving the services that we provide to the public. This ambitious work has all been driven by Paul Brewer and his team and it is right that they are being recognised not just in Worthing but all over the country.”