News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 28 February 2013 12:49 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Enterprise Week is aimed at local emerging and established small businesses to offer a welcome boost with invaluable advice from a series of FREE events, presentations and workshops See timetable below - pre-booking for all workshops is essential -

    Click here to book now

    Monday 18th March - Ask the Panel
    4.00pm - 6.00pm, Arundel Room, Northbrook College

    Ask the Panel with:
    • Andy Sparsis of Food Restaurant
    • Zoe Clark of Euphoric
    • Mike Jones of Michael Jones and Co.

    Tuesday 19th March - New Start Up Advice Workshops

    Venue: Sustainable Classroom, Northbrook College, Broadwater

    9.30am - Sales Techniques, Melanie Peters, Best of Worthing
    10.15am - Getting your business in the Press, Ann Bird, AB Training
    11.00am - Make the best of your brand, Clive Spring, Yoohoo Design
    2.00pm - Insurance for Small Business, Phil Bristow, Nsure Limited
    2.45pm - Trading as a Small Business, Simon Wilkinson, Botting & Co

    Venue: Nortbrook College, LIverpool Gardens
    7.00pm - Talk from HMRC

    Wednesday 20th March - Business Sustainability Workshops

    Drop in 'How Apprenticeships, Internships and Work Experience can support your HR Strategy'
    10am - 12.30pm - Drop in Employer Day - Job Matching Opportunities - Chatsworth Hotel
    12.30-1.30pm - Dressing for Success, ‘Style Me Confident’ at Debenhams
    2.00pm - Minimal Viable Product, a talk by Lee Branch of Fresh Egg, Fresh Egg, Buckingham Road, Worthing

    Thursday 21st March - Business Growth Workshops

    • Peer to Peer Mentoring, Worthing and Adur Chamber
    12.00-1.00pm - 'Informal Networking - all welcome' with a talk on networking tips by Claire Bradford
    • Gear Up for Success, Paul Trew, Northbrook College

    Friday 22nd March

    The Business Showcase - Local Success Stories

    The Town Hall, Worthing - 10.30 am – 4pm,

    2.45pm -
    How to Write your Marketing Plan, Kerry Kyriacou
    • Essential Tips for Small Businesses, Julie Stanford.

  • 19 February 2013 1:09 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Networking with Love your hospital Charity in Association with Bowers & Wilkins Group

    Would like to invite you to a Networking Group
    On Wednesday 27th March 2013
    5.00pm - 7.00pm
    £10.00 - Refreshments will be served
    There will also be a chance to tour the state of the art showrooms where guests can
    see and hear the latest B & W technology.
    Bowers & Wilkins Visitor Centre
    Thesiger Close
    Worthing BN11 2RX
    To book your place email
  • 13 February 2013 2:56 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Day Release Degree from the University of Chichester

    The University of Chichester is partnering with forward-looking businesses committed to developing their staff to provide an opportunity for students to combine employment with degree-level study. Employers provide full or part-time salaried positions, a work-based mentor, and contribute towards tuition fees. You can offer the same opportunity to promising and ambitious existing employees also. 
    The University provides support with recruitment and selection of students with employers making the final decision on who to take on. Costs are typically shared between the company and the student who qualify for a student loan. 
    What does this mean to your business?

    * Business impact - the business will benefit from work-related projects agreed with you which enables the student to make a real difference the business while they are learning 
    * Innovation - through study, students will bring the latest new approaches, ideas and research to your business giving you an edge over your competitors 
    * Talent Management - Ultimately you will have a qualified, experienced, committed employee that will be a dynamic asset to the business's future.

    If you are interested please talk to Andrew Adams (07796 655247 - at the University of Chichester's School of Enterprise Management and Leadership
  • 13 February 2013 2:56 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Apprenticeships week Employer Breakfast.

    Join us for breakfast and discover how apprenticeships deliver for business.

    Date: Thursday 14th March 2013
    Venue: Field Place, Worthing
    Time:  7.30 - 9.00 am
    Advanced Booking is Required

    On the 14 March 2013, there will be an apprenticeship event in West Sussex designed to promote the value of apprenticeships.  This event is free and will include a business breakfast aimed at showing businesses how apprenticeships deliver. 

    How will the event benefit my organisation?
    *    Find out how Apprenticeships can deliver for your business
    *    Meet apprentices and their employers, hearing first hand of their experiences
    *    Take advantage of grants and funding - up to 10 grants of £1,500 may be available to you to support recruitment of a 16-24 year old Apprentice
    *    Free advice on addressing training needs
    *    Opportunity to network

    Please Click here to book your place at the Worthing Business Breakfast
  • 13 February 2013 2:55 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Are you an ex-student of WHS Worthing High School?

    Current Year 11 Student Leaders are looking to develop a program whereby ex-students are invited back to the school to support careers provision and help students with their choices for further education. Ex Students would be given the opportunity to talk to current students about their Higher/ Further/ or Vocational experiences. This would provide our current students with more first-hand information when looking to make important decisions during their education, for example when making their year 9 option choices or choosing their pathways for higher education.
    If you would like some more information about the project then please contact Karen Hayler at  Tel: 01903 229275 by the end of February 2013.
  • 13 February 2013 2:55 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Charity Golf Day in aid of the Mayor of Worthing's charity - the Worthing and Adur Fund. 

    Date: Friday 19 April  
    Cost: £50 to include a bacon roll and dinner. 

    If you or anyone you know plays golf it will be a truly great day and it would be great if you would join in and support us.   You can either enter a team of 4 or let us know you are interested and we can pair you up with others.  

    Please click here for more details and a booking form.

    If you are interested please call Paul or Sarah Howard on 01903 212210, or email completed Entry Form to
  • 13 February 2013 2:53 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Enterprise Week  - 18th - 22nd March Northbrook College

    Enterprise Week is aimed at local emerging and established small businesses to offer a welcome boost with invaluable advice from a series of FREE
    events, presentations and workshops.
    A variety of relevant topics will be covered from 
    * Sales techniques 
    * Branding & Design 
    * Marketing 
    * Financial support 
    * Business Growth 
    * 'Gear Up for Success' workshop. 

    Fresh Egg will be opening their doors and running an in-house seminar
    Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce will be running a taster session of their popular Peer to Peer Mentoring.

    The week begins with an 'Ask the Panel' open session with key business figures from the area including Andy Sparsis from Food Restaurant, Mike Jones of Michael Jones and Zoe Clark of Euphoric,

    The week concludes with a Business Showcase event from
    Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce which aims to highlight the larger companies within the area whilst again running more detailed workshops for attendees.

    Northbrook College will be running its own industry week in tandem with Enterprise Week, demonstrating the benefits which its courses offer. 

    Pre-booking for all workshops and talks will be essential and this will be available soon via the Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce website. 
  • 12 February 2013 12:29 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
  • 12 February 2013 12:27 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    BilliBusiness Lunch Club

    Thursday 14th February
    from 12.45pm until 2pm

    Our BilliBusiness Lunch Club will be meeting from 12.45pm until 2pm in the Thai Cuisine, located in Jengers Mead.

    Members and non-members are invited to attend this sociable networking opportunity and self-promote their business services and products over lunch and a couple of drinks.

    The purpose of the BilliBusiness Lunch Club is to be a business referral forum rather than a “talking shop” gathering, and each month one member will be invited to give a presentation of their particular business lasting 5-10 minutes.

    The cost should be no more than £15 per head (depending on your choice from the menu) payable on the day. Drinks will be at your own discretion although jugs of water will be provided on each table.

    This is a great opportunity for you to meet and mix with other local business people in an informal and social setting, whilst building upon your contact list for local businesses.

    To confirm your attendance, in order to advise the restaurant of numbers in advance, we would appreciate you contacting the Chamber's Secretary on
    07984 959281 or by emailing

    The BilliBusiness Lunch Club is free for Chamber members but there will be a charge of £2 for each non-member to attend.


    Business Networking and Social Evening

    Wednesday 20th February
    from 5.30pm onwards

    We invite you to join us for our local business networking and social evening at The Limeburners in Lordings Road, Billingshurst from 5.30pm onwards for a couple of hours or so.

    This informal networking evening, coupled with a relaxing drink after a hard days work, always proves popular.

    This is a great opportunity for you to meet and mix with other local business people in an informal and social setting. We stress that this is not a formal event and require no notice of attendance. Please turn up when convenient, with or without a guest, and you will be made to feel most welcome.


    Our aim, as always, is to make these events active, informative and entertaining along with offering you the opportunity to network with other like-minded business owners. We hope that you decide to join us!

    Kind Regards

    The Executive Committee
    Billingshurst Chamber of Commerce - Achieving a prosperous Billingshurst

  • 06 February 2013 3:02 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
    Enterprise Week 2013
    Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce are working with Northbrook College to facilitate Enterprise Week, which runs from the 18th – 22nd March and is aimed at emerging and existing small businesses.  The week will see a great variety of FREE events, from workshops to presentations, all culminating in the Business Showcase, highlighting the region’s larger businesses, and run by the Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce.
    Workshops include How to write your Marketing Plan, Sales Techniques,  Design and Branding, Getting your Press Releases published and seminar and talks on financial issues which surround small businesses.  There will also be a taster peer to peer session from the Chamber and a focus on Apprenticeships, Business Growth and International Trading.
    Enterprise Week starts on  Monday 18th with an expert Ask the Panel session, where local business people Andy Sparsis of Food Restaurant, Zoe Clark of Euphoric and Mike Jones of Michael Jones & Co, to name a few, will be answering questions on business sustainability in the local market, and continues with days covering Business Growth and Sustainability.
    It should be a great week for local business so make sure you save the dates!